Mackenzie L -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016


This blog will foster students' learning in the area of Personal Development, Health and Physical Education.

by Mackenzie L

teacher: Mr Pimentel

Class Assignments
Resilience 02/01
Blog Entries

the perfect moment.

Article posted July 22, 2010 at 03:41 AM GMT0 • Reads 131

eyes half shut, my view of the world obscured by my own drooping eyelids, i stumble out of my wawrn haven of calm that is my car. Next thing i know, the satisfying smack of thing against heel reververates in my awakening skull. The path is short, but the chill air makes it seem longer than it is.Dim light bounces softly off the mirror-like lake with a devastating tranquility. I absorb it all, aware even at this ungodly hour that i must be the luckiest girl in the world.

Article posted July 22, 2010 at 03:41 AM GMT0 • Reads 131

drugs in our society

Article posted September 16, 2010 at 03:23 AM GMT0 • Reads 37

it seems to me that most people my age like to take drugs.

its irrational, seeing as the cons outweigh the pros.

it leads to regreted actions, physical and mental illnesses and alienation from my society.

but, as one of my close friends put, all this does not seem to matter because, "OMG its so fun!"

this has lead my to the conclusion that people are dumb.

drugs are a great way to stuff up your life plans. so, if you're against self-actualization and true happiness, go ahead. smoke that joint.

Article posted September 16, 2010 at 03:23 AM GMT0 • Reads 37

my generation

Article posted September 16, 2010 at 03:31 AM GMT0 • Reads 34

If my generetion can be defined as people from 10 years on either side of my age (15), i would say we are a bunch of self-righteous, unappreciative conmen. There have been no major disasters or conflicts (in our area of the world at least) to scar us or teach us widespread hardship and loss. In this way we have been perhaps the luckiest generation to date. We have grown up, mainly, in relative prosperity and with no need to assume a greater role that simply "children", or "teenagers".

I also believe this might have lead to the outbreak of pettiness and laziness we are now facing.

We have become the generation that can truly achieve whatever we want, but many people seem to lack the motivation and ambition to do this.

Article posted September 16, 2010 at 03:31 AM GMT0 • Reads 34

my perfect partner

Article posted September 16, 2010 at 03:40 AM GMT0 • Reads 36

to be honest,i think this is an invalid topic.

If a person is so desperate as to construct a list of attributes, I think they are past the point of no return.

No one is perfect to expect to find a partner that will rival the imaginary one in your head will only lead to disappointment.

It is more important to find a person who you click with than a person who can live up to a list.

Article posted September 16, 2010 at 03:40 AM GMT0 • Reads 36

simple plan

Article posted October 28, 2010 at 02:38 AM GMT0 • Reads 48

this videa effectively communicates the aftershocks of being an idiot...

to drive after drinking is clearly not a bright thing to do as it can turn you into a murderer in a few, lifechanging seconds, and people need to realise this.

as the cars collide, all the people related to the innocent woman go flying across the room just as she does to show how they will all live through her death with her. except, they have survive through it all, even when their loss seems so great they would rather be gone.

the singer is very moving and as he pleads to whoever is listening to reverse his actions and sings "how could this happen to me?" i felt only thing.

i hope this is never me.

or anyone i love.

because i just might have to avenge their deaths.

and then i'd end up in prison.

Article posted October 28, 2010 at 02:38 AM GMT0 • Reads 48

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