Alice in Wonderland -- Blogmeister
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Period Seven

Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by Alice in Wonderland

teacher: Linda Weaver

Class Assignments
Blog Entries

Favorite Place To Read

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 09:31 PM GMT0 • Reads 55

Reading is an amazing thing that most humans in the world like to do, but sometimes, kids hate it. There are many places I like to read. My bedroom, the public library, and school. But my favorite place to read is my own private library. When I first moved into my house, my room had a big closet, but I didn’t want or need a closet, so I turned it into a library. The only way you can access the library is if you walk into my room, open the door leading to the library, and you're there. My library is a place I can go where there is peace and quiet and I can really get into a book. It is very peaceful in this room. Lighting so I can read, shelves stuffed with books and a big comfy chair for me to snuggle up in. The chair is a light green color with a blue, soft pillow. It is the most wonderful place to snuggle up and enjoy a nice book.

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 09:31 PM GMT0 • Reads 55

One Book For Eternity

Article posted October 8, 2010 at 09:41 PM GMT0 • Reads 54

There are lots of books that I love to read. So many different genres that I like. But there is only one book I would read for the rest of my life, and that would have to be Charlottes Web. This story is about a piglet named Wilbur who was the runt of the family, so, Ferns dad, was going to slaughter him. But the intelligent spider named Charlotte saved him from being slaughtered. She had written “Some pig” in her web, and that amazed everyone who saw it. Wilbur ends up going to the county fair and Charlotte wins a prize.

There are many different reasons why this would be the book I would read for the rest of my life. It shows the power of true friendship, which is important for a good life. Fern shows love in this story for living creatures, no matter what they are. Wilbur is proved this when Fern saves his life, and he makes a new friend, Charlotte. This, should be the life lesson for everyone, friendship is the key to happiness

Article posted October 8, 2010 at 09:41 PM GMT0 • Reads 54

The Vacation Of A Lifetime

Article posted January 2, 2011 at 10:55 PM GMT0 • Reads 285

There are so many books that would be amazing to vacation in. Some people would want to vacation in places like Hawaii or Florida or other places in the world. But I don't think anyones ever thought of vacationing in a book. There are so many amazing beautiful settings in books that you would want to visit. Its hard to just pick three.

I think my first choice would have to be in the magical book of "Alice In Wonderland's" Wonderland. This setting is fun and its all her imagination. She is in her own little dreamland after she had fallen into a rabbit hole. The way you would enter Wonderland is a rabbit tunnel thats anti-gravitational and you fall all the way down. Then you fall into a strange room full of growing cakes, shrinking potions and a key. Then as she unlocked the small door and entered, an caucus race that is taking place with many animals, a mad hatters tea party, a spooky forest, the talking rabbits house, the Red Queens castle and so many more amazing places.

It would be enjoyable to visit Wonderland because it's her own little dreamland. It would be fun to talk to and get to know all of the people in the magical world of Wonderland. It would be different than learning about their personality in the book because you would actually be able to talk and get to know them from your own perspective. It would be amazing to be able to join the Mad Hatters tea party. I would be able to meat Cheshire Cat, my favorite character in the whole book and movie.

The second place i would vacation in would be in the "Chronicals Of Narnia, the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe". This story is about 4 children, Lucy, Edmund, Susan and Peter Pevensie. The story starts out with these 4 characters having to leave their country due to war. They then had to travel and live in the house of Professor Digory Kirke. They decided they wanted to play a game of hide and seek, so Lucy found a room with a dresser and decided she was going to hide in there. As she traveled further and further into this huge dresser, she found herself in the new world of Narnia. She had shown her brothers and sister and their adventure started there. They had battled the evil White Witch and restored all peace to this world of Narnia with Aslan (King, a talking lion). Everything was perfect after that and they became princes and princesses' of Narnia.

I would love to vacation in this magical world because when they won the war against the White Witch, the world was beautiful and breath-taking. There were mountains and beaches and everything that you can think of. From the movies point of view, it looked like a paradise. It would be one of the places where everyone would want to be at. That is why i would love to visit the world of Narnia.

The third and last place i would vacation in would have to be in the captivating setting of the book "Shiloh". Shiloh is a book about a boy named Marty who is walking through the land that his father and mother own. He has two little sisters named Dara Lynn and Becky. As he walks around this land in the Rural West Virginia, the town of Friendly, located near Sistersville and midway between Wheeling and Parkersburg. He had walked passed the old grist mill as he walked up the river road and passed the school house named Shiloh. Soon after he had walked by the school house is when he found this dog that he soon named Shiloh.

I would love to vacation in this book because the setting from the story and movies' point of view looks and sounds like a paradise. Most people wouldn't think of this books setting as a place to vacation at but it just is breath-taking. The only thing that would make people not want to vacation here would be Judd Travers, a mean guy who abuses his dogs. These are the three places I would vacation in.

