explorer -- Blogmeister
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Explorer!! :)

Grade 6

by explorer

teacher: Kelly Werth

Blog Entries

The Storm

Article posted November 6, 2009 at 06:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 101

My favourite memory camping is when my brother, aunt, cousin and I were in a tent for the night at 3-mile lake, when a big thunder and lighting storm came by. It was my favourite part because, seeing the bright blue colour light up our tent and to hear the sound of the rain hitting our tent, and the thunder was SO loud you couldn't hear your self think. I thought those moments were like almost once in a liftime.

Article posted November 6, 2009 at 06:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 101

Snow Fun

Article posted November 25, 2009 at 09:11 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

My favourite part of winter is getting to go sledding. Its my favourite part because when I was 6 years old my cousin and I went down HUGE hill. When we were getting to the bottom our sled flipped over. I went face 1st onto the snow. After we went home my mom made me a big mug of hot choco with marshmallows! YUM!!

Article posted November 25, 2009 at 09:11 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

Lots of Activities!

Article posted December 2, 2009 at 06:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 34

During the Christmas season I do lots of fum and exciting things.Every year my dad buys me a Christmas dress. Closer to the beginning of December my brother, 3 younger cousins,and I all travel to my nana and poppa's for our special craft day. At our craft day we make crafts for our parents for Christimas. Since I'm the oldest child I have to help the youngest girl more because shes only in grade 1. After craft day about 1 week later most of the family on my moms side goes back to my nana & poppa's for a Christmas dinner and to open presents. We also give our crafts to our parents. On Christmas day my brother & I 1st go downstairs and open presents. After that we get ready to go to my dads sides family Christmas. My dad has 3 big brothers, and 1 older sister. This year I think its my aunts turn to host Christmas. When we go I wear my Christmas dress. We open more presents there. Sometimes we get to see my cousins when they come home from Alberta. On Boxing day we go to another Christmas on my moms side, but this time the whole family goes. We always have it at my cousins house, we always have it there because its REALLY big and can fit the whole famliy and more!! Usually when Im there I hang out with my cousin because shes the same age as me. After we eat our dinner, we always open presents. Then we go down to the basement & play air hockey, or ping pong. Its really fun!! After all out Christmas tradions, we celebrate the new year by staying up all night.(Well some of us.) When the clock strikes midnightt we all yell, "Happy New Year!!" But most times I yell, "Happy Birthday jellybean!!" SUCH FUN, I have during the holidays!!

Article posted December 2, 2009 at 06:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 34


Article posted December 3, 2009 at 06:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 33

I'm sure most of you know that I was away the 1st week of school, and this is why: On the last week of summer holidays my family and I were at a cottage 2 hours away. We were there to celebrate my mom surviving cancer. When you were working I was watching wolves fight over dinner. The day before we left the cottage my dad drove us to a wolf reserve. The Haliburtain Forest. When we were there we saw wolves from around the globe! There were black ones, white ones, and 2 from Canada. There were even newborns!! They were SO small and SO cute!! I really hope we can go back there soon!!Also when we went there was a little chipmunk that would follow us around for peanuts, it was cute!!

Article posted December 3, 2009 at 06:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 33

The Cottage with a Guest

Article posted December 14, 2009 at 07:00 AM GMT0 • Reads 54

On Labour Day weekend I took jellybean to my cottage. When we got there it was dark, jellybean & I got to go to the campfire with the neighbours. The next day we went swimming and boating, but my favourtite part of the day was tubing!! When jellybean was in the tube we went REALLY fast and she almost flew right out!! I laughed soo hard because her face looked hilarious!! When I went in the tube my poppa drove the boat around in big circles! The tube almost filped right upside down! I was soo wet!That night jellybean, the neighbour kids, my brother and I played laser tag in the dark we lost. There were 3 boys and only 2 girls! :( But it was fun!!!) We were ready with leafs in our hair and dressed in black and green to bled in with the trees and ground. At first I thought the whole trip was a dream, then a tripped in the mud and cut myslf with a stick! Then I knew it was real! (From the pain!) The next day I found our tube had a big hole in it! :(

Article posted December 14, 2009 at 07:00 AM GMT0 • Reads 54

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