Hayley S -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016


This blog will foster students' learning in the area of Personal Development, Health and Physical Education.

by Hayley S

teacher: Mr Pimentel

Class Assignments
Resilience 02/01
Blog Entries


Article posted May 31, 2010 at 04:22 AM GMT0 • Reads 131

Resilience, the ability to recover and bounce back in hard times.

Qualities that forms a resilient person includes:

-being able to see the positive outcome in each situation, no matter how low you may be feeling

-being a strong person

-having faith in themselves

-take responsibility for their physical wellbeing

-when problems arise they ask for help

-not taking themselves too seriously

-focus on the important things in life

I think i am a resilient person, mainly from one aspect of my life. An example of something that i have overcome is my mum having a major surgery on her mouth due to skin cancer that had spread from her lips to her gums. My mum facing this was a major setback because of the cost of the surgery and due to this my family faced some financial problems too. I think this stituation allowed me to be resilient because although i felt as though nothing worse could ever happen to me, i was able to come back from it and also learn a lesson from it.

Article posted May 31, 2010 at 04:22 AM GMT0 • Reads 131

What can we do for pe when its raining?

Article posted May 31, 2010 at 04:23 AM GMT0 • Reads 35

When it the weather turns bad and we have a scheduled practical lesson, we need to come up with some effective alternatives that the class can do inside that is fun but educational as well.

Things that our P.E class can do when we face a miserable and rainy day can include watching movies or documentaries on the subjects that we are currently learning about in health lessons. For example, as we are currently learning about mental health, we could be watching movies or documentaries on mental health as it is a very intriguing subject and we need to be well aware of it. Another alternative that our class could do in the case of the disappearance of nice weather is doing group work that allows us kids to be active inside as well. In order for each child to enjoy a health lesson it needs to be fun because I know I’d much rather be outside in the warm sun being active then inside in a health lesson.

Article posted May 31, 2010 at 04:23 AM GMT0 • Reads 35

What have you learnt about 'Mental health'?

Article posted May 31, 2010 at 04:46 AM GMT0 • Reads 33

In today's society, mental health is widely know about but still not completely accepted. In a wide range of communities, having a mental health illness is considered as being embarrassing, shameful, wrong and is not accepted like any other illness. It is also known as not being able to cope with the current life you’re in. Some examples include epilepsy, depression, suicide and schizophrenia. Those more commonly hit by these illnesses are the disadvantaged and the poor. The World Health Organisation’s current goal is to see that mental health is integrated into the health care system.

Article posted May 31, 2010 at 04:46 AM GMT0 • Reads 33

response to stigma.!

Article posted June 10, 2010 at 03:40 AM GMT0 • Reads 34

"Stigma is the mark of shame or disapproval given to a group of people by society, which labels them less worthy of respect and support than others."

The majority of people who suffer from mental illnesses suffer from stigma. Over 400million people worldwide suffer from mental illnesses but only 20% of those people actually reach out for help. This is because they are discriminated against because of their illness and feel as though its their own fault. Stigma is a serious issue and needs to be dealt with immediately. In occurance with mental illnesses, stigma is on the rise and in order to demolish the mental illness a person is suffering from, the stigma surrounding it needs to be gone as well.

One way that the stigma surrounding mental illnesses can be fixed and hopefully gone forever, is to get mental health integrated into the health care system. This would allow mental illnesses to be seen like any other disease and hopefully this would allow those who are suffering from it to ask for help. If it was part of the health care system, mental illnesses wouldnt be seen as embarrassing or wrong.

If i knew of someone who was currently suffering from a mental illness i would encourage them to see their local GP. I would also try and emphasize the fact that it is not their fault at all. No matter what they decide to do, i'd stick by them and make sure that they didn't feel alone.

Article posted June 10, 2010 at 03:40 AM GMT0 • Reads 34

Drugs in our society

Article posted September 16, 2010 at 03:20 AM GMT0 • Reads 37

The term drug refers to any substance, besides food, water and oxygen, that changes the way to body works, physically or psychologically.

Drugs in today’s society are become a major problem, even those drugs that are classified as illegal such as alcohol. Many adolescents today are experimenting with drugs such as tobacco, alcohol and cannabis which lead to excessive use as sometimes an addiction. This causes problems in society as a whole.

In 1998, tobacco was the cause of 82% of all deaths in which is a massive percentage of deaths that can be prevented. Tobacco is a drug that is easily addictive and expensive. People in today’s society are highly influenced by their parents and their peers and if those people surrounding them are smoking tobacco or drinking excessive amounts of alcohol, they are bound to be curious to what the effects are on the human body from the drugs and want to try them. Once effected by these drugs, it is difficult to stop.

I feel as though drugs in our society are pure problem causes as they are not in any way good for the health of human beings as they cause physical or psychological problems and also are the cause of a large percentage of pollution. For example cigarette buds are constantly found on the ground and in lakes and rivers instead of in garbage bins.

Any such drug can affect the relationships between people as they change the way we interpret things and make decisions. The way we think and process things change.

Article posted September 16, 2010 at 03:20 AM GMT0 • Reads 37

Generation Y

Article posted September 16, 2010 at 03:29 AM GMT0 • Reads 34

As times are changing the way the generation behaves are changing, this is what affects the older generations.

The older generation considers generation Y to be full of misfits and children or adolescents that purely want to cause problems. This may be true in some aspects and may apply to a small proportion of the generation but the majority of the generation are normal, well behaved children. I think that the older generation looks down on generation Y because the way we act now is different to how they acted when they were our age, this is because of how times have changed and the improvement in technology etc.

The older generation have more life experience and are more wiser when compared to the people of generation Y, that is another aspect to why I think they look down or complain about this particular generation.

Article posted September 16, 2010 at 03:29 AM GMT0 • Reads 34

Simple Plans Music Video

Article posted October 28, 2010 at 02:45 AM GMT0 • Reads 49

The music video 'how can this happen to me' is trying to convey a message across to the audience about the effects of vehicle accidents on those involved.

The video shows the scenario of a car crash between a young girl and a young man at night time, with the result of death. In the middle of the music video after the car crash scene is shown it shows people being thrown about in their rooms, representing those who will be or have been effected by the car accident. A broken photograph of the family is also shown in the video that represents the shattered family as they had lost their daughter.

The message trying to be conveyed across to the audience through the scenes of the music video is that road safety is vital. The road can be an extremely dangerous, as seen through the video, and as the driver you are responsible for everyone on the road, not just yourself. Simple plan is trying to emphasize the point that it does not just affect the people directly involved in the accident, but the friends and family surrounding the people to.

Article posted October 28, 2010 at 02:45 AM GMT0 • Reads 49

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