D.J. Schwenk -- Blogmeister
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Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by D.J. Schwenk teacher: Linda Weaver
Class Assignments
Blog Entries

Wheres your favorite Place to Read and Why?

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:29 PM GMT0 • Reads 67

The most quiet, comforting, and relaxing place in the world is my favorite place to read. My bedroom one my bed is my favorite place to read because is big and comfy!

I lie on my bed by my window over looking my neighborhood. My room is comforting and relaxing green, yellow, and brown they are really relaxing after a long day at school and any practices that I had that day.

I also like to have a little snack and put some music on so that I could relax and read. Over all my room is a great relaxing, comforting, quiet, and a nice place to read and that’s why I love to read there!

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:29 PM GMT0 • Reads 67

None other

Article posted October 8, 2010 at 09:36 PM GMT0 • Reads 43

I have read a couple of books in my life that I have absolutely loved! Since I have to choose just one I would choose Do you know the Monkey Man? It is such a great book I read it when I was in 4th grade. It stuck with me for ever though. It’s about two twin girls that were separated at 3 because on died. The father took the twin sister out boating in the towns’ lake and she drowned and the family never saw her again and the dad felt with so much gilt he ran away from the family to live on his own

This book is very mysterious and keeps you going even when you want to stop! This book was amazing because you never know what’s going to happen next which I love in stories it keeps me reading and usually I have a hard time keeping concentrated on a book. This one I didn’t I didn’t even eat supper that night. If I had to read one book for the rest of my life I would choose Do you know the Monkey Man? Definitely!

Article posted October 8, 2010 at 09:36 PM GMT0 • Reads 43

Super Heros

Article posted January 10, 2011 at 03:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 83

Everyone is heroic in their own way. People don’t have to have super power to be heroic you just have to be special in your own way. Being heroic just believes that you can help people.

In “Dairy Queen” “The Off Season” “Front and Center” D.J. Scwenk was very shy and didn’t like to talk to people that much. Then she meets Brain she had to train him for the football season. He got her to tall more about herself. She joins football she had to quit because she had injured her shoulder. When she joins basketball she starts come out of her shell.

When D.J. joins basketball, she begins to realize she can help people in bettering there skills in extra practices on working on baskets and pacing. She also learned how to speak up on court to be loud! When she does speak out it helps the team a lot and the college scouts like that. She also saved her brother life by helping him get back to life. He wouldn’t talk to anybody at the beginning of his injury but D.J. helped a lot by always being there.

In “Kiss and Blog” Winter is a super just to herself. In “Kiss and Blog” she finds herself without friends with boyfriends and her best friend doesn’t even talk to her anymore. She blogs about her best friend Sloane, and her secrets that nobody knows except her.

Winter is heroic because she finds herself in all this mixed up she does lose it sometimes but she doesn’t really lean on anybody she leans on the blog. She lets all her feeling out on the blog. Winter went to New York to visit her dad and found a boy that she liked. She also had a boy where she lived. She didn’t have any girlfriend for a while anybody to talk to. She stayed loyal to herself she didn’t do anything that she would REALLY regret maybe she would regret the blog for a few days.

In “Front and Center” Win Schwenk was injured on the football field, he broke his spine. He was in the hospital and didn’t want to talk to anybody, he didn’t want anybody come and see him. He made D.J. stay out in the hall most the time she was there. D.J. finally came into his room and told him that she was coming in his room and because she was his sister and she cared.

When Win was better and he train D.J. in basketball in the hospital gym. He got D.J. to think about college even though she didn’t want to. He got her future going. If it wasn’t for him, she wouldn’t have gotten into the University of Wisconsin.

Article posted January 10, 2011 at 03:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 83

Vacation of a life time

Article posted January 28, 2011 at 03:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 98

I think if you took a vacation any where then it should be very interesting and really exciting. My vacation spot will be interesting and very action packed! If I had to choose where to visit, I would have to choose something really different from what I live in right now to make it worth while.

My first vacation spot would be “Alice and Wonderland.” Alice has the dream life of being able to dream up and life it in REAL LIFE! I think It would be incredible to life there. I would like to have tea with the Mad Hatter and the cute little bunny. I would also love the action packed life of the mad antagonist The Queen of Hearts, coming after me.

Wonderland would be very interesting because, it is very different life here, I would like to eat cake and shrink and get bigger. The Adventure I think would be very fun.

My second choice would “Ink Heart” I think the 1500s would be a nice place to visit because, the world is way different then it is today. We have computers different cultures. I think I would be cool the visit there because, I would like to find out the stuff that we use computers, like mail what did they use?

The 1500 would be very unique because, then you come back to school you could tell everyone about what jobs ad what they ate. You could also meet famous people that you would want to meet! I think that would be cool.

My last, but not least choice would be, “Every Soul a Star.” The story has taken place is about modern time. Out in the middle of no where though. The country would be pretty awesome because, there is no lights are anything to block your view of the sky and the night sky. If I went out there I would go on walks to look at the nature that hasn’t been disturbed like in the city.

In the story they explain that the night sky is really pretty. I would love to see what the sky looks like in real life I think I would be really pretty. Every night that I would be there I would look up at the night sky.

In I would love to visit anyway beside my own backyard but maybe I should because, there could be something out there that I don’t know of!

Article posted January 28, 2011 at 03:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 98

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