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Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016


Students will share what we are doing in class and about projects they have completed.

by H teacher: Carrie Hillman
Class Assignments
Blog Entries

Making Connections

Article posted September 8, 2010 at 03:52 PM GMT0 • Reads 115

Making Connections

Making Connections means that if your reading a book and it says something that your able to relate to.

Making Connections is important because you should be able to tell how the characters feel.

I’m able to make a connection from my book called Listen! because Charley is wanting to help dogs that don’t have a home and she helped a dog. This relates to me because I helped a dog too. He was a stray dog and now he has a home from me!

Article posted September 8, 2010 at 03:52 PM GMT0 • Reads 115

The Time Capsule

Article posted September 9, 2010 at 05:52 PM GMT0 • Reads 47

If I were to 1 item in a time capsule

It would be a picture of my Mom Dad My two brothers and my four dogs and me. Why? Because I want a photograph of me in a time capsule.

Article posted September 9, 2010 at 05:52 PM GMT0 • Reads 47

Iowa Vs. Iowa State

Article posted September 11, 2010 at 03:33 PM GMT0 • Reads 59

Who's going to win the game later today I hope it's Iowa HAWKEYES GOOOOO HAWKS

Article posted September 11, 2010 at 03:33 PM GMT0 • Reads 59

Monster Belt

Article posted September 15, 2010 at 05:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 118

Belt neon green zebra stripes the length is 6" Buckle square with a purple husky paw.

Article posted September 15, 2010 at 05:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 118

My Dogs

Article posted September 20, 2010 at 04:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 47

My dog is extremely nice and I think my dog is hypoallergenic.

To me my dogs don’t pester me but one of my dogs do sometimes he’s

way to hyper I can’t calm him down. And his name is Benji we named

him that because he looks like the dog Benji that’s why we named

him that. And my other 3 dogs bark a lot I mean a lot they bark anything

they hear outside and it get really annoying so we can’t make to much

noise. Here’s are the names of the dogs that like to bark a lot Ellie, Pepper,

and Buddy. And last of all my cat she’s extremely annoying because

she constantly meows. I don’t know a lot about hypoallergenic dogs , but

I know one dog that is hypoallergenic it is a toy poodle.

Article posted September 20, 2010 at 04:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 47

Fuel Up To Play 60

Article posted September 21, 2010 at 04:37 AM GMT0 • Reads 56

Please sign up for Fuel Up To Play 60. People will get active and have fun. To sign up go to FuelUpPlay60.com. Please sign up now.

Article posted September 21, 2010 at 04:37 AM GMT0 • Reads 56

A Good Way To Have Fun

Article posted September 21, 2010 at 04:42 AM GMT0 • Reads 50

If you wanna do something fun go out and ride your bike or go to a park or just a really easy thing to do is to play in your own backyard if you have dogs you can play with them or take him or her on walk thats pretty easy stuff and its fun! So get outside and play!!

Article posted September 21, 2010 at 04:42 AM GMT0 • Reads 50

Retelling Teachers Pet

Article posted October 6, 2010 at 04:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 62

The main charcters are Maggie Mr.Carlson Scout and maggies grandma. The sestting is at the middle school and at her grandmas clinc.The problem was that Mr.carlson was blind and he just got a guide dog and he really didnt get how to walk with a guide dog like Scout. First, when Maggie had her last class at the middle school she saw a dog when she walked in then Mr.Carlson said that he was blind a that he had a guide dog.Then, the next day Maggie got to know Mr.Carlson better. Last, Maggie And Mr. Calson became good friends.The solution was that aggie helped Mr. Carlson walk with Scout better.

Article posted October 6, 2010 at 04:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 62

Fun in the Sun

Article posted November 30, 2010 at 05:46 AM GMT0 • Reads 67

Article posted November 30, 2010 at 05:46 AM GMT0 • Reads 67


Article posted December 14, 2010 at 03:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 65

The weather sure is cold here in Oelwein it 4 below 0 thats freezing at Wings Park Elementry we will be having inside recess because it is very cold yesterday we didnt have any school because of the windchill and negitive 4.

