Cheshire Cat -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Period Seven

Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by Cheshire Cat

teacher: Linda Weaver

Class Assignments
Blog Entries

What is my favorite place to read

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 09:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 62

My love of reading flows when I’m in my room with my cat, but it’s not the place but the weather. The only time I really love to read is when it rains. It seems as though a thousand drums are beating on the pavement and my window sill. When the thunder booms and the blinding flash of lighting is all that I can hear; that’s when I know I need to read. But when its not raining I love to read outside were the wind can blow my hair and it seems if I read outside I can express myself without walls to trap my thoughts and trees to always listen to what I have to say about the book. When I can smell the freshly mowed lawn and the beautiful clovers if the field across the street. If you listen closely you can hear the clouds whisper words of wisdom. And when I am surrounded by nature I forget all the technology and other distractions and focus on the wonders of my book

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 09:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 62

The last book

Article posted October 6, 2010 at 09:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 41

If one book was all I could read for the rest of eternity I would read the book Listen. The book Listen is about a young girl by the name of Charlie. During the last weeks of school before summer Charlie gets in an accident and breaks her leg then goes and spends the summer at her cabin at the lake. Soon she finds herself in a situation that she never imagined would happen to her. Charlie meets Coyote (an abused and abandoned dog who fears people) whom she feels she can connect with. She then makes a promise of a life time to never leave him, but the only problem is Charlie’s dad. Charlie’s dad is and over work man. She feels all he does work, eat, and sleep but Charlie convinces him it will get her up and not sitting down all day so he accepts. He says she has until the end of summer to tame him. Charlie has a difficult time with training a dog that won’t come within 10 feet of her. One day there is a break through Charlie injures herself on the trail and can’t get up and then she feels a wet nose on the back of her neck she can’t believe it, it’s Coyote! After that Coyote is less afraid of Charlie and their bond grows and then one night it storms so Charlie leaves the door in the spare room open and sleeps there hoping Coyote will come. Charlie wakes in the night to find him sleeping on the floor next to the bed. Soon Charlie gets him to eat out of her hand but then Coyote goes missing for several days and Charlie can’t find him. About a week later he shows up and Charlie finally gets him on a leash and gets his shots and puts his tag on and then she knows Coyote is hers.

There are several reasons why I love this book but the first reason is it tugs on the heart. Every time I read this book it makes me want to go adopt a stray animal. Another reason why I love this book is because I can sort of relate to Charlie She has a parent who seems to work all the time like mine and she loves animals just like I do also it’s just a good book for those who love nature Charlie find the real beauty that nature has and that is a lesson most still have to learn they need to learn to Listen

Article posted October 6, 2010 at 09:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 41

The best vacations

Article posted January 9, 2011 at 08:14 PM GMT0 • Reads 42

When people think of vacations some think of fancy hotels or beautiful beaches but what if you could take a vacation somewhere special like perhaps, a book. What book would you choose well these are some of the books I wish I could take a vacation in. My first selection would be Eagle Lake which is the setting in a book by the name of Listen. Listen is one of my favorite books. It's all about a dog and a girl who form a special bond. After Charlie breaks her leg she meets Coyote an abused and wild dog. They are soon inseprable.

Eagle Lake is the place Charlie and Coyote live. It’s a calm quiet little community almost completely cut of from the rest of the world. Eagle Lake revolves around a beautiful lake and is surrounded by a vast wood. In this place it is very serene and relaxing. Eagle Lake is a place to rest and remember a simpler time in which huge cities were not so common. Also there would be many opportunities to photograph pure wild life and untouched nature. I would enjoy this because I love photography. Those are reasons why I chose Eagle Lake.

My second choice would be the Cirque Du Freak which is the setting to the book series The Cirque Du Freak. The series is all about the adventures of a young half vampire by the name of Darren. Darren comes to the Cirque after being turned into a half vampire by his mentor Mr. Crepsley. He must live at the Cirque because everyone thinks he is dead when he faked his own death.

I chose the Cirque because it its full of mysterious beings some human and some close but not quite. Such as the silenced little people who were once human but have died and been brought back but in a smaller more shriveled body. Evra Von is another exsample who is half snake half teenage boy. The Cirque is a place for people who don’t fit in to normal society and I think I’d fit in there just fine. I think this place is one of my favorites partly because of the characters.

My last but certainly not least choice is Hogsmead which is a magical place in the series Harry Potter. The Harry Potter series as most know is about a wizard named Harry who is on a mission to destroy an evil wizard by the name of Voldamort. This series depicts his adventures with his friends Ron and Hermione as they escape close death. They go to Hogwarts School of Witch craft and Wizardry that’s the place where all of the characters meet and learn magic.

