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Period Seven

Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by Sherlock Holmes

teacher: Linda Weaver

My Favorite Place To Read

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 65

This is the place that is separated from family, filled with sunlight, has a comfortable place where I can sprawl out and read. A place that no one will bother me is my favorite place to read. My deck fits this quota perfectly. There is no little sister to interfere and keep me from reading. No big brother that will knock the book out of my hand. It’s the best place for me to read in peace.

On a sunny day I will sit out on the deck that overlooks the shed and forest that lies in my backyard. I will sit on our comfy patio chairs, and if I combine two chairs together I can get the perfect place for my feet to rest. No one distracts me or ruins my book. It is my very favorite place to read.

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 65

Only One Book for the Rest of My Life

Article posted October 7, 2010 at 09:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 49

There are so many books that I love and it’s hard to choose one. If I had to it would be one from the previous series I just read “The Immortal Instruments.” It contains three books so far and the one that I would want to read would be the second book, "City of Ashes". Clary, a high school girl, finds out she has the blood of a Shadow Hunter. A Shadow Hunter is a person who kills demons to keep the world at peace. She has an emotional experience with Jace. Jace is a Shadow Hunter and apparently Clary’s brother, but Jace and Clary seem to have a strange attraction to each other. Their father is the man who everyone fears, valentine. He is planning a huge attack on downworlders wanting to rid them from the world. Downworlders are vampires, werewolves, warlocks, and other mythical creatures. They mean no harm to Shadow Hunters but he feels like they pose a threat. Clary, some of her Shadow Hunter companions and her vampire friend have to stop her father at once. Its action packed, full of suspense, emotional, and hard to put down once you start reading.

I felt like if I had to choose one it would need to be this one. This book could keep me entertained even if I have read it twenty times before. "The City of Ashes" is well written and extremely hard to put down once you get in to it. The book is also hilarious, suspenseful, adventurous, and it makes you wonder if there are stuff out there not available to the normal human eye. I love thinking like there is something out there supernatural and mystical. Even though I think it’s so unfair to be limited to one book, I would choose "The City of Ashes".

Article posted October 7, 2010 at 09:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 49


Article posted January 8, 2011 at 08:11 PM GMT0 • Reads 54

After I read the question I immediately thought of Summerland. A magical place in a book called Blue Moon. When you step foot in Summerland you have a power to create anything with your mind. It will appear right before your eyes, but you have to be careful you don’t want to create a man-eating monster. That will ruin your vacation. Also nothing lasts forever and in Summerland your creations will disappear after a short amount of time, but it’s as simple as recreating that item over and over to keep them with you.

Who wouldn’t want to go to a place where you have a power to create anything you desire? I would want to create a castle full of expensive items and gorgeous views. I would also have to create myself an iPod Touch. My family would love going there too. My dad could conjure up dirt bikes and my sister could make a stage that she could perform on. This would be a vacation no one would forget.

Another place that came to mind was New Pretty Town from the book Uglies. New Pretty Town is the home to all the new pretties. People, who were once “ugly”, but got an operation that turned them pretty. In the town there are parties non-stop and the town is so far ahead in technology. They have hover boards and bungee jackets, which are just like a bungee cord but in a jacket form. Instead of going straight up and down in the same spot you can travel!

There are so many things I could do there, go to a costume party, bungee jump off a skyscraper, and see fireworks from a balcony. I know I would have to try hover boarding. Its sounds so much fun and wouldn’t you love to tell someone that on vacation you got to go hover boarding. It would be a vacation worth telling over and over.

My third choice would be Camp Half Blood. I know it sounds like an odd choice but I think it would be fun to watch demigods battle or explore every cabin. Camp Half Blood from The Lightning Thief is the place where demigods train to fight. They have archery, sword battles and anything else you could think of that would train a half human, half-god kid to fight.

The reason I would want to vacation there would be that it would be cool to watch all the demigods’ train and battle. I also think it would be hilarious if I could get my brother to try and fight one. Vacationing there would be the most exciting and hysterical.

The more books I read in the future may lead to more places I’d want to travel but in the meantime I would love to visit these three places!

Article posted January 8, 2011 at 08:11 PM GMT0 • Reads 54


Article posted January 8, 2011 at 08:12 PM GMT0 • Reads 55

Rose Hathaway is the best example of a hero. Rose is a character from the book Vampire Academy. She is a guardian whose job is to protect the Mori from any harm. Mori are vampires that don’t consume large portions of human blood at a time. Strigoi, another type of vampire, have to kill for blood and love it especially Mori blood. Rose’s job is to protect the Mori from the Strigoi which is what she has been trained to do.

