M -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016


Students will share what we are doing in class and about projects they have completed.

by M teacher: Carrie Hillman
Class Assignments
Blog Entries

Making Connections

Article posted September 8, 2010 at 05:12 PM GMT0 • Reads 94

Making connections means that you can relate to something, and you know how they feel. Here is an example, my great uncle died in a nursing home. People can make connections, like somebody can have the same thing happen to them. That’s what making connections means!!!

Article posted September 8, 2010 at 05:12 PM GMT0 • Reads 94


Article posted September 8, 2010 at 11:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 49

Reading is important because you can learn something. Also if you are bored, you can start reading. PLEASE READ BOOKS!!!

Article posted September 8, 2010 at 11:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 49

What would I put in a time capsule?...

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 03:14 AM GMT0 • Reads 52

I would put in a 2010 Oelwein newspaper!!! It would represent me and my home town!!! I LOVE OELWEIN!!!

Article posted September 10, 2010 at 03:14 AM GMT0 • Reads 52

Monster Blet Mariah Ash

Article posted September 15, 2010 at 05:02 PM GMT0 • Reads 522

Black and pink,spiky,stinky,buckle-red with sparkles,hairy,rainbows

Article posted September 15, 2010 at 05:02 PM GMT0 • Reads 522

Mariah's Monster Belt 2

Article posted September 22, 2010 at 05:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 389

Violet,lime,and magenta. Buckle-bloody sparkles.

Article posted September 22, 2010 at 05:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 389

Save the World!!!!

Article posted October 5, 2010 at 03:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 47

Make the world a better place!!! NO MORE LITTERING, RECYCLE, and make the world a better place!!! I you do it you will feel and live better. Thats the key word, "BETTER". Pick wrapers up, don't throw papers away, RECYCLE!!! Here are the key words, "Recycle", "World", and most important, "BETTER"!!! SAVE THE WORLD=http://=http://=http://=http://=http://=http://=http://=http://!!!!

Article posted October 5, 2010 at 03:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 47

Letter too Mrs. D

Article posted October 6, 2010 at 07:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 100

Dear Mrs. D,

The book I read was, "Felitcy's Dancing Shoes." The main characters are, Felitcy, her sister, Nan, and Felitcys dancing teacher, Mrs. Manderly. The lived in a cottage. The problem was that Felitcy needed diffrent shoes to dance. A fancy kind of shoes. So she went to Nan and asked her if she could have her old shoes back for dancing. They made a bet. "If you teach me what Mrs. Manderly teaches you, you can borrow the shoes." Nan said. So it was a bet. Everyday Felitcy would wear the shoes and put her old shoes in a basket in a shed. But one day the shoes were gone=http:// She looked everywhere. They were not there. Mrs. Manderly walked and look at her and wondered what she was doing. "Where is that basket that was in here???!!!!", Felitcy asked. Mrs. Manderly thought the farmer took it. Mrs. Manderly thought right!!! Felitcy got the shoes back. Her mom took them away because she got blissters, and bruses. Felitcy had a recital. At the recital she danced great, it was not the shoes after all!!!

                                                                                 Thanks for helping with reading!!!,

                                                                                                         Mariah Ash

Article posted October 6, 2010 at 07:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 100

Progress on the Monster Project

Article posted October 19, 2010 at 04:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 52

Mrs. Hillman's class has alot of progress on the Monster Project. Lexi painted a broom from Mrs. Johanns. It really looks like a mohawk!!!! We are trying to get the wings on, it is not work ing so good!!!

We are doing it 3 dimanchnal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am doing the Jet ski and I have not even started. My dad brought some big cardboard. We don't know what to do with it yet.

We are paper macheing mostly everything!!! We are using chicken wire for the legs. We are using a bunch of cardborad!!! Also a bunch of tape!!!!! We are paper macheing balloons!!! Mrs. Hillman's class has done a bunch of progress!!!!! Good luck on the Monster Project everyone!!!!

Article posted October 19, 2010 at 04:47 PM GMT0 • Reads 52

When I got my puppy!!!!

Article posted October 21, 2010 at 01:47 AM GMT0 • Reads 49

When I got my puppy I was so excided!!!!! We named her Molly, well we each got a idea and I picked Layn, my brother picked Lacy, my dad picked Joezy, and my mom picked Molly. First it was Joezy, but my mom did not want to do that because my dad had a dog named Joezy. So he picked Maggie. But my mom picked Molly out of the can a her face was like this, , and my dad said its Molly is it??? My mom said yes!!! So we named her Molly, she is fisty, and thats when I got my puppy!

Article posted October 21, 2010 at 01:47 AM GMT0 • Reads 49

I have decided to make the Jet ski a...and I will talk about Mrs.Hillmans class progress!!!

