junk -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Grade 6

by junk

teacher: Kelly Werth

Blog Entries

willderness blog

Article posted November 23, 2009 at 07:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 112

camp arrow head is a summer camp in the maskoka area me and my friend mavoric were partnerd for mapping we were givin an emergency map, walky talkys and a compass the rest was up to us. mavoric while writing out the map tripped and landed face first into an ant hill. paniking he jumped into a stream while washing the ants of also frying the walky talky and reducing both the maps to a witherd heap. we still had the compass and went the way we came we walked for hours only to find a huge black bear it did not see us but boy did we see it without thinking we booked it. when we finally we found the camp we asked the councillours why they hadn't gone looking for us they said we were only gone for 15 minutes.

Article posted November 23, 2009 at 07:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 112


Article posted November 30, 2009 at 04:35 PM GMT0 • Reads 65

if you ask me tobogoningis the best thing you can do in winter. I dont know what so cool about it, maybe its the speed, maybe. but I also think its being with friends. the most memarable moment is probably with my friend ken. it started on sunday the snow was something like 30,40 cm deep my friend ken woke me up 7 am to head off to jury's hill grabing my sled we headed off. there is a snow ramp jury's hill after going off that ken got a brilliant idea 2 people on the same sled, twice as fast so we mounted 2 at a time going down we picked up alot of speed we sped down the hill heading straight for the ramp. I stayed on somewere ken bailed leaving me racing down the hill it felt like I was going at mak 3 when I hit the ramp went so high that I swaer I went up past the trees the sled bailed on me to blew back only to leave me spinning, when I landed I went head on and roled down the hill then I managed to get on my back speeding down with all that momentome I hit a tree it was painful saying the least ken doubled over with laughing sugested we go to his place and have some hot chocolatev now that was a good idea. there is no more ken anymore he moved away you probably knew him and if you knew him as good as I did you probably had symaler times with ken . thank you

Article posted November 30, 2009 at 04:35 PM GMT0 • Reads 65

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