Hogsmead is like the Times Square of the magical world. It’s a whimsical place of nothing but magic and pure delight. Going there would mean visiting Zonko’s joke shop to buy Pygmy puffs and extendable ears. I would also visit Honeydukes and buy chocolate frogs and dare my friends to try flavors of Bertie Botts every flavored beans. There every day is an adventure and a chance to find the magic. Did I forget to mention the Butterbeer oh yes you can’t go to Hogsmead without getting the famous foam mustache and yes the are non alcoholic. These are the few places in the books that I would love to vacation.

Article posted January 9, 2011 at 08:14 PM GMT0 • Reads 42

My heroes!

Article posted January 10, 2011 at 12:17 AM GMT0 • Reads 80

A hero is not only a person who saves the town or defeats the villain.  It’s a person you can look up to. This is the reason for my selection of these three fictional characters.My first choice would have to be the famous Harry Potter. He, as we all know, is in the book series Harry Potter. The series portrays the story of Harry and his friends adventures as they fight against the Dark Lord.

Why I have chosen Harry is because of his outstanding plethora of courage. He is strong and stands up for what he believes in. He is always protecting the ones he loves .He is willing to do anything it takes to make the magical world safe even if this means giving himself up to save others. In the end Harry does give himself up and faces death head on and proves to be triumphant.

My second choice is a young lady by the name of Charlotte Doyle. She belongs to the book The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. In this book Charlotte is put on a boat back to her parents in a America. She is lead to believe she will be accompanied by two other families but when they fail to show she is to make the journey on her own with a boat full of disheveled crew members and an old cook. She soon finds out that this is like nothing she has ever experienced. She is lead also to believe Captain Jaggery is a proper gentleman but when a mutiny has aroused on the ship she sees for the first time his ugly side. She soon finds this ship to be something of a chaotic nightmare.

I chose Charlotte because she is not the bravest in the beginning but she was not afraid to change. In the beginning she was a proper young lady but as the story progressed she became more loose and less of a girly girl. She became more comfortable with the crew and they even became friends. She also wasn’t afraid to say she was innocent when put on trial for murdering one of the crew when in fact it wasn’t her fault.

 My last choice would be Alec Ramsey from the book The Black Stallion. The book is all about a teenage boy who was visiting his uncle and was returning home on The Drake, a large beautiful boat. He then met a huge, black, wild, and beautiful horse who was very unsure and scared on the boat. One night The Drake got caught in a huge storm and started on fire everyone tried to escape.  They all were unsuccessful, only Alec and The Black survived and were stranded on a tiny deserted island.  They barley survived but were rescued and returned home.  Not only did Alec return but so did The Black whom everyone thought was untamable.  He grew an unbreakable bond with Alec and soon they would be the fastest racers to ever hit the track.

 I chose Alec because he is persistent and would not give up when trying to befriend The Black.  He showed courage when faced with a challenge and a horse that could kill him. He is also resourceful and found ways to keep him and the horse alive when on the island.  When everyone is afraid of The Black he is not. These are the heroes I look up to and these are some reasons why you should look up to them to.


Article posted January 10, 2011 at 12:17 AM GMT0 • Reads 80

The evils of the book dimension

Article posted January 31, 2011 at 03:17 AM GMT0 • Reads 107

Everyone knows that most stories have to have an antagonist that tries to defeat the main characters. If you would ask I would say the most evil of all characters I know is the one and only Voldemort. He comes from the series Harry Potter. In the series the one thing on Voldemort’s mind is to destroy the chosen one. He doesn’t pursue his dream alone he has help from his fateful Death Eaters. In the end he, of course, is defeated.

I choose Voldemort purely because of his reasons for trying to kill Harry. He is very selfish and wants to be the world’s most powerful wizard. The only thing that stands in the way is Harry. Also he goes around murdering people like everyone in the world does it all the time. I really do think his problems are physiological and have to deal with his childhood.

My second choice is the Vampaneze. They are evil creatures that come from the book series The Cirque Du Freak. In the series a young half vampire by the name of Darren must destroy the Vampaneze Lord. Darren goes through a lot during his quest and he even becomes Vampire Prince!

The Vampaneze are a race of Vampire. The difference between them and Vampires are they have purple skin and red eyes; they also kill their prey unlike vampires who only stun theirs. The Vampaneze are truly an evil sort. Their mission in life is to be the only race of their kind. They always kill their prey which is proven to be unnecessary. And were lead by the mysterious Mr. Tiny.

My last choice is the very temperamental Captain Jaggery. He comes from the book The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle. This book is all about a young lady named Charlotte, who in the beginning favors the charming Captain over the crew. After awhile the sign of mutiny appear on the ship. When Captain Jaggery hears this he will not stand for it and somewhat becomes insane with rage. This is when Charlotte sees who he really is.

Captain Jaggery confuses me in the way he acts. Towards the start of the book he is a kind gentleman but soon grows to be a monster. He scares Charlotte and is not a leader anyone would ever want. He whips a crew man until he “dies” and shoots a man right in front of Charlotte. He is evil. These are reasons these are the most evil people I know and why I would never want to cross paths with any of them.

Article posted January 31, 2011 at 03:17 AM GMT0 • Reads 107

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