Article posted October 23, 2010 at 03:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 60

I have decided to make the Jet ski a toy!!!!! Because it is easier to make a toy instead of making a hole Jet ski. Me and my dad are going to make it and me and my class mates are going to paint it!!

BTW:Mrs.Hillman's class is now working on to painting!!!!! It is hard to put the head on the body. But we are going to put it against Mrs.Johanns wall so it is going to be sitting.

                            GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!

Article posted October 23, 2010 at 03:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 60

What are debits and credits??????

Article posted October 25, 2010 at 02:54 AM GMT0 • Reads 52

At Wings Park school in Oelwein,IA, some of the classes have this thing where you get fake money including Mrs.Hillman's class. Also you have fake jobs, but you still do them!!!! When I get my money the week of Halloween, I will have $1,988, and are desk are $600 for rent and $1,800 to buy. I am thinking of buying my desk, but I don't know because then I will only have $188 for the auction!!! The auction is done at the end of every month. And you can buy real things, with fake money!!!!! There is also debits and credits on a ledger. Also there are sticks that get pulled if you are bad in Mrs.Hillman's class, and they each are debits of $10, and if it is a respect stick you owe the teacher $100. If you don't get a stick pulled you get $5. Debits are when you owe the teacher money, and credit are when you get money from the teacher!!! This is how we do it at Wings Park school!!!!!!!!

Article posted October 25, 2010 at 02:54 AM GMT0 • Reads 52

Monster really close to being done in Mrs.Hillman

Article posted October 25, 2010 at 11:32 PM GMT0 • Reads 54

Mrs.Hillman's class only needs the jetski to put on and the cellphone and then we are going to take a picture. I think in the picture me and my classmates should be next to the monster, being amazed of or monster. I can't belive me and my classmates got paper macheing, painting, building, and getting a three damanchinal monster to sit down in only like 2 weeks=http://!! Mrs.Hillman's class monster looks really cool.

BTW: Hope all the monsters are going great, hopfully you guys get it done befor or the day Thursday Oct.28,2010=http:// GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!!

Article posted October 25, 2010 at 11:32 PM GMT0 • Reads 54

Mariah Ash's Star Reports

Article posted November 4, 2010 at 01:44 AM GMT0 • Reads 59

   From the title, I guess you think I am going to be talking about stars. You guessed corectly!!! I'm going to be talking about stars, shows, movie reports, and also shows finale . I will be talking about, Glee, Hannah Montana Forever, and others. This is because you do NOT need to pay money to read this, like when you are going to buy a book or a star report, you can get it here at Mariah Ash's Star Report!!! Please read these reports!!!!!!!

Article posted November 4, 2010 at 01:44 AM GMT0 • Reads 59

Mariah Ash

Article posted November 6, 2010 at 03:37 AM GMT0 • Reads 53

My first star report is going to be about "Hannah Montana Forever" I am also a fan. So for the preview collage is not working out for Miley, and she does not get in to the collage she wants and her super friend Lily says if you can't go I won't go. Miley also has a new boyfriend in the show who has also been in other episodes, Jessy. She also does not know if she should tell her secret to the world whould she be famous at school and be surounded and be to famous for Jessy, or if she tells, she we be fine and be normal old Miley. I think she should tell the world and be the normal Miley because I like normal, old Miley. I think she is just a normal girl with a secret., Will she tell or not?! Find out this Sunday at 7:00PM at channle 60 Disney Channle!!!!!!!!!!!

Article posted November 6, 2010 at 03:37 AM GMT0 • Reads 53

Article posted November 12, 2010 at 05:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 45

    My Family and I at Thanksgiving

    My family’s Thanksgiving is always at my Aunt Becky’s house. We have a big feast, and there is still leftovers when were  done!!! The feast will fill SIX FAMILYS=http://

These are all the family’s, Ash, Bowers , Canfield(Scott), Rees, Smith, and also, Griffith. Those family’s will be full of the feast. Until desert. We have pie and birthday cake. For the birthday cake, it is my cousin/sister, Tess, and my Aunt Becky’s birthday, and we all are to busy to celebrate before. Also sometimes we  watch  football. Well this Thanksgiving, my mom and I are going to help my aunt with Thanksgiving because of her surgery. So we are going to cook and clean with her. And I always thank my aunt for letting us have our Thanksgiving there. And I say prayers before I eat, but I don’t see anyone else saying prayers. But I know they do care about our family.

