Steven W -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016


This blog will foster students' learning in the area of Personal Development, Health and Physical Education.

by Steven W

teacher: Mr Pimentel

Class Assignments
Resilience 02/01
Blog Entries

Am i a resilient person??

Article posted May 31, 2010 at 04:26 AM GMT0 • Reads 130

Yes I am a resilient person. I am a resilient person beacause when something bad happens to me I am able to get through it. An example of this is when my mast snaped in half during sailing. I was able to get it repaired and was able to sail the next week.

Article posted May 31, 2010 at 04:26 AM GMT0 • Reads 130

What can we do for PE when its raining?

Article posted May 31, 2010 at 04:31 AM GMT0 • Reads 37

When it is raining there is normally nothing to do for PE.

Thing that we could do while its raining are going to the weights room, playing a indoor game in the gym or go back to the classroom and do work or have free time

Article posted May 31, 2010 at 04:31 AM GMT0 • Reads 37

What have you learnt about 'Mental Health'?

Article posted May 31, 2010 at 04:37 AM GMT0 • Reads 39

Mental health is what you think of yourself, how you feel, your attitude.

Mental health is all the aspects that affect how you think and feel mentally and doesn't involve your physical state.

Article posted May 31, 2010 at 04:37 AM GMT0 • Reads 39

Drugs in our society

Article posted September 16, 2010 at 02:59 AM GMT0 • Reads 37

I feel that drug use in our society shouldn't be common as it is. Illict drugs affect our community by putting people in a state of mind where they don't have much control over themselves so they will act in a dangerous and unsafe way making the communty more dangerous for the rest of the people.

The use of tabacco harms the user of the tabacco and the people around them. Smoking tabacco in public areas affect the people that pass by and breathe in the fumes from the tabacco.

Alcohol affects the community because when your drunk you are not using your brain as effectively as when you are sober, so you won't be able to control your actions as well

Article posted September 16, 2010 at 02:59 AM GMT0 • Reads 37

My generation

Article posted September 16, 2010 at 03:32 AM GMT0 • Reads 35

My generation, also known as Generation Y is seen by older generations as the generation of technology. This is because my generation grew up with all the changes in the technology, so we know how the technology works and is used.

Article posted September 16, 2010 at 03:32 AM GMT0 • Reads 35

Simple plan video

Article posted October 28, 2010 at 02:30 AM GMT0 • Reads 52

This ad shows how a car accident will affect everyone that cares about about you like your friends and family. When everyone is flying around in the ad this represents how everyone is being affected by the crash. This ad also shows once it has happen there is nothing that you can do to change it.

Article posted October 28, 2010 at 02:30 AM GMT0 • Reads 52

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