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Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by Charlie Bone teacher: Linda Weaver
Class Assignments
Blog Entries

My favorite place to read

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 57

My favorite place to read would be in Panora. In Panora my grandparents have a lake house on a lake named Lake Panorama. In the lake house is an awesome white couch with red flowers on it. I like it so much because all the light n from the windows shines in and you sink in a foot deep when you lay down. I once read for two hours without moving before I fell asleep. That is why the white couch with the red flowers is my favorite place to read.

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 57

Like no other

Article posted October 8, 2010 at 09:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 37

If I could only read one book for the rest of my life it would Call of the Wild by Jack London. It is a folk tale book written about the gold rush in the 19th Century. It’s about a Dog named Buck who was raised in the south but was stolen and sold to a sled dog team. Buck has to survive in the wilderness while learning how to be a sled dog without being killed by the other dogs who later earn his respect and he becomes the leader of the pack. He has many experiences which he has to muscle his way through or use his cunning mind to make it though the Alaskan wilderness were he finds the wild was calling to him.

I could read Call of the Wild for the rest of my life because it’s an exciting book that gets you hooked from the very first page. There are only a few books that I can read the whole book in one night and this happens to be one of them. The only bad part about reading this awesome book is whenever I have to go to the bathroom, I hold it in till the very last page. After the book, I have mixed emotions. Happyexcited to tell someone, and upset that the book is over. The only thing that could make this book any better, is if someone writes a sequel.

Article posted October 8, 2010 at 09:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 37

The Place to be

Article posted January 25, 2011 at 01:32 AM GMT0 • Reads 64

The place to be

If I went for a vacation in the setting of any three novels, they would be Harry Potter, Swiss Family Robinson, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Harry Potter is an eight part series about a boy named Harry Potter. He finds out he’s a wizard when he is invited to a school for witches and wizards. Along the way, he meets many new friends including his two best, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Harry and his friends go on many adventures together, trying to reach their ultimate goal, destroying Voldemort, the villain who murdered Harry’s parents.

I would take a vacation to Harry Potter’s book to stay at Hogwarts. I think it would be useful and exciting to witness and learn magic. I think the coolest thing to do would be to ride a flying broom. There would be so many things I would do if I learned magic. I would mainly go there for experience and of course the flying brooms.

Swiss Family Robinson is about a family (The Robinsons) traveling on a ship in the early 1800s. The ship they were sailing was chased off by pirates in a storm and was forced to crash near the shore of a deserted island. The family of five, a father, mother, and three boys of separate ages, had to work together to survive tigers, pythons, and pirate attacks and somehow manage to get off the island.

I would take a vacation to this island because of the tree house the Robinson family stays in. In the beginning when the family first arrives at the island they use all of the ships parts to make the best tree house ever. I would also go there for the animals and games. Every now and then, the family will have a ‘fun’ day and make a carnival. They even have ostrich races. The forest has all kinds of birds and monkeys and a ton of other animals too.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is about a poor boy named Charlie Bucket who lives with his parents and his two pairs of grandparents. In the story, there is an old chocolate factory run by Willy Wonka who is a mysterious man who is about to retire. Since Wonka is retiring soon, he has set up a contest to see who will be the next owner of the factory. There are only five golden tickets that allow the person to participate in the contest. By the day the fourth ticket is found, Charlie finds some money on the ground with which he purchases a chocolate bar that held the final ticket. When he finally gets to go to the factory, he chooses his grandpa Joe to accompany him at the factory. By the end of the tour that Wonka gives the five children, only Charlie is the one that did not misbehave and was kind to Wonka. Therefore Charlie won the factory.

I would take a very long vacation to this book for the chocolate factory. It would basically be the closest thing to paradise with all the candy. I think being in charge of all the umpaloompas (not sure how to spell it) would be pretty cool too. My favorite part about the factory would be the candy forest where everything is edible. Of all three places to go, this would be my favorite.

Article posted January 25, 2011 at 01:32 AM GMT0 • Reads 64

The Three Best

Article posted January 29, 2011 at 07:18 PM GMT0 • Reads 53

The Three Best

My three favorite novel heroes would be Alex Rider, Harry Potter, and Robin Hood.

My first hero is Alex Rider. He is from the Alex Rider book series. I like the series because its action packed and has a mystery that Alex has to solve to save the world before it’s too late. I also like the book series since it always keeps you on the edge of your seat with anticipation of what might happen next.

I think Alex Rider is a hero because he is an action kind of guy and not a wait and think it over until it’s too late character. All of the things he does in the story are for others good and he is willing to take the sacrifice though I like him so much because he still manages to not be harmed. That’s what makes him a hero.

