Johnny Appleseed -- Blogmeister
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   2004 - 2016

Period Seven

Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by Johnny Appleseed

teacher: Linda Weaver

Class Assignments
Blog Entries

My Favorite Place to Read

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 59

I read the most at school but my favorite place is my house. I like to read the most in my living room on my couch. My couch is my favorite because it is so comfortable. I like my living room because it is a calming and quiet place with very subtle distractions. I also read in my room when my parents have company but I don’t really care. Reading at night is what I usually do because I am at school during the day and after school I am usually outside, doing other homework, or playing video games. Although I don’t read a lot, my favorite place to read is on my living room couch.

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 59

Like None Other

Article posted October 8, 2010 at 09:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 37

Like None Other

There are a lot of books I have read that I liked, but my favorite is The Blind Side. It’s a book about Michael Oher’s childhood. He has never been to school before, so when he’s in high school its like his first year. He lives with his uncle, who gets him into a good private school. He starts playing football there. Later his uncle throws him out, so he’s living on the streets. One day a family sees him walking home from practice in the pouring rain, and they decide to give him a ride home. When they asked where he lived, he just told them to drop him off at the school. After that he tells them he doesn’t have a place to live, and the family lets him stay at their house. While he’s playing football there, he becomes a great player. He gets scholarships to play football at all sorts of colleges. He picks the University of Alabama. He becomes a football star during college. After he graduates, he goes on to play for the Ravens in the NFL.

I like this book because it’s about football. It talks about how someone that has come from so little can grow up to be something great. It is really exciting because he is one of my favorite football players too. I also like this book because it talks about his whole life. That is the reason I would read this book for the rest of my life.

Article posted October 8, 2010 at 09:40 PM GMT0 • Reads 37


Article posted November 30, 2010 at 03:06 AM GMT0 • Reads 97

One book I would like to take a vacation in would be My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George. It is about a boy who doesn’t like living at his house, so he runs away and lives on the side of a mountain. He lives in a big hollow tree he finds there. About once a week he goes into his old town, but nobody recognizes him. Sometime during his four or five year stay, he sees a falcon flying. He somehow gets the falcon to come near and trains it. The boy gets extremely scared during hunting season because he is afraid his falcon will get shot or he will get found. In the end he gets found and he returns home.

I would like to take a vacation on a mountain because I have been on a mountain once and it was really fun. I really enjoy being outside so I would have a lot of fun. It was interesting because there was a lot of wild life. You would get to see a lot of animals you don’t get to see in Iowa. It wound be fun to get on top of the mountain and look down at all the stuff.

The second book that would have a good vacation would be Tiger by Jeff Stone. It is in a series called The Five Ancestors. The book is about when China’s Cangzhen Temple is destroyed; only five young warrior monks survive. Each is named after an animal-tiger, monkey, snake, crane, and dragon-for each is the youngest-ever master of that animals fighting style. The five scatter and begin teaching not only their powerful fighting skills but about maintaining a peaceful life. It is said that today’s martial arts comes from these young warriors teachings.

I would like to take a vacation in China. This book takes place in 1650 AD, but I would not want to take a vacation during that time though. I would want to take a vacation there now because it sounds like there’s a lot of fun stuff to do. I think back then they didn’t have the things they do now. Some downsides would be that it takes a long time to get there, there would be a lot of people, and I would have to learn the language.

And the final book, Skeleton Key by Anthony Horowitz. It is about a 14 year old spy named Alex Rider who has to save the world from a man who has lost everything he cared for. Alex has already saved the world twice and he’s not even 15! The man has a nuclear weapon and won’t stop until he gets his world back. And the only person who can stop him is Alex.

This story takes place in Skeleton Key Florida. I would like to go there because I’ve never seen the beach in Florida. Also because they have nicer weather compared to Iowa. Maybe I could visit Disney World. It might take me awhile to get used to the time change though!

Article posted November 30, 2010 at 03:06 AM GMT0 • Reads 97

Up, Up, and Away!

Article posted January 10, 2011 at 03:03 AM GMT0 • Reads 85

One of my favorite heroes is Charlie Bone. There is a series of book written about him. There are 7 books in the series. My favorite book in the series is the 6th one, Charlie Bone and the Beast. I like that book the best because it’s exciting and has the most action.

He is a hero because in the 6th book he saves his friend from a beast. He goes to a school where all the kids can do magic. When a student arrives, the teachers explain what the new kid’s magical abilities are. The new kid’s magical ability was to turn into a beast at dusk. The beast is like a wolf. He is very dangerous and violent tempered. The beast doesn’t know right from wrong. The new kid is always hanging out with the bad kids so Charlie thinks they are up to something. The beast tried to kill Charlie’s friend by eating him. Charlie was very afraid for his friend. Charlie kills the beast by stabbing him in the heart before it can hurt his friend. Charlie feels good for protecting his friend and putting his own life at risk.

Another one of my favorite heroes is Ying. He is the main character in the book Eagle by Jeff Stone. Jeff Stone has written a series of books called the Five Ancestors. The 5 ancestors are Ying and his brothers. Each has an animal they take after. His brothers are Monkey, Snake, Crane, and Tiger.

The story takes place in China. A group from a different temple takes over his temple by raiding it. They raided it to become more powerful dynasty. Many people were killed but Ying and his 4 siblings ran away. Ying is the oldest, about 14 years old. In the Chinese dynasty, it is the responsibility of the oldest child to care for the younger siblings. Ying took this responsibility seriously by perfecting his karate skills. These skills allowed him to defend himself and his siblings and keep them from getting killed. After a couple of months Ying lead his siblings back to the temple and in a surprise attack they took back their temple. He is a hero because he took responsibility and got his home back.

Last but not least is Michael Oher. He is the main character in my favorite book The Blind Side. He plays for the Baltimore Ravens. He got picked up off the streets when he was about 16. Now he is a great football player and role model.

He is a hero because he was willing to turn his life around. He didn’t let the bad things influence him. He also didn’t quit football at first when he didn’t get it. Also when he was a star in college, he didn’t commit crimes like a lot of talented college player do. I think that if he wasn’t a hero he wouldn’t be a good role model.

Article posted January 10, 2011 at 03:03 AM GMT0 • Reads 85

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