R.N. Renfield -- Blogmeister
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Period Seven

Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by R.N. Renfield

teacher: Linda Weaver

Class Assignments
Blog Entries

My Favorite Place to Read

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 09:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 69

My favorite place to read is pretty much any bookstore because they are quiet, peaceful, and have lots of books that you can buy. I like to read there because it makes me calm down, relax, and enjoy myself. I also like bookstores because books are my favorite thing, so bookstores are like heaven to me because they have thousands of books. Another reason I like to read there is because I can look around and find new and fun stories. So that is my favorite place and why I like it.

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 09:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 69

The One Book

Article posted October 15, 2010 at 10:30 PM GMT0 • Reads 252

The One Book

I have many books that I love so this is hard for me because I love so many books. So the one book that I would want to read for the rest of my life would be Dracula. This is a book about a few people who are trying to stop the malicious Dracula. In the beginning of Dracula Jonathan Harker goes to Count Dracula’s castle because of business (involving buying houses legally). As time goes on Jonathan realizes that he is not a guest, he is a prisoner to a blood sucking madman. He realizes that something is weird when Dracula has three evil women in certain parts of the castle, locks all of the doors, does not appear in mirrors, and the last thing he notices is that he sees Dracula crawl down the castle wall face first! Eventually he escapes and gets word to his fiancée, Mina (soon to be Harker) and her friend Lucy Westerna about Dracula. Then Dr. John Seward is with Mina and Lucy but Lucy gets sick. Seeking help for Lucy Dr. Seward calls in his old professor, Abraham Van Helsing. Van Helsing soon discovers what is wrong with Lucy but does not want to say. Dr. Van Helsing tries to do everything he can but it doesn’t help. Finally he tells Dr. Seward that she has been bitten by a vampire. They finally realize that they have to stop Dracula but sadly Lucy dies along the way. After a while they finally catch Dracula at his castle and kill him.

I would pick this book to read for the rest of my life because it has the perfect amount of love for each other, terror/horror, and action. I like this book because first I like things that are supernatural, like zombies. It also shows great friendship because they all stand up together even if it means that they will die trying to stop Dracula. In the story Dracula all of the characters never give up on each other. For example when Lucy is sick and loosing blood Dr. Van Helsing tries to do multiple blood transfusions. I would strongly recommend this book to anyone who has interests in any of those genres that I mentioned earlier. So that is why I like the book Dracula.

Article posted October 15, 2010 at 10:30 PM GMT0 • Reads 252

Anyone up for vacations?

Article posted January 10, 2011 at 03:30 AM GMT0 • Reads 76

Everyone loves a good vacation, I know I do! Here are some books I would like to vacation in.

The first book I would like to vacation in would probably be “The Fellowship of the Ring” from J.R.R, Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy. “The Fellowship of the Ring” is about a hobbit named Frodo Baggins. Frodo's friend Gandalf the wizard tells him about an evil warlord named Sauron who has come back to life so he can get back his ring that is filled with dark magic. The bad news is that Frodo has "the one ring" that Sauron is after. Frodo has to use the help of his friends Sam, Merry, and Pippin, The hobbits, Legolas, the elf, Gimli, the dwarf, and Boromir and Aragorn, the humans to help him defeat Sauron.

I would want to vacation in "Middle Earth" because in the books and the movies the scenery is beautiful. The first piece of beautiful scenery that I love is the way that Tolkien makes me visualize his elven forest scenes. An example would be how he describes the sunlight shining through the trees. The second scene that I like about "Middle Earth" would the way that he describes the looks of the Shire, which is where all of the hobbits live. The example for this is how he shows that everything in the Shire is nice for example the grass is green, the hills are round, and there are nice big oak trees. Thus concluding why I would want to vacation in "Middle Earth".

The second Book I would want to vacation in is any of the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter is about a boy named Harry whose parents died, but he never knows exactly why. Since his parents are dead Harry has to live with his terrible aunt and uncle, the Dursleys. When harry is eleven years old he is visited by a half giant half human named Hagrid. Hagrid tells Harry that he is a wizard. Harry learns from Hagrid that his parents were killed by the darkest dark wizard ever, Voldemort. Harry then goes to Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry. There he meets and becomes good friends with Ron Weasly and Hermione Granger. They have many adventures trying to stop Voldemort.

I would want to vacation at Hogwarts because it has lots of cool things in it. The first cool thing about Hogwarts is that it is a very old castle. I think that it is cool because I've always liked knights and castles. The second cool thing about Hogwarts is that it has magic rooms in it. An example is the Room of Requirement, which only appears if you need it. If you need a certain thing then the Room of Requirement changes to meet that need. In conclusion, that is why I would want to vacation at Hogwarts.

The third book that I would want to vacation in is Orson Scott Card's Enders Game. Enders Game is in the far future and a boy named Ender is being monitored by the military and they see that if someone bothers him or makes him mad then he can hurt them bad. The military ends up taking 5 year old Ender away from his family and taking him to space school.

