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Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by Paul Bunyan teacher: Linda Weaver
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Favorite Place To Read

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 209

My favorite place to read is my room. It is my favorite place for many reasons. First off I can read without too many absurdly annoying distractions. Another reason is that I really don’t have another place to read other than my room. I don’t really have any books in my house and I have around zero that I haven’t already read so it doesn’t seem like much fun to read at home. Something to consider is that if the variable was that I owned more good books, reading in my bedroom might seem more enjoyable. But when I do get books from the library (the school library), I might sit in my room for hours or minutes, considering how good the book is. I usually like to read in my bed, but I never read myself to sleep though. The main reason why I like to read in bed because it’s comfortable. I don’t read when I am tired because than reading gets boring of makes my head hurt. I also cannot read in one area for too long (except for a few exceptions) because after a while all of the words become mumble jumble and I can’t understand what I am reading. All in all, my room is my favorite place to read but the place I read in usually doesn’t impact how much I enjoy the book I am reading.

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 209

Only One Book

Article posted October 7, 2010 at 09:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 47

If I would have to pick one book that I would pick that I could read for the rest of my life would have to be a book called Ripley’s Believe it or not because it is a very good book. It is a thick book, but it is not a novel. It is about crazy, cool, or amazing things that happen in the world. It talks about humans that can pull trains with their teeth, people that eat bugs, strange state laws, and two headed animals, criminals who forget all about jewelry and steal from the refrigerator, criminals who sleep in the middle of the crime they are committing, and much, much more.

I really like it because it has about 300 to 400 pages and about 10 to 15 passages on each page so it actually has about 5,000 to 6,000 different stories so I don’t think I have read every story and out of the passages that I have read, I only remember the really big ones so I can re-read the book many times. I also have another Ripley’s Believe it or not that is about amazing escapes people and animals have made such as a baby falling from a high up apartment but in the last moment its diaper getting caught in a tree branch, tornado’s that have taken houses and placed them in places where an identical looking house was about to be built, or even about buses that wouldn’t stop moving and were about to fall off the edge of a cliff but suddenly stop. But I think that the most thing that I like is that every single story from either book is always true. So that is why I think that Ripley’s Believe it or not is the book I would choose if I had to pick one book that I would have to read for the rest of my life.

Article posted October 7, 2010 at 09:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 47

Vacation spots

Article posted January 7, 2011 at 12:56 AM GMT0 • Reads 79

If I were to pick some places where I would go for vacation, the boot camp in the book Boot Camp would be one of my choices. The main character is a boy called Garret. He is secretly (and without his permission) sent to the boot camp by his parents to “discipline” him so he listens to his parents about not skipping school, talking back, and so forth. At the boot camp he is abused, made fun of, beaten, and attacked (by other boot campers and the boot camp teachers.)

The reason why I would like to visit the boot camp for a vacation is that although it would not be very fun or safe, I would experience what the kids at the boot camp are facing and I would also want to know how I would react to the teachers that would beat me.

Another book that I would really want to visit is the book I Am Legend. The main Character in that book is Robert Neville, a man who is the last living human on the planet. All of the other people are dead, vampires, or zombies that got the disease. He is the only person that is immune to the disease. But he could still be turned into a vampire if one of them gets him, so he locks up his house and stores a lot of food in the refrigerator. Since the creatures only come from about 6 pm till the morning (because of the sun) he stores up on food during the day.

The reason why I would want to be in that setting is that is seems so strange and scary. I would want to know how it feels to be the last sane human on earth. I would also want to know how it feels to get stalked by everybody in the neighborhood (knowing that they want to kill me) and how it feels to have to walk into stores and get my food from them. The best part of it all would be that I would be able to get whatever I wanted to get without ever having to pay since nobody is watching. Like the first book that I would like to go on vacation to, it would probably be scary but the experience would probably be worth it.

Finally, the settings that I would like to visit most are the places that the Time Traveler goes to in the book The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. The main character in that book is simply called the Time Traveler. He is at a dinner with his friends when he tells them about the time machine that he created. They obviously don’t believe him, but he goes in it and it works. In his adventures he sees the peaceful but undisciplined society called the Eloi the murderous Morlocks. He also sees the end of all living creatures.

The reason why I would like to visit setting in The Time Machine is that it is one of my favorite books and I would want to see how the future will be like. I would also want to see the Eloi and the Morlocks. I would want to see the end of the world like the Time Traveler does. I would also like to know how things are in the golden age of science, which is another time that the Time Traveler visits.

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Article posted January 7, 2011 at 12:56 AM GMT0 • Reads 79

Three Heroes From Books

Article posted January 18, 2011 at 12:18 AM GMT0 • Reads 71

If you are trying to find a hero from a book, it usually isn’t that hard because almost every book has a hero. But the hard part is finding the top 3 heroes, since almost every book has a hero. So I will just try to pick 3 random heroes.

The first hero I would choose is Ender Wiggin from the book Ender’s Game. Ender’s real name is Andrew, but his nickname is Ender so almost everybody calls him Ender. Ender is the youngest of three children. The oldest child in the family is his brother Peter, and the next oldest is his sister Valentine. The book’s setting is in the future. The IF, or international fleet, controls most of the world. The Earth is fighting a desperate fight against the Buggers, an intelligent alien species that live very far away from earth. Ender is considered earth’s only chance to win the war, so he goes to battle school early in his life and then he later on goes to command school. If you just read the inside cover of the book or you just read what I wrote, the book just sounds like some boring old little kid book about an alien invasion. But it is actually much more interesting than your average alien book.

