Ellen Christine -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Period Seven

Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by Ellen Christine

teacher: Linda Weaver

Class Assignments
Blog Entries

My favortie palce to read.

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 68

People are always talking about reading and their most favorite places to read in. Well I happen to have a favorite place too. I have a few different places I like to read in but my favorite place is most defiantly my room.

I have two cubbies completely full of books from my very first book I have ever read all the way up to the most recent. I have two lamps and a ceiling light so I obviously have more than enough light, also including a big open window. I have a rabbit that lays next to me and keeps my company. When reading I love to hop on into my bed and curl up in some nice warm blankets. I also have been known to fall asleep while in the middle of a book.

Now that you know my favorite place to read, here is one more thing. If you hear a clunk in the middle of the night, no worries, it’s only a book tumbling to the ground because I fell asleep in dreams of the most amazing book.

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 68

The Old willis Place

Article posted October 8, 2010 at 03:17 PM GMT0 • Reads 42

If I had to choose one and only one book to read for the rest of my life I would choose the book The Old Willis Place. The reason why I would choose this book is because I really like books that draw you in and really give you a lot of details and this book was perfect for me. This book is about a little girl named Diana and her brother George. They have been living on the grounds of the Old Willis place for a long time. Diana and George have seen people called care takers come and go out of the house. Diana loves to read and has a bicycle she always likes to ride. There is an old lady that lives in the house and she’s says its agents the rules to have friends or have friends over. Near the end of the story the children find out that they are ghost and the old lady dies.

The reason why I would want to have this book is because its one of my favorite novels and I really like scary books and to me it seems to be kind of scary, or really intense. I really like stories that have little girls that are maybe my age or around my age because usually I can relate to what they like or what there actions are. As a conclusion this is why I would choose The Old Willis Place for a book I would read for the rest of my life.

Article posted October 8, 2010 at 03:17 PM GMT0 • Reads 42

My Vacations

Article posted December 31, 2010 at 11:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 64

My Vacations

For my first vacation spot I would choose the book Harry Potter because I would like to visit Hogwarts. There is a lot of Harry Potter books and the ones I have read so far have been really good. The Harry Potter books start by telling about how Harry’s mother and father were amazing wizards. When Harry was just a young baby his parents both died by protecting him from Voldemort. Then the book goes on to tell how he has a terrible home life and finally gets to go to Hogwarts. Once at Hogwarts he finds out how much of a legion his parents were and that he is known all over by everyone. While at Hogwarts he meets two very good friends, Hermione and Ron. They go through some very interesting and difficult battles and obstacles in the books. But these just seem to bring there friendship even closer.

The reason why I would like to go to Hogwarts is because It would be interesting being able to use magic. It would be fun to learn all the spells and when your in a difficult situation you could you magic. I would be fun being with your friends all the time and it would seem like a mini collage for all ages. That is why I choose to go to Hogwarts as a vacation.

My second vacation spot would be from the book Lord of the Flies. This book is about a plane that crashes on an island in the middle of the ocean and only the children survive. The children all happened to be boys from the ages 5-13. They are stranded on this island with no adults and have to try to survive. The boys end up splitting up into two groups and the biggest group hates the other leaded Ralph and try to kill him. While a battle goes on to try to kill Ralph, Ralph runs from his life but before they could attack they realize that a ship has come on shore to rescue them.

I choose this to be my second because I think it would be awesome to life on an island with no one around for miles and miles. It would be hard living with out parents but it would also be interesting having to take care of yourself on your own.

Lastly I have chosen the book Spike it for my last vacation spot. The book Spike it is about a girl who’s mother died when she was younger. Her widowed father who has just announced the big news to his daughters, 13 year old Jamie and 10 year old Donna, that he is getting married. Jamie’s soon to be step mother also has a daughter. For Jamie, adjusting to her new 13-year-old stepsister Michaela is more of a shock than the marriage. Jamie thinks Michaela is moving in on everything she has to her self. Jamie was relieved that she still had her volleyball to her own, until her team mate breaks her arm and Michaela takes her spot. Again seeming like Michaela has intruded on her last option for privacy. After many fights and arguments, the two sisters finally put aside there hate for one another and end up throwing each other a surprise party that both of them didn’t know about. The family is finally reunited and are now one whole happy family.

