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Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by Hermione Granger teacher: Linda Weaver
Class Assignments
Blog Entries

My Favorite Place to Read

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 61

One of the many places I like to read is outside on the glider in front of my house. I love being outdoors and reading so that puts my two favorite things together. I will have to go watch my sister ride her bike so I will grab my book and read. Sometimes I even lay a blanket on the ground and read there! I like it there because the sun shines on me and makes it warm. The blanket I lay down is big and soft. In winter though…that is a whole different story!

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 61

Only One Book

Article posted October 6, 2010 at 09:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 57

If I had to read one for the rest of my life I would read Gregor and the Code of Claw. In this book Gregor is an eleven year old boy, who is just turning 12, and has been on many adventures in a civilization he found far under New York City. He is known there as the “warrior.” He is told how to save the civilization by reading prophecies. In the newest prophecy he reads, he finds out that it predicts his death. This worries him and on top of that, both of his little sisters show up there too. He has to be a warrior and fight. By the end, he fights the creature that was supposed to cause his death. You’ll have to read the book to find out what happens next.

I like this book so much because once I started reading it, you just couldn’t stop. I got so involved in it that I didn’t know what to do after I finished it. I read it in about 5-7 days. It was the last book in the series and also the fifth so I had gotten so involved. I got to know the characters and really could connect with almost all of them. I felt like I was really in the book. That is the kind of book I like to read.

Article posted October 6, 2010 at 09:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 57

My Vacation Spot

Article posted November 30, 2010 at 11:51 PM GMT0 • Reads 77

In Gregor the Overlander, Gregor goes to the Underland when he falls through a gate while trying to stop his little sister from falling in it. Once he is there he finds out that there are a lot of different creatures that live down there. There are humans, rats, mice, bats, spider and many more. The humans are different because they have purple eyes and they have pale skin. The thing about the other creatures is that they are not your ordinary creatures. For example, they talk and are as big as or bigger than a 12 year old boy. They are kind to him and they tell him that he is supposedly the “warrior.” He goes on many adventures there and has a lot of fun doing it.

I would want to visit this book because I really want to see what the people and animals down in the Underland are like. I also want to see what the kingdom of Regalia is like. Regalia is where the humans reign. In the book it says that it is beautiful and made of stone that sparkles. I want to be able to ride on a bat just like Gregor did. It sounds fun to talk to animals and have them respond to you. Mostly I just want to meet Boots, Lizzie, and Luxa.

In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry, Ron, and Hermione return to Hogwarts. While they are there, incidents are happening left and right. They start to feel unsafe. It starts to get better until Hermione is attacked. They find a piece of paper in her hand that says “basilisk.” This makes Harry and Ron curious. They go to the library and find out that the creature is very deadly. This worries them. Then, Harry finds the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets. Once he is down there, he finds that he has to fight the basilisk. He also has to save Ginny from it. He is Ginny’s hero in the end when he saves her.

I would want to visit Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets because I have imagined Hogwarts and now I want to see it. I also want to meet Hermione. She is my favorite character in the book and I think we have a lot in common. She likes school and gets good grades just like me. I also like reading just like her. I think she would be a very good, reliable friend. I would like to meet Dumbledore too. He seems like a really nice guy. For example, he doesn’t get mad at Harry and Ron when other teachers do. Harry, Ron and Hermione make the setting so much more exciting and like somewhere I would want to be with them. I would like to see all of the things they see and if it is anything like I imagined it.

In My Most Excellent Year, Ale, Augie, Hucky, and T.C. have a lot of fun. The book is all journals that they have to write for school. It takes place in New York. Augie and T.C. have been friends for a long time. Ale moves to their school. Her dad is famous and she has met a lot of famous people. T.C. falls in love with her right away. T.C. plays baseball at the baseball diamond in Fenway Park. One day while he was playing, he noticed a little boy telling him which pitches to hit and which ones to not hit. This makes him curious. He decides to meet him. He finds out that his name is Hucky Harper. He is deaf and he is 6 years old. T.C. learns sign language just so he can talk to him. They all become friends by the end.