                By Mariah Isabelle Ash



Article posted November 12, 2010 at 05:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 45

the personal naritive of My Favorite Holiday

Article posted November 17, 2010 at 04:12 PM GMT0 • Reads 46

My most favorite holiday of my life is Thanksgiving because it is a time with family.All my family's Thanksgiving is at my Aunt Becky's house and this 2010 Thanksgiving me and my mom are going to help her because of her surgery. But when everybody gets there it is STOP cleaning and start eating!!!! My family and I have a beautiful feast. The feast will fill 5 FAMILY'S!!!!! There all sorts of food. I don't know about any other people at Thanksgiving, but my most favorite thing at Thanksgiving is eating in my aunts bar. Yes! My aunt has a bar in her basement. And all the kids love to play, bar,  hide-and go-seek, and find ghost. My cousins and I love ghost and we think there ghost in he basement. I think Thanksgiving is about spending time with family, not to have a big meal. I also like Thanksgiving because it is my cousin/sister,  and my aunts birthday before, and we all are to busy. So we celebrate on Thanksgiving day. Thats why my most favorite holiday in the world is Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!! I Thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!


Article posted November 17, 2010 at 04:12 PM GMT0 • Reads 46

My Cat, Tarbaby

Article posted November 30, 2010 at 05:44 AM GMT0 • Reads 110

Article posted November 30, 2010 at 05:44 AM GMT0 • Reads 110

Mariah Ash

Article posted December 25, 2010 at 04:51 PM GMT0 • Reads 54

This star report is on a song, Pray-Justin Bieber. This song tells people that super-stars still help people is need, they are not just snoty people. They care for other people. Also you should do the same thing, help people in need. That is what this song is about.

P.S. Sorry I have not done this in a while! Again, sorry!

Article posted December 25, 2010 at 04:51 PM GMT0 • Reads 54

The Life

Article posted February 7, 2011 at 03:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 57

Chapter 1. Lifes are like a big treasure chest full of all different things. I have one of my own......I am a bunch of different things. You know how you are doing one thing then go to another, like one thing then you get it and don't like it. Its just like when your young you want to be a bunch of things........Thats not with me, I want to become a writer/publisiher. I L-O-V-E writing stories, fiction, non-fiction, anything.........i just love writing. If I work hard enough I will get the job. If Idon't work hard enough I will not get it.

 Chapter 2. You know when your young and you think a tornado is a big tomato falling from the sky.........ok, ok that was me. But it also happens with adults, like how was I born, and it just seems you are made up, thats me too. I just wonder if I was made for a reason, I wonder if all the things in the world are real. I mean anything! Its like aliens, there not real..........maybe we are aleins.

Chapter 3. I wonder, I wonder, I wonder. Thats life for ya. Life is a big huge bowl of wonders. I wonder what a equation is, I wonder what high school is like, I wonder this I wonder that. So what does it mean to go to school, what does it mean to do this do that. Everything in your life, will change your life forver.

Chapter 4. Did you ever say, "I don't want to grow up!!!" when you were young, Well my mom said, "You are always going to grow up Mariah." I hate that sentence......I learned that when your growing up it can be scary. But you are going to grow up all the time......and i'm only 10 years old, W-O-W i'm turning into my mom. Well you are going to grow up one way or another. Maybe it is true about reincarnation. You will come right where you lived.

Chapter 5 I want to stay in the house I am living in now........not so sure thats gonna happen. But, I am......well i'm sure I will. Ok, ok, maybe I won't. But I want to. I wish I could live forever. Unless that stupid 2012 thing happens. I don't htink it won't. My brother says that on 12-12-12 its gonna happen because of the movie. But there was 5 survivers in the moive........Yep I'm one of them, my brother tells me.......Yep your he is gonna be one of them.

Chapter 6. Love is like a song............Follow Me, Uncle Kracker, Love Song, Taylor Swift, and When I Look at You, Miley Cyrus. Love.....love is like when are first born.....you feel sooooooo alive. This is life. Newborn, toddler,  kid, teen, adult, senior citizen.............dead............wor-worst day of you life............thats life for ya.


                                                       The End.


                                                                           Peace and love.   

Article posted February 7, 2011 at 03:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 57

Sad BFFL Stuff :(

Article posted February 22, 2011 at 04:42 PM GMT0 • Reads 52

Can you ever tell when your friendship is about to end. You are being split apart.........like a picture of you and your friend..............then............shhhhh. It's split right down the middle. One of them is moving and you feel like you being punched in the stomach........so hard that you can't breath. Thats me............Sometimes I feel like it is like a big, huge brick hiting me in the head.  This is what you feel like when your BFFL is moving away.  Even if you have only been friends with her for the school year and you guys feel like your sisters. "I will call you every day," she says. Then  she never calls ever......you here her voicemail saying," I'm sorry, Maria now has cooler friends..........but really says something else........Your friendship is OVER . Wow...............4 years later and she does not remember u at all. This is sad BFFL stuff.

