happyfeet -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Grade 6

by happyfeet

teacher: Kelly Werth

Blog Entries

Camping Blog

Article posted November 2, 2009 at 10:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 122

When camping, I enjoy going out on a journey into the woods with my sister, friends, and cousins. We like to go exploring and find new paths and people along the way. We like to make plans first of what we will do. When we go out we will bring stuff like writing supplies, a compas, binoculars, and more. We usually walk around the campground first to find a meeting location.

My favourite memory from camping was this summer when we were at the Pinery Provincial Park. My family and I went on a 14km long bike ride. When ever we got to a path that led down to somewhere such as a lake or river, me and my sister would get off of our bikes and go and check out what was down there. We found some really cool stuff!

Article posted November 2, 2009 at 10:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 122


Article posted November 5, 2009 at 11:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 34

I was so excited that the first snowfall finally came! My favourite season is winter, if it could be winter all year round that would be awesome! My favourite thing to do in the winter is go skiing. I love to ski, my favourite ski hill is Blue Mountain! I love it the most a night when it is dakk and when you look up to the lights on the sides of the hills and can see the snow coming down, I think that is so cool!

My favourite winter memory was a few years ago. It was winter and me and my family were driving to a ski resort for the long weekend. When we were supposedly getting close, it was dark out. My parents could hardly read signs and could not tell where the resort was. We ended up driving back and forth past it for a while. Finally we went in and realized it had been there all along! We went skiing and tubing and it was totally awesome!

Article posted November 5, 2009 at 11:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 34


Article posted November 12, 2009 at 05:52 PM GMT0 • Reads 34

Another thing that I love to do in the winter is sledding. At the end of my street, the snowplow forms a huge hill. Me and my sister and cousins go down to the end of the street where there is a big circular turn around area. There is no house where the snow pile is, so we flatten the bottem of the hill which is usually in some sort of cube form from the snow plow. We carry the sleds up the hill and go down a few times to make a path. We also like to go to other parts of the hill to try and make a new path to go down. I love it when a car would come because all you see is everyone scattering up the hill and some times we would hide down in a little cave in the back of the hill!

Article posted November 12, 2009 at 05:52 PM GMT0 • Reads 34

My Christmas Traditions

Article posted November 30, 2009 at 04:14 PM GMT0 • Reads 48


On Christmas Eve every year me and my family go to a party at my Nanny and Papa's. There are always lots of people there, they are not all related to us, some of them are just friends. At the party, we open presents from people that we do not see on Christmas. On Christmas day, we open our presents at home. When we are done that, we go to my Nanny's again. There, we have a brunch, then we open our presents from our Nanny and Papa, and aunt and uncle. We stay until the end of the day, we have supper there and usually go home then. On boxing day, me and my family go to a party on my mom's side of the family. There are over 25 people there (My mom has 3 sisters and 5 brothers who all have kids). We open presents from my Grandma and we play together all afternoon. My favourite part of Christmas is seeing people in my family that I usually only get to see one or two times a year. and of course the presents  :)

Article posted November 30, 2009 at 04:14 PM GMT0 • Reads 48

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