Article posted January 2, 2011 at 10:55 PM GMT0 • Reads 285

Most Heroic Of Heroic Characters

Article posted January 2, 2011 at 11:42 PM GMT0 • Reads 289

There are many heroic characters and many different books. To be heroic, you need to have special traits that put you out from all of the other characters. You need to have determination, courage, dedication and you need to be brave, focused, selfless and loyal. There are many heros, so it's hard to pick just only three.

The first heroic character that i would choose is from the story of "Beowulf". This story is about a king who needs someone to kill a monster named Grendel who is killing their men. No one has achived of getting rid of this monster, and Beowulf is the only man that is able to do so. After he kills Grendel, he begins to gain fame, and his fame grows even more when he kills the beast Grendel's mother. He becomes a hero in the sense that he is looked up to by many. He is given the kingdom and becomes a kings, and he soon is needed in a battle against a dragon. He is doomed to die in this battle, and he does.

I chose this character because I think that he is very heroic. He was the only one in the whole kingdom that could kill the beast of Grendel and its mother. He is also a hero because he is looked up to by almost everyone in the kingdom and probably anyone whos every heard of him. Although he died in the battle with the dragon, he is still one of the most heroic characters the whole kingdom has ever known.

The second book that has a heroic character in it is "How To Kill A Mockingbird". Atticus Finch is the hero in this story. During the time when black people were thought to be lower than the white, Atticus defended a black man in court. He said to his children "I'm simply defending a Negro, his name's Tom Robinson". It required a lot of confidence and caring for Atticus to defend Tom, and the black community knew that Tom did not stand a chance without Atticus' help. They respected him and looked to him as a hero.

I had to choose this character because I think he is very heroic. During this time, blacks and whites were separated. Usually whites didn't stand up for blacks, and that's what made Atticus stand out the most. It took a lot of courage, but he stood up for Tom and did what was right. If I was in Atticus' shoes, I would have done the same thing. It made everyone look up to him as a heroic character.

The final character that I would say is heroic is Ralph from the story "Lord Of The Flies". I believe he is the most heroic character because he is the only one who follows his belief and faith and this brings him through, even in the forest at the end, when its him against the rest. The society is split into two gangs. Ralph is stong and athletic and has many of the qualities necessary to be a good leader, and he shows by his authority, resourcefulness and ability to organize the other boys into a community.

I think Ralph is the most heroic character because he shows all the good qualities needed for a heroic character. He is the best leader, better than the leader of the other gang, Jack. Jack is more successful as a leader though because he can persuade the boys and they believe that he is better able to protect them. But overall, Ralph is the most heroic character.

Article posted January 2, 2011 at 11:42 PM GMT0 • Reads 289

Evil Characters

Article posted January 30, 2011 at 10:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 289

There are many evil characters in many diffrent genres of books. It's hard to just pick one, because we've all read about many evil characters. But there is three characters that stick out to me the most.

The first evil character that I would pick would be the White Witch from "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe". The White Witch is the evilest character in this book. This character was beautiful and proud, but she was also cruel. She froze Narnia in the Hundred Years Winter. She has usurped power over Narnia, having magically forced the land into an "endless winter". She died in battle in the Narnian year 1000.

The White Witch is evil because she seized control over Narnia. She treats everyone with no respect. This witch is self absorbed and is plain evil. She placed a spell over the entire world of Narnia. This made it so it was always winter, but she prevented it from having Christmas. She is the worst, cruel, evilest character in this book.

Another evil character that stands out to me is Judd Travers from "Shiloh". Although this character is evil until the end of the last book, he still counts as evil. This character is evil because he abuses his hunting dogs, which is why the dog Shiloh ran away. He doesn't even name his dogs, he calls them 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. He is the villainous character in this story.

I think he is evil because he doesn't treat anyone with respect. In this book, "A dog is a mans best friend" doesn't fit while your describing Judd. They have no names, the get kicked, abused, and not really taken care of. Marty, the story's main character, recognizes it and takes Shiloh under his wing. At the end of the story, he isn't really known as being evil because he saves Shilohs life.

The last evil character that I think is the evilest is Claudius from Hamlet. Even though hes evil, he goes to the extreme to become king. He has this no mercy attitude that makes him stick out. At the end of the story, Hamlet killed Claudius in order to revenge his father, who was murdered by Claudius. Hamlet stabs him with a poison sword, and thats how Claudius dies.

Claudius is considered the evil character because to become king, he murdered his brother so he was not in his way of becoming king. He goes on to be a nasty, naughty boy. He goes to extreme lengths to become king. People think though that even though he's evil, he makes a much better king than Hamlet. These are the three evil characters that I think are very evil.

Article posted January 30, 2011 at 10:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 289

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