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   2004 - 2016

Period Seven

Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by Annabeth

teacher: Linda Weaver

Class Assignments
Blog Entries

My Favorite Place to Read

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 09:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 67

My Favorite Place to Read

Where do I go when I need to relax? That’s easy. To my bedroom to read. But it’s not just on my bed. It’s in a special corner that I love to read. The corner is right by my window with a bunch of pillows and blankets. My favorite time to read there is during the fall when it’s just starting to get cool outside. I open my window to let the breeze come in, curl up with a great book and just wind down from a busy day. My corner has a nice lamp that sits on a table and provides excellent light especially for reading. I also have a giant bookcase filled with books that explain the mood I’m in completely. I could stay in my room for hours without getting bored.

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 09:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 67

The Only Book

Article posted October 7, 2010 at 09:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 67

I have read quite a few books in my life that I could name as my favorite book but since I have to pick just one I would pick "Gone". This book is about the ending of the world. The whole book is mass chaos with kids 14 and under running half of the world without any adults. When Sam Temple is starting to think his life is some what normal, his parents, teachers and half of his school suddenly ‘poof’ leaving half of the world unsupervised. When the ‘town’ kids are wondering if they’re the only children left, the Coates Academy come rolling in. When Caine Soren, a popular leader does some research on Sam, he discovers that Sam Temple is his long lost, twin brother. Everyone is thinking that Sam and Caine being reunited will make everything better but that is the complete opposite. Sam and Caine turn against each other making a war. While most of the kids are thinking it will be a great vacation from all the guardians, they find out it’s the complete opposite.

This book keeps you on the edge of your seat with exhilarating events happening around each and every corner. This book has everything included. It has drama, battle, humor and a little big of romance. This is the kind of book you’ll want to read in any mood. You can be happy, sad, mad or disappointed. This book is a great book for readers looking for excitement in every way.

Article posted October 7, 2010 at 09:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 67

My Heroes

Article posted January 7, 2011 at 03:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 58

Every book has a heroic character. They may not have super powers or save the whole town, but they’re a hero in a different way. It might be standing up to a bully or speaking their mind. The 3 hero’s I choose are, Sam Temple, Cindy Gold and Sophie.

Sam Temple is one of the main characters in Gone. In Gone the parents disappear from Perdido Beach so the town of children selects Sam as their mayor. The whole town is going crazy but Sam manages to keep them some what calm.

Sam has super powers during the whole book but does not know that he does. He has the power to shoot flaming, green light from the palms of his hands. He uses this power to protect his town from the students of Coates Academy that also have super powers. Once in grade school Sam saved a group of children on a school bus when the bus driver had heart attack and left the bus swerving on the road. Sam took the wheel and safely guided the bus to the road’s shoulder, earning himself the name “School Bus Sam” and being known as the town’s hero.

Cindy Ella Gold is from the novel Cindy Ella. It is a modern day Cinderella story with a bit of a twist. Cindy finds the courage to stand up for what she believes in and is a hero in my mind.

Cindy Gold is a semi normal 15 year old girl living with her busy father, crazy stepmother and her 2 popular stepsisters. When prom rolls around in Los Angeles the whole school is going crazy. Cindy, a sophomore, can’t go but even if she could, she would reject the offer. She thinks that prom is just a way to celebrate popularity. Cindy has been writing letters to the editor of the school newspaper for quite sometime but has still not landed a spot in the paper. But of course the one letter that she does not want in the paper gets her in. The letter was about how she was disgusted by how every issue lately has been about the prom. She speaks her mind knowing that someone else will see it and stands up for herself even when she is standing alone, which for me, earns her the name of a hero.

Sophie is from the book What My Mother Doesn’t Know. She is one of the three most popular girls in her grade and doesn’t want to lose that spot with her friends. She might lose that spot forever though.

Sophie is just a popular 15 year old at school. When she meets a boy at school that ever one makes fun of for being a geek, she finds that Robin is a very nice boy. He is a geek and she is a popular goddess. She ends up falling more in love with him by the minute. Even though they are from the opposite cliques, they find that they are very similar. They finally announce that they are a couple and the school is not very happy. Sophie ends up losing her popularity but does not care what the school thinks because she is so in love. She finds herself finally speaking her mind and showing what she cares about, not caring what everyone else thinks about it. That makes Sophie a hero in my heart.

Though some of these heroes don’t have super powers they are still a hero to me.