I choose this book because I would love to be on her volleyball team because there volleyball team is very good because they go to the championship and end up winning. Also because they life in a very warm place and I’m tired of the cold and want to life somewhere warm.

Article posted December 31, 2010 at 11:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 64

Heroic Charaters

Article posted January 28, 2011 at 03:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 46

Heroic characters

There are many heroic characters in many different books. For my 3 books I have chosen Spike it, What my Girl Friend doesn’t know, and Lord of the Flies. In those books the heroic characters are Jamie Bonner, Sophie, and Ralph.

For my first character I have chosen Jamie Bonner for the book “Spike it”. Jamie is one of the most important characters and is the main characters in this book. She goes though a lot of hard obstacles that make her want to give up and just have things go back to normal but it doesn’t seem like that’s going to happen anytime soon.

The reason why Jamie is a heroic character is because, she lost her mother when she was just and baby and has had to live with her Dad and her little sister Donna. Her dad comes home one day and tells Jamie and Donna that he is getting married. Jamie absolutely hates it the idea of having another woman come in and replace the spot of her mom. The lady Jamie’s dad is marring also has a daughter named Michaela that is the same age as Jamie. Jamie hates her at the beginning because she is jealous of her and now instead of Jamie getting the attention Michaela is. Jamie starts to realize that she is not only hurting herself but she is also hurt the ones around her. She soon starts to just give Michaela a chance and try to get along with her. But through out the whole book Jamie has to go though some really hard times but still ends up getting to know her new step sister and starts to really like her. It was heroic of Jamie to get though all the hard times her dad bringing a new woman into the house and having to live with her and knowing its not her real Mom, and that is why I think she is heroic.

For my second heroic character I have chosen Sophie from the book “What my girl friend doesn’t know”. Sophie is a very popular girl in high school and has a lot of friends. That all soon changes when she falls for a boy that is a nerd.

The reason why Sophie is heroic is because she has a weird and kind of ignoring home life. She has a boy friend that she really likes but he ends up cheating on her and he doesn’t tell her. I think that’s heroic because it’s really hard when you like someone a lot and they cheat on you. Another reason why Sophie is heroic is because she went from being the most popular girl in school and having so many friends to becoming the most hated girl that no one likes because she is dating a nerd. Sophie has to go to school and walk through the halls hearing whispers and talking about her. In lunch she has no one to sit by but her boyfriend. It takes a lot of strength and will power to get though everything she has been through and that’s why she is heroic.

Last but not lest. I have chosen the character Ralph from the book “Lord of the Flies” for my last heroic character. Ralph was the first leader but once another group of boys come and take over Ralph was left in the dust and became the enemy.

Ralph is the first character that we hear about in the story and he is stranded on an island with what he thinks no one else is on. He has to go though getting turned on by everyone except piggy and he has to run for his life from the other kids that were trying to kill him. He was very heroic because he never gave up and he was nearly killed and he stood up for the other kids such as Piggy. This makes him very heroic because he was standing up for other people not caring if he was made fun of but to protect his friends which makes him very heroic.

In all these books I have chosen the heroic characters face many challenges but over come them. You don’t have to save the world or be famous just to be a hero, that everyone can be a hero in their own special and individual way. I have learned that even just helping someone walk across the street can make you heroic because you could have just saved a life. That’s why I think they are heroic.

