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Make a Story Blog

Mrs. Burch's Bloggers


teacher: Lori Burch

Directions for Using this Blog

Article posted March 27, 2005 at 04:27 AM GMT0 • Reads 196

Welcome to the "Make a Story Blog!" The purpose of this blog is to give you a place to participate in writing your own ending to a story starter.

Here's what to do:

1. Choose one of the story starter topics that interests you.

2. Read what people have added to the story so far.

3. Create your own ending for the story from where it left off by adding some sentences of your own.


1. The story should make sense when you read it from the beginning through to the end of the part that you have added.

2. You will need to be your own PROOFREADER and EDITOR. Use the correct capitalization, punctuation,and spelling.

3. This story will be read by LOTS of people. Think about your WORD CHOICE, SENTENCE LENGTH, ORGANIZATION, and IDEAS.

4. Try to use interesting, descriptive words and ideas.


Click on the tiny word, "Comment," below the story starter that you have chosen and then write your contribution to the story.

When entering a comment please follow these directions:

1. You must enter the password you were given.

2. DO NOT put your name in the name box. You may ONLY USE YOUR INITIALS.

3. Leave the e-mail box blank.

4. Write your sentences. Try your best to use the correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. Please be respectful when writing comments. Mrs. Burch will not approve and post inappropriate comments.

5. Enter the code word you see under the comments box.

6. Click on the "Submit" button.

If you would like to READ the stories and contributions written by yourself and others that have been posted to this blog, just click on the tiny word, "Comment" below each story starter.

I can hardly wait to see where these stories take us!

Article posted March 27, 2005 at 04:27 AM GMT0 • Reads 196

Story Starter 1 - It Happened One Fine Spring Day

Article posted March 31, 2005 at 07:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 264

It was a beautiful spring day, the first one since the doldrum days of snow and ice and cloudy skies had finally lifted. The sun was brilliant as it slowly rose over the willow tree in the backyard. The faint sound of geese somewhere along their northward return journey could be heard. A small bird was perched in the bush in the neighbor's yard. Perhaps it was a robin signaling that spring was finally here to stay. Mrs. Burch stood there for a moment longer than usual, gazing out the window over her sink, not wanting to break the spell of this glorious morning.

Finally she knew that she must head out to her van. There would soon be students entering her room, expecting her to be there, eagerly anticipating another day of learning.

She drove the short distance to school, parked her van and stepped out into the parking lot. She was suddenly taken by an amazing sight! She stood motionless as she saw....

Click on the tiny red word, "comment" below to read what others have added to this story as well as to add your own writing. More directions for how to post are found at the bottom of this page if you need them.

Article posted March 31, 2005 at 07:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 264

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Reading and writing - works in progress