I would want to vacation in Enders Game because it has been my lifelong dream to go into space. The first reason I would want to go into space is because I sincerely want to feel weightlessness. I want to feel weightlessness because it would be cool to float on nothing. The second reason I would want to go to space is because I want to know if there really is intelligent life out in space. I want to know if there is intelligent life out there because I am very fascinated with things that would make humans even smarter. In conclusion that is why I would want to visit all of these places.

Article posted January 10, 2011 at 03:30 AM GMT0 • Reads 76

Hero Time!

Article posted January 11, 2011 at 04:03 AM GMT0 • Reads 76

When I think about heros, characters like Batman and Superman pop into my head. Here are some different heros who don't need powers to be totally awesome!

The first hero that I will inform you about is a boy named Brian Robeson, from Gary Paulson's Hatchet. Brian is a thirteen year old boy who's parents have divorced. Brian goes on a plane to visit his dad in the Canadian wilderness. On the way there the pilot suffers a terrible heart attack and dies. Brian then has to land the plane on a lake, and he makes it. Brian has to survive in the wilderness with only his wits and a hatchet that his mother gave him as a parting gift.

Brian is heroic because he is brave and he never gives up. First, he always tries to get things done so that he can survive. An example is when he has to make a raft and use it to go to the plane in the middle of the lake, he has to do this while he has virtually nothing to eat. Second he always tries to experiment with doing different things. An example is when he makes different types of spears to try to catch fish. These reasons sum up why Brian is heroic and never gives up.

The second hero that I'm going to tell you about is a girl named Hannah, from the book The Devil's Arithmetic. Hannah is a Jewish person who is going to celebrate Passover Seder and she is chosen to symbolically open the door to welcome the prophet Elijah. When she opens the door she is in a 1940s Polish village. Then the Nazis come and take them all to a concentration camp.

Hannah is a hero because she is very brave and defiant. First, she tries to tell all of the people what is going on but none of them believe her. An example is when she tells them that the Nazis are going to kill them in gas chambers and gas ovens, but the people just ignore her. Second, she saves a girls life. She saves her because the other girl is going to be killed for no reason so Hannah takes the girl's bandana and puts it on and she goes to be killed in her place. Thus concluding why Hannah is heroic.

The third and final heroic person that I will tell you about is named Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien. The Lord of the Rings is about a big group of people trying to stop the evil lord Sauron.

Aragorn is one of the main characters in this story and he is a hero because he is brave and he never gives up on his friends. First, he always is brave because he stops Sauron's orks from killing his friends. An example is when he helps Frodo escape from a lot of orks trying to capture him and kill him. Second, he always rescues his friends in need. The example I'm giving is when he tries to save Merry and Pippin, the hobbits, from a ramble of orks. In conclusion that is why Aragorn is a great hero.

Article posted January 11, 2011 at 04:03 AM GMT0 • Reads 76

You Monsters!

Article posted January 31, 2011 at 04:26 AM GMT0 • Reads 120

The first evil person I will inform you about is named Voldemort (not the one from our blog list). Voldemort is from the "Harry Potter" series. In "Harry Potter" Voldemort kills Harry's parents and almost kills Harry himself. Voldemort is always trying to kill Harry constantly.

Voldemort is very evil because of some of the reasons above. For example, who do you know that would try to kill a baby and his parents? Another reason why he is evil is because he is willing to kill his own followers. For example when he gets mad at Draco Malfoy and threatens to kill him if he doesn't do a certain task. That is my conclusion of why Voldemort is very evil.

The second evil person I will talk about is named Sauron. Sauron is the leader of all of the orks and evil people in Middle Earth. Sauron is not in his human form in any of the books. Since he is not in his human form he is in the form of a giant flaming eye at the top of a big castle tower.

Sauron is one of the most evil antagonists I have read about in a book. The first reason he is evil is because he makes an evil ring. The ring is evil because if you wear it or keep it with you too long, then you will be corrupted by its powers. The second reason why he is evil is because he tries to rule Middle Earth. The way he tries to rule Middle Earth is with his massive army of orks and other creatures like the Ring Wraiths. That is my conclusion of why Sauron is one of the most evil antagonists I've read about in a book.

The last antagonist I will inform about is named Dracula, who is very malicious and evil. If you read my earlier blog then you know who he is. Here is a brief summary of who he is and what he does. He is a vampire who likes to suck people’s blood and turn them into his slaves.

I chose Dracula as my last protagonist because he does some of the worst things out of the rest of the evil people. First, he kills a woman who is about to be married. I think that this is very bad because I don’t think that people should be separated like that. Second, he does lots of unnecessary murders. This is bad because he kills innocent people. Thus concluding why Dracula is very malicious and evil.

Article posted January 31, 2011 at 04:26 AM GMT0 • Reads 120

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