The reason why I think that Ender is a hero is that he is given a choice of going to battle school or staying home. Although Ender does not want to go to battle school, he still goes for the sake of the survival of the human race. Another reason why he is a hero is that he is a hero is that he is only 5 years old when he goes to battle school, but he ends hacking into the computer system of the school and becomes the smartest person and the best fighter at the whole entire school. And finally, the top reason why Ender is a hero is because he defeats the Buggers.

The next hero I would choose is Ralph from Lord of the Flies. In the beginning of the book, a British plane crashes onto an island. All of the survivors are boys that are no older then 13 years old. Most of them are 5 to 8 year olds, but a few of them are 9 to 12 years old. Ralph is one of the oldest boys out of the group, and he is quickly elected chief by the throng of children. But another one of the oldest boys, Jack Merridew, is jealous of Ralph because Jack wanted to become chief.

One of the reasons why I picked Ralph as a hero is because when he is chief, instead of making rules for his own personal interest, he makes all of the rules fair to all of the children. He also does not get carried away with what the other kids like doing like playing the whole day or just sitting around. He quickly finds out that the kids need a fire at all times and that whenever somebody wants to talk they have to have the conch in their hands so people can be heard when they are talking. Another reason why Ralph is a hero is that he is the only person in book that respects Piggy, a boy that is one of the older kids and is also the smartest and the most sensible, although the other kids don’t like Piggy because he is fat and he has asthma. And the last reason why I consider Ralph to be a hero is that even when all of the kids leave him, he still doesn’t give in to Jack, the new leader of the group.

And the last hero that I will pick is Conor Broekhart from the book AIRMAN. Conor is the son of Declan Broekhart, who is the most trusted person of the King Nick. Conor is given lessons from a young age, and becomes very smart, a very good fighter, and skilled with a sword and gun. But the most thing he likes is flying. The book’s setting is in the 1800s so the Wright brothers still hadn’t made the first airplane. Along with his French teacher, he attempts to create the first flying machine.

The reason why I think that Conor is a hero is that when he sees Marshall Bonvilain killing the king and Victor Vigny, his teacher, he risks his life by trying to stop Bonvilain. Another reason why I think that he is a hero is that he saves the princess and his parents from the poisoned drink that Bonvilian gives them and Conor also ends up (accidentally) killing Bonvilain. Those are the reasons why I think that Conor Broekhart is a hero.

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Article posted January 18, 2011 at 12:18 AM GMT0 • Reads 71

Evil Characters

Article posted January 31, 2011 at 03:29 AM GMT0 • Reads 90

These are the three most evil characters I have ever seen in a book:

1. Achilles from the book Ender’s Shadow. He is a boy who lived on the streets with the main character in the book, Bean. Since it is hard to live alone on the streets when you are a little kid, lots of little kids made groups so they could get food a little bit more easily. Bean gets the idea to have one of the older kids to protect his group and so they could get food, so Achilles becomes the leader and protector of Bean’s group. Achilles becomes very liked in the group because after he came all of the little kids in the group can get soup from the soup kitchen without getting beat up or killed. The only two people that Achilles does not like in the group are the former leader of the group, an 8 year old girl named Poke, and the other person in the group that Achilles does not like is Bean.

The reason why Achilles is an evil character in the book is because he is very smart and he is good at killing people. He also kills people that help him. And usually his kills are very bloody and evil. The first person that Bean sees getting killed by Achilles is Poke. Achilles fools Poke by pretending to be her friend. But after she starts to trust him he lures her at night to go by the river. Once she gets there, he kills her by stabbing her eye with a knife and throwing her in the river. Another person that he kills is another boy called Ulysses. He also kills the doctor that fixes his lame leg, even though it was the best thing that had ever happened in his life. He didn’t want the doctor to give him the anesthetic, even if it meant that he was going to have to suffer the pain of the surgery. When the doctor refused, he forcefully injects the doctor with many powerful medications that kill the doctor.

2. Another evil character in a book would be Eric from the book Tangerine. He is the big brother of the main character in the book, Paul. He is the star kicker of his high school football team. His family has just moved to a city called Tangerine. His little brother Paul is a goalie on his middle school soccer team. Paul is also legally blind and he cannot see without his glasses.

The reason why Eric is a very evil character is because how good he is at doing horrible things and getting away with them. His dad thinks that he is the most perfect person in the world, even though Paul knows better than to think that. Paul’s brother Eric tells him he got blind by looking into a solar eclipse for too long. But for real Eric and his friend had spray his eyes when he was really little.

3. The third evil character from a book that I chose is Marshall Bonvilian from the book Airman. He is the top military official in an island called Great Saltee. He has always wanted to be the king of the island. The current king of the island is King Nick. He also has always wanted more power so he could make the people on Little Saltee, a nearby island, work more so Great Saltee gets more diamonds and so they get richer.

The reason why he is so evil is because he is very obsessed with having power and he would do anything to have it. He kills the king and claims that someone else killed him. He becomes the king of Great Saltee and does lots of really bad stuff. He even attempts to kill the princess and some other people before Conor Broekhart, the main character in the story, saves them and kills Marshall Bonvilian.

Article posted January 31, 2011 at 03:29 AM GMT0 • Reads 90

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