Article posted December 14, 2010 at 03:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 65

Retelling: It only Looks Easy

Article posted February 4, 2011 at 04:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 56

One day Kat lets out Chedder ( Golden Retriever) for a little bit then she hears barking she quickly runs to the back yard and Chedder isn't there then she looks out front and Chedder is on her hind legs standing against a van,when Chedder is walking across the road when a woman with Alzheimer's disease runs Chedder over. When Kat runs out to see if Chedder is okay shes fine but when they take her to the vet it takes for ever before she comes out

P.S. I'm not that far in the book

By: Hailey Schulmeister

Article posted February 4, 2011 at 04:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 56

Information about the Ipod Nano

Article posted February 4, 2011 at 08:02 PM GMT0 • Reads 53

The ipod nano is simple,it is a touch screen so pretty easy to use. There is pages when you first turn it on lets say you want to go to the fittness page (Thats where it tells you how many claroies you've lost and how many steps you've been walking or running) and to get that page you swipe your finger to the left until you get to what you want. To move around your apps you click in the middle and hold your finger down tell the start to move then you can move them around and put them in a order yout want them. You can put all kinds of music on it.

Article posted February 4, 2011 at 08:02 PM GMT0 • Reads 53

The Eraser/Marshmallow Fight

Article posted February 8, 2011 at 08:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 75

One day at Wings Park Elementary in Mrs. Hillman's 4th grade class, Mrs. Hillman announced, ''Class, today is fun activitiy day because Fuel up to play 60 is hosting it today and they wanted our class to chose one activitiy or combine an activitiy together and they gave us a list because if we make up some of our own they might not have the supplies. So they gave us a list and I have to chose one person to dedcide to choose the activitiy and I chose Hailey Schulmeister so everybody form a circle and decide what you want to do Hailey come here said Mrs. Hillman. I want you to say an activitity and they will raise there hands you count them then write on the white board said Mrs Hillman Ok said Hailey Ok, before I say the first activitiy I want everybody to close there eyes please ok heres the first activitity Eraser Fight 10 people voted for that activity Marshmallow Fight 10 people voted for that activity so we have a tie so we are going to combine these to activitys together and I'll explain how we are going to do it." said Hailey and she continued on there are going to be marshmallow guns and we are going to fill marshmallow guns with erasers and marshmallows. The next day Fuel up To Play 60 was there getting everything ready and set up. Mrs. Hillamn annouced to the class, '' Today at 9:15 we will be going to the gym and doing our activity.'' So when they were waiting they all did Daily 5 ( that means where you read to self or someone and you can do writing and some other stuff) So when they were done reading they all lined up and went down. When we got to the gym it was super different there was surrondings all around the gym and the floor was covered with mats. Then Alice called us over to the side of the gym and there was a  head shield because we didnt want the erasers getting in there eyes. So when we were set they moved the tables and stuff and before the grown-ups left they put us on teams Gabby,Mariah,Olivia,Laura,Misty,Lexi,Tia,Emily, Hailey, and Carson.  Were on the girls team and they wore hot pink aprons and head shields There was one boy on our team because there was one more boy than the girls. These are the people who are going to be on the boys team, Brennan,Jakub,Byran,Skylar,Dustin,Steven,Dom,Blake,Noberto, and Gavon. Then all the grown ups left except one JIm he was going to supervise us and he had to put on a hot pink apron and a blue head shield. ( By the way forgot to tell you that the boys team wore dark blue aprons and headsheilds) Before Jim says go he explans how to play,'' ok if you get hit come sit by me now ........ GO.''

