Huckleberry Finn -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Period Seven

Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by Huckleberry Finn

teacher: Linda Weaver

Class Assignments
Blog Entries

My Favorite Place to Read and Why

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 82

Most of the time, if I am not reading in a library or a bowling alley, I like to go into my room, bring my dog Furball in, and shut the door. The main reason is because I am away from my siblings and to get some alone time to myself. I always like to think of a happy place and pretend I’m there. I’m always sucked into a book because it’s like going to another time period and pretend I’m in the story. I can always be addicted to a book and read it over and over again. But I like to keep a variety of books in my room and my mind every single day. I love reading books and magazines. I can never get enough reading in a single day from just one book, I always read until I can read no more. I can express my entertainment of a single book. All the books I have read hundreds of times feel like a new journey of imagination in my mind. Every single day, even on the weekends, I love reading anything that grabs my attention and read it for hours on end. Once I hear birds calling, I know it’s time for reading. But if the weather outside is mournful, I read in a closet or my family’s den. But wherever I am reading, it’s a portal to a new world in a new time.

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 82

A Book of my Lifetime

Article posted October 5, 2010 at 09:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 45

If I could only read one book for my entire life until I pass away, I would have to read “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” by John Boyne. This book is about a 9 year old boy in Berlin, Germany named Bruno. His parents and servants are moving to a new house more than a mile away from Bruno’s home because of his father’s new job. Bruno must leave behind all his friends at his school. His parents tell him he will make new friends at his new school. Bruno doesn’t want to make new friends; he wants to see his new friends.

I really adore this book because it feels like I can go to Bruno’s time and experience life in Berlin. Reading this book is like going to a new world and journey through it forever. I can never stop reading this book since it is like an adventure going on 24/7 until the end of time. Every single second I read this book, I feel like Bruno and the complications him and his family face throughout the entire story. Even when I reach the end, I just want to keep reading it over and over again. I wish someday that I don’t face the problems each character of this story face in my entire lifetime. Whenever I’m by myself, I read this book. Even if I am somewhere else and have nothing to do, I know that I will always have this book by my side. This book is like a god to me and anyone else who has read it before in their entire life since the first day they got it. I worship this book every morning and every night since I first got it. Even when I have to return it or let someone else have it, I know next time, it will be mine. Even if I do have the book, I still wonder if there is any comparison to both the book and the movie.

Article posted October 5, 2010 at 09:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 45

Exciting Lands

Article posted January 28, 2011 at 03:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 65

If I could take a vacation in only three settings, my first choice would have to be Russia in the book “By Royal Command” because it can be an exciting experience to look at some of the famous spots in Russia. Every area has a special meaning to life. Some historical places like the Kremlin remind most of us of amusement park rides just from looking at it.

In “By Royal Command,” young James Bond travels to Russia to save a beautiful mistress from certain doom. It is a tale of action and romance. It has made me want to go to Russia and experience life in one of the largest countries in Asia.

My second choice would be Germany from the book “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” because being in Germany reminds me of the holocaust during the twentieth century. Some people will think of lost relatives during that time. Others will want to experience life there.

In “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas,” nine year old Bruno finds out that his family is moving to the other side of Germany. Bruno doesn’t want to leave behind his school and his friends. But his mother says he’ll make new friends at his new school. It is always hard for a kid like Bruno.

My third and final choice would have to be nineteenth century England from the book “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” because being in the time of a man like Holmes and his partner, Dr. Watson is fascinating to me. England is a wonderful place to be if you’re a sightseer.

In this extraordinary novel, Holmes and Watson travel to exciting new areas of England. While trying to solve a crime committed by an unknown citizen, the duo is out to solve this case by asking the citizens of London. It is an extraordinary long novel, but I would recommend it to other readers.

Article posted January 28, 2011 at 03:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 65

The Protagonists of Today

Article posted February 7, 2011 at 03:10 PM GMT0 • Reads 321

If I could pick only three protagonists in novels, my first option would be Neil Larsen in “Bull Catcher” because Neil just doesn’t have skills in baseball, but he also has heart. He would be an impressive role model for younger children. Neil is a person I would say is a hero everywhere.