My second hero is Harry Potter from the Harry Potter series. I like J. K. Rowling’s story’s so much because since she writes a science fiction series, anything could happen. Half the time you think something might happen, she’ll mix it up with an ogre or something. Harry Potter is just a good story in general too. That’s why her books are so popular.

I think Harry Potter is a hero because he’s done the best thing you can do and that’s saving the world. I think he’s more of a hero for how he did it though. When he did a dual with a mass murder, everything going through his head was about dying since he didn’t expect to live. But he did and he did it for all of the people he loved alive or whose lives had already been taken by Voldemort. That’s what makes him a hero.

My final novel hero is Robin Hood from the adventures of Robin Hood. The book Robin Hood to me is a fun story to read. He has many adventures including his merry men, his right hand man, Little John (ironically he is very big), and Robin’s arch rival, Sherriff of Nottingham. The stories are very old and may be very true, but to me, it is just a story on the shelf that I can pull out at any time and read it all the way through. It never gets old and I think it may be one of my favorite stories.

I think Robin Hood is a hero because he steals from the rich and gives to the poor. He is not afraid to do stuff that may have serious consequences for the less fortunate. My favorite part about Robin Hood is that in the stories, he appears to be very humorous. Numerous times in the book, Robin will be laughing at the sheriff for something he had done to him and whenever the sheriff is made a mockery of, Robin is the one to blame for the rich getting robbed and the poor being blessed with gold or other riches. That’s what makes him a hero.

Article posted January 29, 2011 at 07:18 PM GMT0 • Reads 53

The Bottom of the Barrel

Article posted January 29, 2011 at 11:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 42

The Bottom of the Barrel

The three most evil novel villains to me would be the White witch, Voldemort, and Cruella De Vil.

The first novel villain would be The White Witch from The Chronicles of Narnia. The Chronicles of Narnia is about a family of four with the oldest, Peter, the second oldest, Susan, the third, Edmund, and the youngest, Lucy Pevensie. They each travel through a wardrobe to a magical place called Narnia. They all are greeted by talking animals and make meet the king of Narnia, Aslan. Later they run into the White witch, who tries to kill them since they are the only ones who can stop her. They go into war with the white witch and defeat her to restore peace in Narnia.

I think the White Witch is a villain because she tries to take over the kingdom to rule Narnia and freeze the whole palace. I don’t think it would be all that big a deal if she just did that, but she killed so many civilians doing so, she needed to be stopped. She was too when Aslan and the Pevensie’s killed her. That is why I think she is a villain.

The second novel villain is Voldemort from Harry Potter. Harry Potter is a seven part series with a boy named Harry Potter who discovers he’s a wizard and battles against a mass murder and his parent’s killer with the help of his friends he makes along the way. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger befriend Harry on the way to their wizarding school and were very close every year after that. After seven years at the school, Harry battles Voldemort and defeats him to restore the wizarding world.

I think Voldemort is a villain because he kills thousands of people to try to rule the world out of anger of his past. If it wasn’t for Harry and his friends, Voldemort would’ve taken over the world. Voldemort would definitely rank high in my view of the most evil villains ever because he killed so many people and he was so close when Harry stopped him. That is why I think he is a villain.

The final novel villain is Cruella De Vil from One Hundred and one Dalmatians. The story is about a family with seventeen Dalmatians. Mr. and Mrs. Dearly (the owners) are invited by a woman named Cruella De Vil to dinner. Cruella De Vil loves animal’s fur and believes that the animals themselves should be drowned for all she cared. When the Dearly’s get home they discover their fifteen puppies had been stolen. The mother and father of the puppies go and find the puppies at Cruella De Vil’s slaughter house along with seventy two other Dalmatians who were scheduled to be killed. The parents of the dogs rescued all of the Dalmatians and the owners adopted them.

I think Cruella De Vil is a villain because she was a crook and was almost a murder. I don’t know why, but to me in stories, it’s sadder when animals are killed rather than humans. I think she would have to have a therapist talk to her about her fur obsession so she doesn’t go around killing animals all over the place. She is just as bad as any other villain when she kills animals and that is why I think she is a villain.