Rose is a hero because she puts their life before hers all the time even when the Strigoi are hunting for her. She jumped in front of her Mori friend Lissa when she was being shot at and took a bullet to her chest. She risked getting thrown in jail to get Lissa the right to vote. She has made many heroic sacrifices for the Mori and Lissa.

Another hero would be Tally from the book called the Uglies. She was told she had to betray her friends to be able to become pretty. In the book Uglies, once someone turns sixteen they get an operation that makes them pretty. Tally was looking forward to becoming pretty but this event changed everything. Her friend ran away to a place called the Smoke, a place that no one gets pretty.

You might think its weird that I am calling Tally a hero because she did turn in her friends but not on purpose by accidentally turning on the tracking device when she broke her amulet. She was congratulated by the people who wanted the town called Smoke to be destroyed and was offered the chance to become pretty. She chose to save her friends but she had to escape from the guards. Once her friends were safe she turned herself in to allow her friends to go free.

A third hero would be Pony Boy and Johnny from the book the Outsiders. The Outsiders is a book about a gang of teenagers that were labeled “Greasers” and it talks about their trials and tribulations of growing up with not a lot of money and no parents. Pony Boy who is around 15 and Johnny who is around 17 run away from home because they were attacked by the “Socials” and Johnny accidentally killed one of the boys in self-defense. They found a church where they decided they could hide and no one would find them.

They were heroes because one day a school group of kids were having a picnic and a fire broke out. Pony Boy went in first to help the kids get out but had inhaled a lot of smoke was having trouble getting out so Johnny went in to help safe the rest of the kids. On his way out with the last child a beam fell on Johnny and he died in the hospital. They both made the front page as local heroes.

Article posted January 8, 2011 at 08:12 PM GMT0 • Reads 55

The Shadow Knows

Article posted January 30, 2011 at 11:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 87

There are so many books and every book includes a villain in one form or another. So it wasn’t hard to talk about just three. The first villain that I thought of is a powerful, beautiful woman who has given herself to darkness. She is a vampire that was the high priestess of the House of Night in Tulsa. She is the leader of all the fledglings (student vampires) and vampires who work or go to school at the House of Night. Her name is Nefret. In the story Zoey, a fledging who is blessed with the power of all the elements, is challenged to defeat Nefret and the darkness she follows. It is a difficult task to do because none of the older vampires believe her and her friends and can’t see the darkness that surrounds Nefret.

There is no doubt about it she is the true definition of evil. She has allied herself with darkness and has left the path of goodness. She sacrificed an innocent boy who would never be evil to repay a dept she had to darkness. She didn’t even look back as the boy was bleeding to death. She killed a woman to earn herself a gift and she continues to lie to everyone about who she follows. She is twisted and defiantly a villain.

The second person tinged with darkness is a man named Valentine. He is from the book series The Mortal Instruments. Valentine is the father of Clary who is a new shadowhunter. Valentine believes that all the downworlders (creatures like vampires, werewolves, and wizards) need to be destroyed even though they pose no immediate threat to the humans or shadowhunters.

He is a villain because he was willing to kill his own children to achieve his needs. Even though he thought what he was doing was right he caused a lot of pain. He gave up family and he allied himself with demons. Valentine chose the path of greed and darkness. He was once one of the best shadowhunters before he went evil. He used to fight against demons and now he works with them.

The last villain isn’t one person it’s a group of people who make up a race. They are called Strigoi and they are nothing but pure evil. They are from the book series Vampire Academy. They aren’t born they are created from Mori (a vampire who doesn’t consume large amounts of human blood at a time) or dhmpire (half Mori half human). To create a Strigoi, a Mori must drink all the blood from a human to turn or a strigoi must bite another vampire. The Mori then becomes a Strigoi, which means they lose all emotions and become immortal.

The negative characteristics far out weight the good ones even if you choose to make the change. When you are turned into a Strigoi you lose happiness, love, sadness, and beauty. You may become immortal but you will live with hate, thirst and death. You must kill to survive. Nobody will love you again and you will be alone, forever. You will be the ultimate form of evil.

Article posted January 30, 2011 at 11:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 87

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