squirt -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Grade 6

by squirt

teacher: Kelly Werth

Blog Entries

Going to Camp

Article posted November 3, 2009 at 06:18 PM GMT0 • Reads 102

Every year i go camping with my parents and siblings NewFoundLand or up north somewhere. When we go i always go hiking in the forest or up a trail. When we go camping we either rent a cabin or sleep in tents. At nights we always start a fire lay back in our chairs and talk and listen to the sounds in the wild i really enjoy just talking to my parents or my siblings for once in a life time. Sometimes in the afternoon we will go fishing and catch fish for dinner or supper some times even for breakfast when we wake up. when we go camping i always look for big trees or rocks to climb. Last year when i was in NewFoundLand i climb a huge rock and fell off i thought i broke my arm. When i was in NewFoundLand i climb and iceberg and sunk into the snow. When i am in the chair listening to the sound of birds and animals in the wild i always think of what i am going to do the next day or what to do that moment.

i think it is very hard to think of something to do in NewFoundLand because there is so many funs thing to do. every time i go to a lake or rivers i see deer or moose drinking out of the water i always think it is cool to see that because at my house you dont see that very often.

Article posted November 3, 2009 at 06:18 PM GMT0 • Reads 102

Winter Fun

Article posted November 23, 2009 at 07:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

Every year i enjoy snow mabealing to my friends house and going snow mabealing with them. i also enjoy making snow men with feet because i bring them to the top of the hill beside my house because i always put them on my snow board and push them down the hill. i also enjoy snow boarding because i like to do tricks on them. In the winter my brother tyler and i always have snow ball fights instead of actuall fights so we don't get into trouble. In the winter i have always enjoyed making tunnels in the snow and making snow forts because i can hide from people when they are over at my house. when i was smaller i always enjoyed going skating with my shoes on because it was more slipery and i could slide from one side of the rink to another when my mom and dad always pushed me. a couople of years ago my dad and mom bought me a new fourwheeler so i could have fun just after my birthday when he bought me a new dirt bike my first dirtbike.I always enjoy doing all these things because when i am bored inside my mom tells me to do these things or for me to invite a friend over. When my friend comes over i always hide from them in a snow fort or a snow tunnel in my back yard.

Article posted November 23, 2009 at 07:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 35

Christmas day

Article posted November 30, 2009 at 04:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 61

When i wake up on christmas day i am so excited to hang out with my whole family. I really enjoy trying to find the pickle in the tree. I also enjoy openning presents. after we always eat breakfast then play with our gifts. After that we all go to the hall which is my favourite part to see my whole family. when we are there we hang out play then eat supper. When we have done all that we go home then play with our gifts more then go to bed. i really enjoy doing all of these things because i get to see my family hang out with them and i really anjoy opening presents because i get to receive new things and have fun for very long time and play with them every day. i really hope i get to do all that this year and next year then do something new.

Article posted November 30, 2009 at 04:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 61

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