Max -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

2009-2010 Homeroom: Language Arts

by Max

teacher: Kristin McAllian

Blog Entries

The devil's Arithmetic

Article posted May 26, 2010 at 06:05 PM GMT0 • Reads 59

HI. This is Max and I am starting my first blog with my partner, Connor, and we are reading The Devil's Arithmetic  by Jane Yolen. The copyright date is 1988 and the reason we chose this book is because it takes you and the character back in time when the Holocaust was at it's strongest. Wait for more updates as we tell about this book. I'm signing off.

Article posted May 26, 2010 at 06:05 PM GMT0 • Reads 59

The devil's Arithmetic #2

Article posted June 1, 2010 at 02:26 AM GMT0 • Reads 48

Max here to talk about The Devil's Arithmetic, Assignment #2. The question is "Besides the main character,who else could be a main character of the story?" Well, there are actually a few. The first is Shmuel who is Hannah/Chaya's uncle who is soon to be wed. His character will probably be revealed later. Next is Gitl, who is Hannah/Chaya's Guardian or keeper after Hannah/Chaya's parents died of a mysterious disease. I will get back to you on my next assignment. See you later.

Check out other people from my class and follow them!

Article posted June 1, 2010 at 02:26 AM GMT0 • Reads 48

The Devil's Arithmetic #4

Article posted June 7, 2010 at 06:14 PM GMT0 • Reads 50

Max is back after finally enjoying The Devil's Arithmetic. The setting of the story is not just in one place, but is always moving around. The first place is in New Rochell, then moves to a small village, then finally to a Nazi camp. This gives the story a different feel and doesn't trap the character and you in one area. Since this goes back to the old time it gives it a historical fiction because this could happen, but nobody knows if it did. Also, the setting kind of gives away the genre because it is in an old Jewish village back during the Holocaust. Check up for more on my Devil's Arithmetic blogs.

Article posted June 7, 2010 at 06:14 PM GMT0 • Reads 50

The Devil

Article posted June 10, 2010 at 04:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 43

I'm getting close to the end of The Devil's Arithmetic,  and I've finally started the "not wanting to put it down" phase. The question for today was. "What are three things your character has in common with other characters?" Well, the most obvious is that all characters are in a Nazi territory and have some problem with and/or being a Jews, like they're hiding in the character's house or at a concentration camp. The second thing is that all the characters are brave. All the characters are standing up and doing the right thing during the Holocaust. Lastly, all the characters have some sort of friend or an ally that is helping them get through the tough times, like Hannah and Gilt, Korinna and her parents, and Enzo and Roberto! In my opinion though, Stones in the Water does also sound great, but with a Jewish award and the great story, this is definitely the book to choose.                                                                                                                                                                                                 

Article posted June 10, 2010 at 04:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 43

The Devil Arithmetic #7

Article posted June 11, 2010 at 06:34 PM GMT0 • Reads 51

Getting close to the end and me and my partner are waiting to see how this will all end up! Will she head home, or will she stay there forever? We don't know but want to! So, now the book... In the book, Jane definitely keeps you wanting more. She leaves a chapter at the perfect point so you want to read what happens, but not make it so you won't put the book down. It's a very challenging strategy to master but is essential for all authors. 

In order for me to actually get the picture, I play it in my head like a movie. When a character's description appears, I memorize it, store it, and play it when that character appears. I also do the same with the background, and with the environment. Also, I am making the movie so I can change things around a little.

Get ready for more as we come close to an end of The Devil's Arithmetic!

Article posted June 11, 2010 at 06:34 PM GMT0 • Reads 51

Devil's Arithmetic final

Article posted June 21, 2010 at 02:55 AM GMT0 • Reads 141

NOOOOOOOO! It's over! Done, finished, over! But, this was definitely the book to choose! The turing point in this book is expected, but never know until it happens. The turning point in this one is Gilt and Hannah/Chaya try to escape the Nazi concentration camp but get caught right before the exit! So close! The next day will bring tears to your eyes though because Shumel and Fagye are killed right as they truly become married! The author does surprise you though because you think they'll get away but get caught at the last second. This book was definitely the way I expected it to end but they add a twist in which (spoil, don't read if reading or want to read) Aunt Eva is actually Rivka! WOW

Well this is it but I have some good news!....................................I'm starting my own blog! YAY! see if you can find me. I'll do reviews on sports, books, movies/games,and anything else. This is a BIG goodbye!

Article posted June 21, 2010 at 02:55 AM GMT0 • Reads 141

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