I would want to go there because I have always wanted to go to New York. I want to go see a Broadway show in the theatre. I also want to meet Ale. She seems like someone who would be my friend. She is in the play at there school and loves to sing and dance. I am also in the play at school and I love to sing and dance. I also want to meet Hucky. From the way they describe him, he seems like an awesome little kid. He seems really cute. I just want to go and talk to him. I just really want to see if any of them are they way I imagined them.

Article posted November 30, 2010 at 11:51 PM GMT0 • Reads 77

Heroic People

Article posted January 6, 2011 at 12:04 AM GMT0 • Reads 93

If I had to pick someone I thought was heroic, I would choose Gregor in “Gregor the Overlander”. He is a 12 year old boy who is brought to the underland where he is said to be the warrior. He is unsure of this but does it because it could involve his family if he doesn’t. When in the underland, he meets giant cockroaches, bats, spiders, rats, and many more. He has to protect the city of Regalia where humans live. He decides to do it when both of his sisters and his mom go down with him. He protects them and all is well.

I would pick Gregor as heroic because he is a warrior in the underland and has to fight in wars. So in other words, he is brave. Another reason I chose him is because he takes care of a whole city basically in the underland. He takes care of his family in the overland. He takes on a lot of responsibility for a 12 year old. He is an awesome guy and he sounds like someone you would like to know. To me that is pretty heroic.

Another person I would pick would be T.C. from “My Most Excellent Year”. He is a really nice guy. He is friends with Augie. He meets Ale and Hucky. Ale is a girl who just moved to New York. Hucky is a six year old deaf kid who he meets when he sees him telling T.C. what pitch to hit and what not to. They all get to be good friends and have fun together.

I chose T.C. because he is he is really nice to everyone but mostly Hucky. He treated Hucky like a brother. He did whatever it took to make Hucky happy. He started hanging out with Hucky and invited him to a little outing they had and he had a great time. T.C. is a great friend and I think that is what a heroic person should be like.

The last person I would pick would be Hermione Granger. She goes to Hogwarts and is friends with Harry and Ron. She has the best grades in the classes. Harry, Ron, and Hermione are like best friends. They would do anything together. They are really close. I would want Hermione as a friend.

I chose Hermione because she is nice to everyone. Also, if there is a situation, she wants to help solve it even if she is hurt of effected by it in a negative way. She likes to help anyway but especially when her friends are involved. Another reason is because she is nice to everyone pretty much and to me that is a good characteristic a heroic person would have.

Article posted January 6, 2011 at 12:04 AM GMT0 • Reads 93

3 Evil Villains

Article posted February 1, 2011 at 09:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 272

If I had to choose three of the most evil characters in books I have read, one person I would choose would be Voldemort from the “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.” He is the “main villain” in the series. He is mostly referred to as “he-who-should-not-be-named.” He is mostly in the book at the end when Harry and Voldemort have a fighting scene. People who have read the book would think of him as the most evil villain.

I chose him because he is, to me, the most evil of villains. He has tried to kill Harry countless times. Everyone is afraid that he is going to hurt and kill people. He is the most evil of all wizards. Even Professor Dumbledore is afraid of him. I would definitely be afraid if I saw him.

Another villain I would pick would be Injun Joe from “Tom Sawyer.” He is an outcast who lives in the town of St.Petersburg. All of the townspeople are afraid of him. He is a thief and a murderer but he is also smart, devious, and resourceful. One way he is smart is when he disguised himself as a Spaniard instead of a Native American so that the police couldn’t catch him when they were searching for him.

I chose him because the first time you hear about him, he murders Doctor Robinson and blames it on Muff Potter. Then he jumps out the window at Muff Potter’s trial when they found out it was actually Injun Joe who killed Doctor Robinson. Another thing he does that makes you think he is the most evil villain is that he says how he is going to kill Widow Douglas because of something her dead husband did to him before. He threatened to kill his partner if he didn’t help him kill Widow Douglas.

The last villain I would pick would have to be Count Olaf from “The Series of Unfortunate Events” books. He is the uncle of the Baudelaire children, Violet, Klaus, and Sunny, who have just become orphans when their parents died in a house fire. He has just been given custody of them since they are family. All he is interested in is the fortune that the kids will inherit when they become of age or get married. He has tried countless time to steal it but the 3 Baudelaire children are intrepid and stood up to him.

