Voldemort -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Period Seven

Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by Voldemort

teacher: Linda Weaver

Class Assignments
Blog Entries

My Favorite to Read

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 09:35 PM GMT0 • Reads 81

It is subtle, calming, and a place you can do anything in, that is why my tree house is my absolute favorite place to read. Whenever I have an interesting book and need some peace and quiet, I always go there and read. The reason I love reading in my tree house is because no one can bother me. Plus, the tree house is surrounded by the cheerful sounds of birds chirping and leaves whirling in the sky. Sometimes I wish I could stay in there forever, but before I know it, the book is over and dinner is ready.

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 09:35 PM GMT0 • Reads 81

Like None Other

Article posted October 6, 2010 at 09:30 PM GMT0 • Reads 55

Like None Other

If I had to choose one book to read for the rest of my life it would be interesting, full of surprises, and very relatable. I would pick, without a doubt, the book Burned by P.C. Cast. In the story Zoey Redbird is struggling to get back on her feet when the immortal angel, Kalona, shattered her soul. Her oath bound warrior, Stark, goes into the otherworld to try and save and get her and her soul back together to go save the rest of her friends who are now fighting the evil vampire priestess, Nefret.

I enjoy reading this book partially because of the plot, and the other because every time you read the story, you find out something you never knew before. I also love Burned because of all the characters and how they react with things. This book is spooky, will keep you off your chair with excitement, and magical. I would read this book for the rest of my life if I had a choice.

Article posted October 6, 2010 at 09:30 PM GMT0 • Reads 55

Like None Other

Article posted October 7, 2010 at 09:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 39

Like None Other

If I had to choose one book to read for the rest of my life it would be interesting, full of surprises, and very relatable. I would pick, without a doubt, the book “Burned” by P.C. Cast. In the story Zoey Redbird is struggling to get back on her feet when the immortal angel, Kalona, shattered her soul. Zoey’s shattered soul was caused because of Kalona, he killed her human consort. Her oath bound warrior, Stark, goes into the otherworld to try and save and get her and her soul back together before she vanishes and leaves her friends with the evil vampire high priestess, Nefret.

I enjoy reading this book partially because of the plot, and the other because every time you read the story, you find out something you never knew before. I also love “Burned” because of all the characters and how they react to the things going on in the story. The things Zoey and her friends endure are truly outstanding. This book is spooky, nerve racking, and magical. Even if it is only one book, I would pick this book to read for the rest of my life.

Article posted October 7, 2010 at 09:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 39

Book Vacation

Article posted December 1, 2010 at 03:41 AM GMT0 • Reads 67

Vacation places can be difficult to choose, especially when you have so many options to decide from throughout the world. You could go almost anywhere you want, maybe The Bahamas, New York, even Mexico! Personally, I think those places sound amazing to visit, but have you ever wanted to visit a book? I sure have, that's why I chose Tuck Everlasting,Tangerine, and Lord of The Flies for my top vacation places.

In the start of Tuck Everlasting, when the Tuck family stops by a nearby creak, one of the Tuck's carve a "T" in a tree. A few years later, they find themselves by the same creek and the same tree. When they look at the tree, the same carving a Tuck made looked like it was just carved. A few years pass and they notice that they haven't changed at all.They soon realize that the water they drank from the creek made them invincable and ageless. About 110 years had passed before the family encounters a young girl named Winnie. She finds out their secret they have kept to themselves for many years and learns to know their ways.

My first stop of my vacation is the quiet country that belongs to the novel, Tuck Everlasting. The Tuck family lives on peaceful land; the birds sing, flowers bloom, and all around, sweet sounds and smells of nature fill the air. The wind blows through the fields, frogs croak in the nearby pond and horses trot along.The perfect baby blue skies with gossamer clouds fill everyday, and the trickle of the running creek add to the most peaceful, wonderful, relaxing vacation. The second best part about Tuck Everlasting is that no one is there to disturb you, it's just you, yourself, and nature. Unless you bring your family,that is. This book truly begins the most extraordinary vacation.

In Tangerine County, Florida, is where I would go second, on my Novel planned vacation. Here, Paul faces trouble with his sight, brother, and many others. He finds out how his vision got so bad, what his brother is really like, and who to trust.

