cirishgoth -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Grade 6

by cirishgoth

teacher: Kelly Werth

Blog Entries

Article posted November 4, 2009 at 06:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 125

On Augest 25 2005 my grandmother, grandfather, sister, and I all went camping to this wonderfull place. I still remember what it looked like, but i do not remember the name or where it was.My most favorit moments about camping there is making a bond fire, roasting marsh mellows, roasting hot dogs, and running around with my sister.Some day I hope I can go back there, but fornow I'll just have to wait.

Article posted November 4, 2009 at 06:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 125

best winters of the year

Article posted November 25, 2009 at 09:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 41

The things I love about winter days are that i get to go to my grandparents place and play on the huge hills. Sometimes the hills are so huge they go over the roof from the shed and my brother jumps off the top. There is also patches of pine trees and the snow will be all around them, so my sister, brother, and I all go to them and turn them into forts. When the trees are turned into forts my sister and I gather up snow and make them into snow balls and put them in a pile. Then my brother gose to the other patch of trees and makes his fort and he makes his snow balls. Then when we get called in we go in to say our goodbyes to our grandparents.

Article posted November 25, 2009 at 09:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 41

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