Everybody was so excited when we started 5 people were already out ! Then it came to Blake Noberto and Steven on the boys side and Hailey Emily and Gabby. Blake vs Haileyso they dueled and it was a tie because they hit each other at the same time =http://!!! Noberto vs Emily they dueled and the winner is Noberto=http:// Steven vs Gabby and the winner is Gabby !!!! And the Girls team wonand they got ....... an ipad and the boys got a DS eye. Awwwww the boys said they got a ipad.

And Thats the story ( ps this is a made up story :P )

Article posted February 8, 2011 at 08:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 75

A Stray Dog

Article posted February 16, 2011 at 04:11 PM GMT0 • Reads 72

One Day when it was around 4:00 and my golden retriever Buddy started to bark so my mom looked out outside and there was a Stray dog it was black and white it looked like it could be a mixed it looked like a austraillen Shepard/border collie it was really cute and I think it used to have a home because it had on collor it probly just got lose i hope the owner will fine it because it looked like a really nice dog

Article posted February 16, 2011 at 04:11 PM GMT0 • Reads 72

The Snow is Melting

Article posted February 18, 2011 at 07:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 53

Here in Oelwein,Iowa the snow has been melting but we could have snow again on Monday it's a 30 percent of snow. I'm glad that the snow is melting because ilove summer, and I love going to the pool. The snowmans that people made are melting, Oh No what are we going to do.

P.S. I typed this because I was bored

Article posted February 18, 2011 at 07:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 53


Article posted March 17, 2011 at 04:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 48

One day Eliza and her mom Elizabeth went to Independence to go to Walmart. On the way there she kept on imagining things like there is this person after every mile and it looks like a ghost. When they got to Independencehe disappeared. So they went inside Walmart to get some craft stuff and they found wood letters and got all the letters for her full name and got some paint to paint them with. Then they went to the make-up section and bought make-up so her mom could give her a make over, and bought some other stuff. Then they left and went back home then she started seeing a man again over and over until she fell asleep and had a nightmare. So she woke up and just lightly closed her eyes

The End

There will be more storys to come to Signs

Article posted March 17, 2011 at 04:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 48


Article posted April 1, 2011 at 04:05 PM GMT0 • Reads 58

One day I was hanging out with my friend Gabby and when we went to my house there was a cat in my tree in my back yard it was scared so when I tried to pet her she climbed up higher and then me and Gabby named her Ninja  then sh went up even higher then my friend Mykenize (Kenize) went outside so I called for her and then she came over and didnt know what to do so she started throwing a tennis ball at Ninja but that didnt make Ninja come down so then when we gave up I went inside and Gabby went home I told my mom that the cat was still in the tree and my mom said just to leave alone so I just went and took a shower then got ready for bed and went to bed then today in the morning I checked to see if Ninja was still in the tree but Ninja wasnt in the tree I was so sad because Ninja was a stray Kitten I hope Ninja didnt get hurt.

Article posted April 1, 2011 at 04:05 PM GMT0 • Reads 58

It Shouldnt Hurt Being An Animal

Article posted April 13, 2011 at 04:13 PM GMT0 • Reads 237

        Here in the United States all types of animals are being abused by people. They are abusing them, kicking them, negleting them, and much more.

         People abusing animals are growing rapidly. 20% of all intentional animal abuse crimes are commited by teens and 95% of those teens are boys. Studies of wiolent offenders in prison show that nearly 75% of them had earlier records of animal cruelty. Over 65 billion animals are used, abused,and killed for food, scientific/medical testing, military experimentation, entertainment, clothing, and breeding as in puppy mills each year.

        One way we could solve animal abuse we could team up all around the United States day and night we could watch for animal abuse if we hear strange noises we could knock on the door and look in the house and if there is an animal getting abused you would call the nearest animal shelter and they will come and pick up the animal.

          As of today animal abuse is still going on , and I think my solution should change the United States.

          Animal abuse needs to stop because it shouldnt hurt being an animal.

Article posted April 13, 2011 at 04:13 PM GMT0 • Reads 237

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