I chose him because he has done many things to try and steal the Baudelaire fortune. One thing he did to do that was trying to marry violet, the oldest, so that she could inherit the fortune and he could get some of the money. She is very smart and found out how to stop him. They got taken away from him and sent to another family member. Count Olaf wanted the fortune so bad, for selfish reasons, that he had something to do with all of the deaths of the family members that had custody after him. It really was a series of unfortunate events.

Article posted February 1, 2011 at 09:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 272

New Student

Article posted April 3, 2011 at 02:22 AM GMT0 • Reads 41

If I had to pick one character to join our class, I would have to pick Ale from My Most Excellent Year. Ale is a smart, caring, and funny girl. She gets along with everyone and since she has had to move a lot, she would adjust quickly. She likes to act. This is something else that would help her fit in at Roosevelt. She would definitely be a good person to join our class.

Ale would fit in to our class because she is smart and funny. This would help her because we all have a sense of humor and we are all pretty smart. Another thing that would help her fit in would have to be the fact that she is always up for a challenge. This helps her fit in because some of the work we do is challenging and if we have a good attitude about it, we can do it. She gets along with everyone. This would definitely help because she could get to know everyone and get along with them. Since we know that she likes to act, that tells us that she is ok with speaking in front of a group of people. This would help her when we have to give a speech or just plain talk in front of the class. She would fit in to our class very nicely.

Article posted April 3, 2011 at 02:22 AM GMT0 • Reads 41

This Old House

Article posted April 3, 2011 at 02:28 AM GMT0 • Reads 340

If I had to pick 3 books I would want to live in, I would have a pretty hard time narrowing it down to three. After a lot of thinking, I chose Gregor the Overlander, My Most Excellent Year and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Gregor the Overlander takes place under New York City. It is referred to as The Underland. Within The Underland live humans, giant rats, bats, mice, cockroaches, spiders, and many more species.

The humans have purple eyes and I just really want to see someone with purple eyes. Regalia just seems like a place I would want to be.

I would want to live in the Underland because I want to see Regalia. The book describes it as a city carved out of stone. Gregor says in the book that the city is beautiful. Another reason I would want to live in the Underland is that I really want to meet Luxa, Ares, Lizzie, Boots, and Gregor. I would want to meet Luxa because she sounds like a pretty cool person. Ares is Gregor’s bat friend. Gregor and Ares do everything together. You can always count on him. Lastly, I would want to meet Lizzie, Boots and Gregor because Lizzie seems a lot like me, Boots seems really cute and Gregor seems really nice. I would love to live there.

My Most Excellent Year takes place in New York. Fenway Park is a big part of the setting of this book. It mentions baseball a lot and most of the story happens here. It is where most of the plot happens. Another part of the setting is Broadway. A lot of people live in New York so there are quite a few people we meet or hear about.

I would want to live in My Most Excellent Year because I have always wanted to go to New York. I really want to see a Broadway show. Another reason I would want to live there is because I want to meet Ale, Hucky, Augie, and T.C. I want to meet Ale because she seems a lot like me. She likes to be on stage in plays and she is really smart. I think we would get along just fine. I want to meet Hucky because he seems like such a sweet little kid. Hucky is deaf but he is really nice to T.C. and everyone he meets. I want to meet Augie because he seems nice. He also likes to be onstage. I want to meet T.C. because he is really caring. He cared for Hucky and he cares a lot of Ale. He is loyal to Augie and he is just all around a nice guy. It would be cool to live there.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets takes place mostly at Hogwarts. Hogwarts is a wizardry school where Harry, Ron, and Hermione go to school. A lot of odd things happen at Hogwarts. For example, there are trees that can hit you and there are unicorns. You go to Hogwarts like a normal school except you sleep there. But you still have a summer to be at home. Hogwarts sounds fun.

I would want to live here because I want to see if Hogwarts is anything like I imagined it. I also want to meet Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Dumbledore. I want to meet Harry because he sounds really cool. I would like to meet Ron because he sounds really nice. He is a really good friend to Harry and Hermione. I want to meet Dumbledore because he seems really nice and he is always nice to Harry, Ron, and Hermione. I would love to meet Hermione because she is my favorite character and she seems like me. She is really smart and loves to be with her friends. I think I would get along just fine at Hogwarts.

Article posted April 3, 2011 at 02:28 AM GMT0 • Reads 340

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