Kristen -- Blogmeister
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2009-2010 Homeroom: Language Arts

by Kristen

teacher: Kristin McAllian

Blog Entries

Article posted May 27, 2009 at 07:00 AM GMT0 • Reads 46

I chose the book "Stones In Water" because when Miss McAllian was reading the book summary it interested me. It also interested all of my group members who are Meg and Allison. As you know I like books that have action on every page of the book and right when you were done reading the description I knew that it would be one of those kinds of books. I think that the book is going to be about a boy. He likes to visit a pond with his friends. But one day they get caught by soldiers and then the book carries on with intense battles.

I am very excited to read the book and I know that I will enjoy it.

Article posted May 27, 2009 at 07:00 AM GMT0 • Reads 46

assignment #3

Article posted June 7, 2010 at 01:09 AM GMT0 • Reads 42

There is always one person and or one living thing that tells the story of a book. My main focus of my response is the point of view. The person who tells the story "Stones In Water" is the author. Another word for author is a narrator.

There is a basic affect that this point of view has on me as a reader. This is that the narrator chose one main character. I only can read about what goes on around the main character.

There is always some kind of conflict in a book. The type of conflict in my book is man against society/rules. I think this because in the book the main character (Roberto) has to deal with the army and soldiers. He has to follow the rules of the military or else he will get hurt. He might have to die. Also if he doesn't follow the rules. That is the type of conflict in the book "Stones In Water" that Roberto faces.

Article posted June 7, 2010 at 01:09 AM GMT0 • Reads 42

Assignment #6!!!! ;D

Article posted June 15, 2010 at 01:29 AM GMT0 • Reads 38

Right now I am almost halfway through the book or even more than halfway into the book "Stones In Water." There has been a lot of action, and a lot of details!!!!

There are many ways that the main characters in many of our books have in common. One thing is that they are mostly Jews. But some books main characters are Italian. Another thing that some of the books have in common is that all of them are either living during the Holocaust or maybe at some time they did. The last way that the books are the same is that the main character is feeling pain, seeing pain, or went through pain.

The one book that really sounds interesting to me is the book, "Behind the Bedroom Wall." I think that it sounds interesting because I think that the title of the book says it all. The title is mysterious and it really grabs my attention. I have also heard from some of the people who are reading it that it is a very good book. Mostly all of the people who are reading the book have recommended for me to read it sometime.

Article posted June 15, 2010 at 01:29 AM GMT0 • Reads 38

Assignment #9!!!! Finished The Book!!!!

Article posted June 21, 2010 at 04:09 AM GMT0 • Reads 86

The book "Stones In Water" is one of the best books that I have read in awhile. I would strongly recommend the book to anyone who is in 6th grade or older. I think this because the book is very intense and is for people who are mature.

I found the end of the book satisfying. But, I was a little disappointed on how many questions I had when I was reading the book and mostly all of them were unanswered. One of my biggest questions that was unanswered was, " Is Robert and Memo still alive?" Another question of mine that was unanswered was "Where are Roberto's parents? Are they still alive or are they dead? Will Roberto ever see his family again?" There are many more questions and the author probably has many more answers.

I do not know if there is a sequel to "Stones In Water, "but I strongly think that there should be. If there is a sequel then I am so going to read it.

In the beginning of the book I had no idea where the title of the book would take place. For the whole book I was trying to predict how it would come into play. But in the end of the book I found it clever how the author chose that one little sentence to be the title of the book. I think that the title was the true moral of the story. I LOVED THE BOOK!!!!

Article posted June 21, 2010 at 04:09 AM GMT0 • Reads 86

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