In “Bull Catcher,” Neil Larsen is a teenager in middle school and a star player on his school baseball squad. He is an extraordinary batter averaging almost .400 every game until a new kid shows up and decides he desires to be on the baseball team. The team turns awe-inspiring with the new kid and Neil on the squad.

My second option would be Sherlock Holmes from the novel “The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes” because it shows the tandem of Holmes and Dr. John Watson trying to solve a transgression committed in nineteenth century England. Holmes is an extraordinary detective with his partner Watson. It may have been dreadfully time-consuming, but it was worth it to retrieve the information.

In this work of fiction, Holmes teams with Dr. Watson to solve a misdemeanor committed by an unidentified inhabitant of England. It starts to turn to a cold case until the duo journey to different parts of the nation until they can find inkling about the criminal. In the end, the tandem finds the offender and put him inside a penitentiary.

My third and final choice would have to be James Bond from “By Royal Command” because it shows the determination that Bond has while on his quest in Russian territory. Bond has the supplies needed to rescue an unknown city dweller from the mountains of Russia. Bond shows audacity and spirit to save the city dweller from definite bereavement.

Whether you’re a regular kid, or a hero, you can always show what you have anywhere as long as you try.

Article posted February 7, 2011 at 03:10 PM GMT0 • Reads 321

Poseidon’s Role with the creation of Clouds

Article posted March 31, 2011 at 03:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 82

One day, a young boy named John was helping his family with work. John’s family could never afford to stay in their home. His father was a poorly paid farmer. His family told John that they have to leave The Isle of Crete. But John didn’t want to leave. He loved staying in his home. But his parents said no.

John thought of this as a way for his family to find a new home and for his father to find a new job. John still wanted to stay in his old home. But he could not afford to stay. Still, John thought he would be a little nervous. But while heading to his new home, John found the legendary God of the Seas, Poseidon. Poseidon had energy, but not enough to stay healthy. John knew he needed to help him.

John heads instead to Poseidon’s castle to help him. John asks Poseidon what is wrong. Poseidon tells John that for a while now, the water in the seas has been drained. Poseidon tells John that the Mantaur has been stealing all the water. John asks Poseidon how he can help. Poseidon tells John that he must return to The Isle of Crete to search for Mantaur. Poseidon gives John his trident to decapitate Mantaur. Only then will the water and Poseidon’s powers return.

With a task at hand, John heads to his old home to find that it has been destroyed. Not only that, but his family is there. John should have stayed with his family to listen that John’s father would be paid enough to stay in their old home. John finds that his brother & sister are lying in the rubble, not breathing. John now knows that his siblings are dead.

John now sees that the Mantaur is searching for him. Just for extra protection, John takes his father’s axe. John hides under the rubble of his home. Just then, the Mantaur sees John. John is terrified that the Mantaur found him.

As John tries to use the trident and axe, Poseidon comes to save John. Both John and the Mantaur are in shock. Poseidon tells John that he still has enough energy to slay Mantaur. As they fight, Poseidon takes his trident from John and impales it in the neck of the Mantaur.

As Poseidon picks up his trident in victory, Poseidon finds that the water is returning, but falling from the sky. Poseidon names this creation a cloud. As the water falls from the clouds, Poseidon’s energy was returning. Both John and Poseidon were proud of what they accomplished. John is proud that Poseidon is returning to normal. But he is still sad that his siblings are dead.

So Poseidon decides that John can keep the Mantaur’s head, his old house is returned to normal, and his whole family is better. John was happy that Poseidon did this for him. John thanks Poseidon and becomes hero to the gods. John’s life just got better.

Because of John’s actions, the moral of this story is that wherever you are, you always have someone looking out for you. It could be someone who likes you, or someone you know is not real.

Article posted March 31, 2011 at 03:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 82

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