Article posted January 29, 2011 at 11:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 42

correct HW

Article posted April 1, 2011 at 06:27 AM GMT0 • Reads 43

Apollo and max began to travel back to Apollo’s farm so Apollo could tend to his cattle and to think the situation over. When they got there, Apollo discovered one of his cows was severely pregnant and must be taken care of. While Apollo was tending to his cow, max concluded he must find where Desert is. He then got the idea to ask Apollo to read Desert’s future to see exactly where he was. When Apollo was done, he told Max that he was in a rainforest where it rained every day. They began to plan his quest and before long, Apollo was just about ready to leave with Max. Since the one pregnant cow was almost ready to give birth, Apollo could only take Max to the forest and had to get back to his cattle. Apollo dropped him off at the entrance of the forest and before he left back to his farm, he gave Max a violin that he claimed “passed the time” if he ever got bored. Then he winked and quickly disappeared back to his farm. Max put the violin in his pack and began to look around. He was surprised that the forest seemed only to be a mile long patch of vegetation and right outside the boarder were dying plants under the hot sun. Max had just started into the forest when a raindrop landed on his forehead. He jumped back across the boarder only to feel the hot sun again. He looked up and saw that a single raincloud drenched the forest and didn’t even get a drop onto the deserted, barren land. Max wondered how peculiar this was when he thought of the pipe that Desert had stolen and remembered he had read how it could cast rain clouds as well as putting a mortal to sleep. It suddenly occurred to him to put something in his ears so that he wouldn’t be affected by the pipe’s song. He found a cotton-like plant and stuffed it in his ears and then ventured off into the forest. It didn’t take long before he found a miniature replica of a temple-like building in the center of the forest. Max took out the cotton and called for Desert to come out with the stolen lyre. Moments later Desert came out but the lyre was nowhere in sight. “Who are you and why do you want my lyre?” asked the confused criminal. “I’m a friend of the rightful owner of the lyre you stole, and I’m here to take it back.” Max said confidently. Desert only smirked at what Max said and began to play with him. “Did you really think you could just waltz on in and I would just give you the lyre?” asked the tormenting Desert. Max thought hard about how Desert had tricked Apollo, and then he came up with an idea. “How about I make you a deal? If I challenge you and beat you, I get the lyre and you have to snap the pipe in two and live here for the rest of your days.” offered Max. “And if I win, you have to give me half of Apollo’s cattle.” said Desert. They both agreed and then Desert thought of a challenge. “The challenge will be for you to find the lyre and retrieve it before this vase fills with rain water.” He set a vase out on the ground and then pulled out his pipe. He put it to his lips, smirked then said, “begin”, and he began to play. Quickly Max put the cotton back into his ears and began to look around. Desert kept playing and the rain came down harder. Max searched as fast as he could, but he couldn’t spot the lyre. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that the vase that was filling quickly. In that moment he spotted Desert’s bag just beyond the vase and out of it stuck the handle of the lyre. The instant excitement quickly drained from him when he saw the vase was nearly full. He knew he had to stop the pipe from playing but he didn’t know how. It was then that Max remembered the violin Apollo had given him before he left and quickly retrieved it from his bag. Similarly to a bow and arrow, he took the bow, drew back the string and shot at Desert. The bow hit Desert straight in the forehead and knocked him out cold. Just as the pipe had stopped playing the rain stopped, the cloud cleared up, and the sun showed brightly through the trees. Max took out the now drenched cotton from his ears and strode over to where Desert lied unconscious. He picked up the pipe and broke it over his knee. Then he made his way to the pack that contained the stolen lyre. Max strummed the lyre once to hear its beautiful sound and found Apollo standing before him. Apollo gratefully took the lyre and thanked Max. Apollo then picked up the vase that was a fraction of an inch from being full and poured it all onto the bruised face of Desert. He quickly awoke with a look of terror on his face when he saw the god standing above him. “Please!” he begged. “It was a mistake cheating you like that! All I wanted was a place I could call my own!” the god took one glance at the snapped pipe and then smirked at the fallen musician. “I don’t think you’ll be a problem any more. You wanted a place you could call your own? Then this will be your home forever.” said the god. And that’s how hot,barren land came to be desert.

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Article posted April 1, 2011 at 06:27 AM GMT0 • Reads 43

The New Guy

Article posted April 6, 2011 at 10:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 354

Sherlock Holmes is one of, if not the most intelligent characters from a novel book. With his intelligence, he can tell where someone has been, done, or there even their anxiety level. With his incredible problem solving ability, he makes the perfect detective to put on any case. His partner and friend, Dr. Watson, go on many cases together and by now have become very close and know just about everything about each other. Sherlock Holmes has a charming, and sometimes arrogant personality. That’s the only bad thing about him, you either like him, or hate him.

I think if one character from a book could join our class, I think it should be Sherlock Holmes. In all of his stories, Sherlock Holmes seems very intelligent and always finds a way to work things out. Even though he always has his partner, Dr. Watson around to help, I think he would be fine on his own and be able to take care of himself. In fact, he may do so well, the class would be to easy for him. He’d Fly through the packets with the ability to figure things out like he can. He would probably be the smartest kid in school by a lot. With his charming personality, he's bound to get on Mrs. Weaver's good side. That’s why I think Sherlock Holmes should be in our class.

Article posted April 6, 2011 at 10:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 354

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