Tangerine County has wild fires and the highest rate of lightening deaths in the US. I know you might be thinking, "Why would she want to go there?" Trust me, there is more to it. The gold and glory of Florida is their tangerines. They all come in varieties too. I have never tried a tangerine before, so I am willing to try it. Only if I can taste it there, though. The people who grow them are really nice too. Even new tangerines can be invented easily!

The last stop of my setting vacation island that belongs to little boys who don't know how to survive on an island. Lord of The Flies begins by a plane, carrying many 4-12 year old boys, crashing and leaving them stranded on an island with no adults! They soon divide into unequal tribes and cause uncalled for mischief. Boys will be boys and argue, but do they know when it has gone too far? Soon enough, One of the leaders, Jack, starts a mission to find and kill, another leader, Ralph. Afterward, before things could get bloody, they discover that a ship has sailed on the island to rescue them.

I chose this book as one out of my three vacation places is because I've never seen an ocean. Infact, I haven't been on an island either, i always have wanted to though. Also, I can just imagine the waves rolling in, crashing, and then whooshing back to hopefully be brought back to the soft sand once again. Burying my toes in the sand, walking on the shore, collecting sea shells, eating exotic fruits, are just a grand combination to my vacation on an island paradise of Lord of The Flies.If I could just see the sun setting on the horizon, like the boys did, with all the shades of pink, red, orange, yellow, and purple, I would be the happiest person alive.

Article posted December 1, 2010 at 03:41 AM GMT0 • Reads 67

My 3 Hero's

Article posted January 10, 2011 at 04:57 AM GMT0 • Reads 54

Superman, brave knights, and cops, are all examples of heros. But could one of the most heroic of people be right in your hands? I think so.

From Maggie Stiefvater's "Shiver" , I nominate Grace B for being one of the most heroic protagonists. In "Shiver", Grace has many troubles that she faces, more than the ordinary 17 year old girl would. When she was 11, she was accosted and attacked by a throng of wolves. Also, dating a one of the werewolve's that bit her has lead her to being a heroine. Grace goes on a journey to help save the wolves, save her boyfriend, and others in Mercy Falls, Minnesota.

Grace, is couragous, ingenious, and nonetheless, a hero in disguise. She cloaks herself as if no one were to know about her model behavior. She sets a good example for people to believe in what they think is right. She gets honorable grades, and is the perfect student. Although she has trouble thinking outside the box, she is one of my three heroic characters.

Nobody ever thought felon could be a life-saver in any way. That is, until you've read "The Outsiders". Johhny is 14 years old, a high school drop-out, and a murderer. He steals things, smokes, and does everything else in "The Book". His family doesn't care about him, and he finds himself sleeping at a friend's house most of the time.

Behind all the lies, the trouble, and the bad, Johnny is a hero. The thug jumped into a burning church, full of kindergarteners. Taking a risk, he saved each and every one of them. Injuring himself severly on the back, Johnny died a few days after the incident. Who knew some thing completely bad could turn into nothing but good.

My final decision on heroic characters would be Zoey Redbird, from "Marked". Zoey is a teenage vampire fledging dealing with a large number of choices to make. Zoey guides the students of The House of Night to safety when a mob of evil spirits haunt the pavilion. She uses common sense, other's knowledge, and her surroundings to find the best of things.

Zoey Redbird is a mature, intelligent, young lady. She is nothing like the other soon-to-be vampires. Zoey follows a path her godess has given and uses her instincts wisely. It's no surprise she is a hero, many other adventures are there to prove her leadership skills.

Article posted January 10, 2011 at 04:57 AM GMT0 • Reads 54

The Creation of Trees

Article posted April 1, 2011 at 03:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 82

Keanna & Neptune

It was an enchanting day in the city of Olympus. The sun was dazzling against the glazed aquamarine sky, and the grass was as emerald as Medusa’s hypnotizing eyes. In other words, it was a perfect beginning to a perfect day.