Article posted January 7, 2011 at 03:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 58

The Shadow Knows

Article posted January 31, 2011 at 03:54 AM GMT0 • Reads 56

There are evil characters in every book. One evil character I’ve read about is Caine Soren. He is Sam Temple’s long lost twin brother. Caine has the super power to use his mind to move and throw things. In “Gone”, he uses this power to try to defeat the powerful Sam.

In Gone, Sam Temple and Astrid are sitting in social studies when suddenly, the teacher and half the class disappear. For the first day, kids are enjoying the adult free town, until they realize they can’t survive without the guardians. The kids are then approached by the students of Coates Academy. The students, lead by Caine Soren, are trying, but not succeeding, to take over Perdido Beach.

The next evil character is Blaze from “The Last Song”. Blaze is a punk rock teenager that is not afraid of being in trouble. She hangs out with the wrong throng just to fit in. In Blaze’s case, jealousy really is the ugliest trait. When Blaze see’s Ronnie and Blaze’s boyfriend talking, she gets jealous. Blaze’s boyfriend is trying to persuade Ronnie to take a walk with him when Ronnie, turns him down. Blaze’s boyfriend turns the situation on Ronnie, making Ronnie sound like she was trying to take him. Out of jealousy, Blaze and Ronnie see each other at a local music store and Blaze places a few expensive records and frames Ronnie.

“The Last Song” is a classic love story about a teenage girl that is sent to her dad’s house for the summer, leaving her without friends for the whole summer. Ronnie keeps running into the boys she wants to see the least, Will, Blaze’s boyfriend and her father. Ronnie ends up falling in and out of love with Will. Leaving Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina is harder for Ronnie then going there.

My last evil characters are Cindy Ella Gold’s step sisters. The reason I chose them is because they are bullies. In “Cindy Ella”, Cindy’s sisters make Cindy go through the worst. As if Cindy’s life is not bad enough, with her mother dying and being one of the least popular girls in school, they make her life a little worse making her feel unattractive, unpopular and downright lame.

In “Cindy Ella”, Cindy Gold’s mother dies leaving her with her father, step mother and 2 stepsisters. When prom rolls around in Los Angeles, everyone is going crazy with mani-pedis, makeovers and shopping except for Cindy and her crush Adam Silver. Cindy has also been talking to a boy over the internet in which she has no idea who he actually is but develops a cyber-crush on him. After a while Cindy starts to question who he really is leaving her to find out its non other then Adam Silver and Adam Silver is in love with her.

As you can see, not all evil people have super powers but some are just manipulative bullies.

Article posted January 31, 2011 at 03:54 AM GMT0 • Reads 56

This Old House

Article posted March 1, 2011 at 04:10 AM GMT0 • Reads 256

One of the three books I would love to live in as a character is “The Last Song”. I would love to live there because of the beautiful landscape. “The Last Song” takes place in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina, an amazing beach setting with astonishing sea turtles.

One reason I would love to live there is that there it starts out as a dreadful time but behind all the hard times there’s some unbelievable adventures. There is a fun filled town fair that starts off the main character Ronnie’s, trip well. There is also an adventure with sea turtles that leads Ronnie to a summer love. With “The Last Song”, Ronnie might have lost some major adventures in her home town but won some incredible experiences that turned her life around.

Another book I would adore to take place in is “What My Mother Doesn’t Know”. In the story the town is your average calm town. Its takes place in the winter, with beautiful snowfall, right around Christmas time. It’s the perfect time for scarves, big cozy blankets and hot cocoa.

In “What My Mother Doesn’t Know”, the main character, Sophie is bold, carefree and popular. I’d love to be Sophie because when she meets a nice boy named Robin and starts to develop a crush, she’s made fun of because he’s what you would call a nerd. Even when her best friend’s bail on her, she sticks with Robin because she knows the type of guy he is. Sophie is a smart, confident girl that I would love to be.

The last book I would choose to take place in is “The Off Season”. In this book, D.J. Shwenk’s family lives in a small town on a dairy farm. The milk cows for a living, living pay check to pay check. Every morning they get up at dawn to milk cows. I think it would be a great experience.

I think the best part about taking place in “The Off Season” would be getting to be on the football team, even being a girl. I think it would boost the toughness factor and show boys that it’s not really a BOY only sport. I think it would also be fun to be in the Shwenk family because of all the sport playing going on. It might be hard to get up so early but it would be a life changing experience.

As you can see, the book’s I chose vary in difference. But all of them could be very inspirational.

Article posted March 1, 2011 at 04:10 AM GMT0 • Reads 256

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