Alex Rider -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Period Seven

Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by Alex Rider

teacher: Linda Weaver

Class Assignments
Blog Entries

What is your favorite place to read?

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 09:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 63

What is your favorite spot to read? Is it your bedroom? Maybe a park? Maybe even a Tree? I like reading in my bedroom because it’s nice and quiet and no one can bother me while I’m reading. In my room I have one big bed, that’s very comfortable while I’m reading. On the other side of the room, I have a big desk where I keep my books and papers from school or home. I have a bookshelf that is about 5 feet tall and has 3 shelves in it in where I keep my books. There are about 30 books on the bookshelf, mostly fiction books. In between the desk and the bookshelf I have a closet filled with clothes and random stuff that has no home. My wall is painted a very cozy color of yellow/butter-scotch, and no ceiling light so my only light will be from a lamp by me bed, which makes me room very cozy to read in.

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 09:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 63

My one and only book

Article posted October 5, 2010 at 09:31 PM GMT0 • Reads 38

There are a lot of really good books I like, and its hard to pick just one to read forever. But if I was asked to pick one, it would have to be Anthony Horowitz’s, Snakehead. This book tells the exciting adventure of a young teenage spy that travels to foreign countries to stop Scorpia, and evil organization bent on revenge because of one of his previous encounters with the organization.

I would have to pick Snakehead because it is very exciting, suspenseful, and full of adventure. I have read this book 4 times and it never gets old! There are 8 other books in that series, and many more series just from Anthony Horowitz, but Snakehead is 100% without a doubt my favorite book. Every action sequence in this story is very descriptive more exciting than any other book I’ve ever read. Once you start, you just can’t stop. That is why I chose Snakehead as my favorite book.

Article posted October 5, 2010 at 09:31 PM GMT0 • Reads 38

My one and only book

Article posted October 12, 2010 at 05:13 AM GMT0 • Reads 70

If I was asked "If you could only have one book to read for the rest of your life, what would you choose?" I would have to pick Snakehead" by Anthony Horowitz. This exciting novel is about a teenage spy on his journey after his escape pod from an exploded satellite hurls him into Australian waters. The Australian Secret Service enrolled him for deadly undercover work in the far east to defeat the criminal masterminds, Scorpia, Alex is on a constant look for information on his murdered parents, which he believes may be the works of Scorpia.

I chose this book out o every book ever written because it is very exciting and suspenseful. This book is very descriptive, and gives you a picture in your head almost like your right there watching it all happen. This book is a page turner, and makes you want to read every book by him. This book will make you laugh, sad, happy, and excited as you read this novel that will keep you on edge of your seat. That is why I chose "Snakehead"

Article posted October 12, 2010 at 05:13 AM GMT0 • Reads 70

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