Article posted January 28, 2011 at 03:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 46

The Land of Not so Far away

Article posted April 1, 2011 at 02:45 PM GMT0 • Reads 100

The Land of Not So Far Away

Once upon a time, along time ago, there was a lovely lady named Makenzie that is an exquisite, intelligent, and gifted person. Makenzie has a special power. Her power is that she has X-ray vision and she can see threw absolutely anything. Makenzie lives in the Land of Not so Far away. This land always has warm sunny weather and rains once a week. There is never horrific weather that would cause any destruction because the Land of Not so Far away is a climate controlled area and is in perfect condition. Also there is no vandalism or any type of law breaking.

One day Makenzie goes off threw the woods in search of the Castle of the Great God Jupiter. Jupiter Is a very well liked God and is the king of all gods. He is the Ruler of the Land of Not so Far away. He is a very muscular, Charming, and talented guy. He has the powers to make hills with his mind. The hills he makes can be as tall as possible or a short as possible. The reason why Makenzie wanted to go to see Jupiter is to ask if she can have a few gold coins to help pay for goods she needed.

Makenzie had to travel many miles before finally arriving at the castle. Once at the castle, Makenzie was let in so that she could see the all mighty God Jupiter. Once placed in front of Jupiter, Makenzie introduced her self and requested if he would be ever so kind to give her just a few gold coins. The Great God spoke. Jupiter told her that he would make a deal with her. He offered that he would give her gold coins only if she went on a quest to get him the one and only golden sword. The Gold Sword can only be found in the Castle of the Evil Hung Ho.

Makenzie accepted his offer and told him she would leave tomorrow. That next morning Makenzie packed a backpack of bread and berries and set off on her quest. As Makenzie was about a quarter of her way into the quest she ran into a problem. There was a river stretching as far as the eye can see. This river was the river that separated the Good and the Evil. Makenzie had to decide how to cross the river. She decided to make a raft to get her across the river. After that she was back on track.

Finally she got to the Castle of the Evil Hung Ho. Hung Ho is the most Evil God known for miles around. He is very large, buff and mean. Hung Ho has a super power which is he can bounce on his butt really fast. He is always dishonest and he's always acting very overbearing to the fellow town’s people. As Makenzie approaches, she sees that there are over 100 guards at the front gates. Makenzie walked threw all the guards and got sight of Hung Ho.

Makenzie began to start walking towards the Evil God Hung Ho and before she could say one word Hung Ho yells "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT DO YOU WANT?". Makenzie stumbled back and fell to the ground. She got back to her feet. Trembling, she walks to Hung Ho. She manages to calm down enough to ask Hung Ho a question. Makenzie then asked if she could have to Golden Sword. Hung Ho began to laugh hysterically and said "Do you really think you can just walk in here and demand what ever you like?" Makenzie then asked him if she could just see it. Hung Ho didn't think that would be a problem so he got one of his guards to go get the sword and bring it back to let her see it. The guard brings back the Sword and Makenzie asks if she can hold it. Hung Ho reluctantly says yes. Makenzie grabs the Sword and turns around and suddenly stabs the guard and takes off running. She runs out a side door so she can get away from all the guards. She takes off running threw the woods with the guards chasing after her. She takes a sharp turn behind a big bush and all the guards go running past. Makenzie then takes a back way to the river and builds another raft and sails across the river and heads back to the Land of Not so Far away. The Guards found her and start to cross the river. Makenzie was just barley ahead of the guards as she is nearing the Castle of the Great God Jupiter when suddenly she saw Jupiter at the doors of his castle. Jupiter uses his mind to create a complete circle of hills around the castle and blocks the guards and Hung Ho from getting in. Makenzie takes the Golden Sword to Jupiter and Jupiter rewards her with 1,000 gold coins. After that Makenzie was known all over the community for her bravery and she lived in the community happily ever after.

Makenzie learned that in life you aren't always just handed what you want and that you sometimes have to work for what you want. Also that thing’s that can seem so small and easy can actually be very big and hard to manage. But when life knocks you down you have to just get right back up.

Article posted April 1, 2011 at 02:45 PM GMT0 • Reads 100

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