A mother duck and her neatly ordered ducklings were wading in the nearby stream, when they noticed the unusual vibration of the water. The ripples came from the far side of the stream, and came hard, almost as hard as one of Neptune’s ground shaking earthquakes. Then, the ripples would fade, until it reached the other side of the stream, to move far beyond.

Over and over again it did so until the birds stopped singing, the butterflies stopped fluttering, until all was still. Then, dramatically, out plunged a handsome man with deep, radiant sapphire eyes that could take many breaths away just by being spoken of. His pale pearl-like hair was drenched from the water that was gratefully blessed by his beauty. Seaweed wrapped around his waist and brought out his muscular figure even more. The trident he held stood out proudly against his ideal skin tone and shimmered in the sunlight that was magically drawn to him. The way the trident looked in the man’s hand looked like it was meant to be with him.

From that moment when she saw him through the bushes, Keanna knew that it was Neptune, the god of earthquakes and all seas.

Keanna was a fairly normal girl. She was apt, good natured, caring, kind, and can accomplish almost anything if she tries her hardest. But it was her looks that made everyone love and favor her. She had long, golden hair, filled with the most admiring gentle waves. Her eyes were a pale blue, almost as if a clear blue sky was wanting to rain, and the sky to be gray but, unable to decide, settling for a mixture of the two. Her skin was tenderly kissed by the delicate rays of the sun, as if the sun were to give her more of a tan, it’d break her. Her lavender dress hung over her left shoulder leaving a path for her elegant hair to trail over. Everyone knew she was beautiful, inside and out.

Little did Keanna know what Neptune was up to, nor why he was accosting her. All she knew was that he was a very active and rather powerful man, and what he was here for must be important.

Neptune greeted her almost angrily and said, “I have come to you to achieve a quest that even I cannot fulfill. You see, when I was an adolescent, my father, Saturn, swallowed then regurgitated me. I wish to seek revenge on him by turning him into stone. I need you to go into Medusa’s lair, slice off her hear, and bring me her precious eyes. If you succeed I will reward you, if you do not, Medusa will have you punished.”

Keanna, confused, replied, “Why me, great god Neptune?”

Neptune’s tone changed entirely to calm and caressing when he said, “You are favored by nearly everyone in the land. You are strong, trustworthy, independent, and can accomplish just about anything that you set your mind to. So, Keanna, do you accept to take on this significant quest?”

Keanna accepted, knowing that it was an honor to be chose by a god. With one lift of a hand, Neptune transformed the stream into a trail that would lead her to Medusa. He explained to her that it would be a very hard task, because Medusa was full of tricks and very tantalizing. Neptune didn’t explain to her the consequences of her looking into those glass eyes, because everybody was aware. He informed her that she was to set out on her journey at the first sign of day light, Neptune gave her a sword, and then set off.

By dusk, Keanna was at the lair. She could already feel Medusa’s wrath luring her in. As she entered she saw many bodies in numerous poses, but mostly with fear filled eyes. Then, she heard almost silent slithering. She knew it was Medusa.

Glancing in the sword Neptune had given her, she could see Medusa’s olive, snake-like tail wrapped around a column. Her hair was just the same; snake heads on her own.

Medusa called out to her, “Come here, pretty girl. Don’t you want to look in my magnificent eyes? I know you want to; I can sense you’re intrigued.”

Truth is, Keanna knew she was, but she knew that she couldn’t back down.

She changed positions and for the slightest bit, looked into Medusa’s eyes, as a thin tear slid down her cheek. For the last seconds she was alive, she thought about those cold, glassy, death-filled eyes that ruined her triumph for trying. But she knew she tried her hardest, her whole life, and people thought she was superior for that.

Somewhere in between Keanna silently turning to stone and being human, the tear that fell magically transformed into something that is very hard to explain. It held her soul, her life, and turned into a seed on the soil.

Hours passed before Neptune arrived and he saw what was waiting for him. He didn’t see Keanna’s mold, he saw the seed. He dropped the tiniest drop of water on it, and a gorgeous tree appeared with golden leaves, the slightest smell of lavender, and pale blue flowers, blossoming by the second.

Forever Keanna will live on, even though she did not succeed, she tried her hardest.

Article posted April 1, 2011 at 03:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 82

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