Tom Sawyer -- Blogmeister
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   2004 - 2016

Period Seven

Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by Tom Sawyer

teacher: Linda Weaver

Class Assignments
Blog Entries

What is your favorite place to read

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 09:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 61

Where do you like to read? There are lots of places people can read like in a park, library or maybe just in your backyard. My favorite place to read is in my bedroom. I like to read in my bedroom because it is quiet and nobody will come and bother me. I have a bean bag and a bed in my room so I can be comfortable when I am reading all my favorite books from my bookshelf. My room also has two windows so it isn’t dark in my room during the day and I have plenty of light to read, but if I want to read at night I have a ceiling fan with lights so I can always see what I am reading. My wall is painted a blue gray with a red and blue stripe in the middle of the wall across my room

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 09:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 61

Like none other

Article posted October 7, 2010 at 09:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 45

If I could only read one book for the rest of my life I would pick Heat. It is a story about a young pitcher that is trying to lead his team to the little league world series and play in Yankee stadium. He lives with his brother and doesn’t have any parents. But the problem is he is from a different country and he doesn’t have his birth certificate so other teams and coaches think he is too old to play. He has to prove to the coaches with his friend Manny that he is actually twelve years old and is the right age to play.

The reason I love this book is because I play baseball. My favorite position is pitcher and that’s what the book is about so I can connect to it. Another reason I like this book is that it is interesting and you don’t know what is going to happen next. Lastly I think this is a good book to read if you like baseball or you play it.

Article posted October 7, 2010 at 09:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 45

Three Book Vacations

Article posted December 21, 2010 at 11:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 49

There are lots of places I would want to go to for a vacation. But if I had to pick a vacation from a book the three places I would want to visit would be A Troubled Peace, Eragon and Hatchet. A Troubled Peace is a book about World War 2 and it is about a boy named Henry who is having nightmares about the war and he goes back to France to look for a boy named Pierre. He is looking for Pierre because Pierre saved his life and he wants to see if he is still alive.

The setting of the story mostly takes place in France. In the story since there is a war a lot of place in France are bad. There are people sleeping in parks that don’t have a home. People are coming back starved from the Nazi camps. People are black marketing on the street to get money it is really bad there. I wouldn’t want to visit France during the war but after the war I think it would be fun to go visit and see the Eiffel tower.

Eragon is a book about a boy who finds an egg and when the egg hatches it is a dragon. The boy and his dragon have to go and fight this one guy who try’s to kill his dragon and along there journey they have to climb many obstacles.

The setting of Eragon is like a wilderness that has many mountains and forests and caves. I think it would be really fun to go visit a cave. I have already been in one and I want to see more. I have seen the movie too and from the setting from the movie It looked like a fun place to go and just explore and see what’s there. Also I think it would be cool if I could find a dragon and fly around with it.

Hatchet is a story about a boy who is flying to Canada to go see his dad because his parents are divorced. Then in the middle of the flight his pilot has a heart attack and he has to land the plane by himself! He is running out of gas so he lands the plane in a pond. When he gets out he is in the middle of nowhere and he has to survive until somebody comes and finds him.

The setting of Hatchet is similar to Eragon. In Hatchet it has forests and mountains and lakes. The reason I want to take a vacation to the setting in Hatchet is because I think it would be fun to go hiking and swim. Also I think I would be cool to zip line in the forest. These are some of the places I would like to visit in a book, but as I read more books I am sure these places are going to change.

Article posted December 21, 2010 at 11:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 49

Heroic Characters - Tom Sawyer

Article posted January 9, 2011 at 06:55 PM GMT0 • Reads 40

My first heroic character is Henry the book he is in is called The Troubled Peace and in the story he is a bomber pilot during World War II. When he comes home to America he starts having nightmares about those the French people that helped him escape especially a young boy named Pierre.

The reason he is so brave and heroic is because he goes back to France during the war to find Pierre. There is always a risk that he is going to get caught in France. When he is there he has to take many steps to find Pierre and when he does Pierre doesn’t cooperate very well. Then when Pierre doesn’t run he takes him to America because Pierre’s parents were killed in a Nazi camp.

My second heroic character is Sam Begay a Navajo code talker in the book Code Talker. Sam Begay is very religious. One example is he takes a pinch of pollen so he will be safe with him when he goes into war. Another thing that Sam does to show religion is he has to do this ritual so he will be safe when he goes to war.

The reason he is so intrepid is that he joined the military when he was 16 and you had to be 17 to join, but since he is Navajo he doesn’t have a real birth certificate. Another brave act he did was when they were fighting Japan and one of his best friends Georgia Boy got shot in the neck and he went to him and called for a medic. Besides being brave in the military he had to do something when he was 6. He had to go to a camp be away from his family and learn English; his teachers weren’t the nicest either.

My third and final heroic character is Ralph from Lord of the Flies. He is a boy about my age 12 or 13 years old that get stranded on an island with a bunch of “littlelins” (that’s what they call the younger ones). Ralph has to be a leader and keep track of the young people that are about 8 years old and younger. They pick their leader and they chose Ralph because he had a conch shell.

I choose Ralph because at the end of the story Jack wants to start his own little group. So Ralph is by himself he doesn’t have Piggy his friend anymore because Jack killed him. He also killed Simon, a kid that Jack thought was the “beast”. Then before you know it Ralph is the only one left that isn’t with Jack and he is trying to kill him. During the whole time on the island Ralph had to have qualities like being intrepid, strong, and having good leadership qualities and he did so that’s why I chose Ralph.

Article posted January 9, 2011 at 06:55 PM GMT0 • Reads 40

3 evil villains

Article posted January 30, 2011 at 09:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 83

Every book has to have a good villain otherwise there wouldn’t be much of a story. My first villain that I chose was Jack from Lord of the Flies. He is a boy about my age 12 or 13 years old. He is a kid from England and in the story he wants to be the leader and starts his own group.

The reason he is so evil is that in the story he actually killed 2 people, Simon and Piggy. He killed Simon because he thought that he was the beasty that a littlen supposedly saw in the jungle. He wasn’t the one who killed piggy but he put a boulder on a lever and someone stepped on it and since Piggy didn’t have his specks he couldn’t see the boulder and it hit him cracking his skull. That’s why I think Jack is evil because he killed 2 people and it was unnecessary.

My next villain that is Peter Volz from Gym Candy he is a trainer that works with Mick Johnson. He really wants him to get better and he goes to some extremes like giving him steroids. First he starts off by just giving him pills, but then he tells Mick about injections and he does it.

I choose Peter Volz as a villain because he shouldn’t have even offered the steroids to Mick Johnson. Also he took the steroids himself and when Mick saw him he wanted to be as buff as him so he took them. Mick also thought that Peter was his friend he said that he was there to help him, but in reality Mick was only hurting himself.

My third and final villain is Galbatorix the evil ruler of the empire in Eragon. He was once a dragon rider, but when his dragon died he went mad and killed his fellow dragon riders. Now he wants all the dragon riders gone in revenge for who killed his dragon.

He is evil because when he found out about Eragon he wants him dead just like all the other dragon riders he killed. Galbatorix try’s really hard to find Eragon and that includes killing his uncle Garrow and burning down his house. When that doesn’t work he fights Eragon himself and doesn’t stop until him or Eragon is dead.

Article posted January 30, 2011 at 09:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 83

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