Article posted February 22, 2011 at 04:42 PM GMT0 • Reads 52

Mariah's Report

Article posted February 23, 2011 at 04:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 51

    This report is about the newest show on Disney Channle..........Shake It Up!!! It is about 2 girls who want to become dancers on Shake It Up Chicogo........wish,wish, and wish. Then Rocky gets on the show but Cece does not...she tries again and makes it.........YAY!!! So now there job is good.......and that is what Shake It Up is about.

Article posted February 23, 2011 at 04:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 51

The Poor Prince and Rich Princess (Funny Verison)

Article posted February 28, 2011 at 04:14 PM GMT0 • Reads 64

   Once upon a time there was a poor prince named Prince Edward. He was very poor for a prince. There was also a welthy princess named Princess Rosa. She was welthy. She was not welthy before. This is how both of each others life became like they were now. Well Prince Edward was a welthy man and Princess Rosa was poor. The funny thing was, her dad was the welthy. She was not. No i'm not kidding, she did not even live with him or anything. Well, he did not even live with anyone ..........he did not want anyone else with his "moola" he called it. Well he wanted her to rich. So he stole all of Prince Edwards money and gave it to his daughter. She said, "No, no father give that money back........I will just be one of your slaves for money!" she said. "No..........umm.........you will take this moola from me to be welthy." he said.  "Fine!"  Well she took the money and thats what happened to both of them. Well this is how they fell in.........I can't belive i'm going to tell you this..........but..............THEY FELL IN LOVE=http://!! I did not want to tell you until the end of the book. But it was exploding in my mind...........hhhhh................that feels better but I better get back to the story. Well they fell in love how you ask..........again not going to belive this.......HER FATHER GOT THEM TOGETHER=http://!    Well I just wanted to get that out. Well they were at Inside Out Burger and "accidently" ordered only 1 shake and "had" to share it.  Chessey to me. Well  they were sharing the shake they they looked in each others eyes and fell in love. Then they had a big wedding. With EVERYTHING. She was a little brat. "No I wanted grape juice, not juice boxes!!!" she would say and Price Edward would say. "I'm not rich like you.......honey."  She would make a face. Well I think you know how it ends. They lived NOT happily ever after. Blah, blah, blah.


                                                                              THE END.

Article posted February 28, 2011 at 04:14 PM GMT0 • Reads 64

Nothing is Something

Article posted March 3, 2011 at 04:53 PM GMT0 • Reads 57

     Know what can't be done.........nothing. When you are doing nothing you are doing something......you are doing nothing thats something.........it is the biggest something in the world. Well lets say you say you are going to just sit around and do nothing........you ARE doing something. You are sitting. You might text your friends, you might watch t.v; you might take a nap.......I think you are doing something. Wow. You are doing something right now. 2 things. You are reading this and you are breathing. You are doing something. So everyday when you are going to do "nothing" you will be doing atleast 5 things. Wow i am doing something right now. I'm breathing, writing, looking, thinking, and you are blinking. 5 things just like I said. Nothing is something!

Article posted March 3, 2011 at 04:53 PM GMT0 • Reads 57

The Justin Bieber Awards!!!

Article posted March 18, 2011 at 05:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 60

Coming soon......................THE JUSTIN BIEBER AWARDS=http://! There is going to award for, the best time he looked (one of the nominee's is all of them...........I voted for that one)   The best song,his best alfit............and.............................YOU GET TO HEAR....WHO HIS WIFE IS=http://=http://!!!! I will give you a hint............the first part of it is........ his..........can you guess what it is..........COMMENT=http://!!

Article posted March 18, 2011 at 05:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 60


Article posted March 29, 2011 at 07:55 PM GMT0 • Reads 55


Article posted March 29, 2011 at 07:55 PM GMT0 • Reads 55

Me + my friend

Article posted April 1, 2011 at 04:03 PM GMT0 • Reads 66

My friend Gabby has alot of nicknames. Gggaaabbbeeerrrzzzzzzzzz! Gabber, Honey Bunches of Oats. Elle Nicole. Nikki. And most of all...........sis! She is just like a real sister to me. She is nice to me...........And we both love Justin Drew Bieber. Everything she has is Justin Bieber=http://!! I love her and she loves me=http://=http://!!!

Article posted April 1, 2011 at 04:03 PM GMT0 • Reads 66

Justin Drew Bieber Awards CANCELLED!

Article posted April 6, 2011 at 04:07 PM GMT0 • Reads 279

Sorry but the Justin Bieber awards have been cancelled, till May 4. The announcer has some family stuff. Sorry, again!

Article posted April 6, 2011 at 04:07 PM GMT0 • Reads 279

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