Lena -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Period Seven

Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by Lena

teacher: Linda Weaver

Class Assignments
Blog Entries

My Favorite Place to Read

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 62

Relaxing, comfortable, and quiet describes my favorite place to read perfectly. Ever since I started middle school it has been the place where I read and do other homework. It is on the top bunk of my bunk bed. I never get bothered by anyone and I can do almost anything I want. Sometimes, I even take a nap.

I’m never uncomfortable while I am up there because I always have my favorite blanket and pillows. My blanket is a big, blue comforter. I can always rap up in it when I’m cold or just lay on top of it if I’m looking for some extra comfort. My pillows are all big. I always use one whenever I lean up against the hard wall. When I lay down, I put one pillow under my head, and one pillow under my feet. Sometimes, I put two pillows under my head so I can lean forward and do homework. I’m never going to have to worry about being uncomfortable.

My house is normally very noisy. From my little brother complaining about doing homework or hanging out with friends to my mom worrying about how the house isn’t clean. So I try to get away from the scene by going into my room. I have a rule that no one is allowed in my room unless they knock so I never have to worry about getting interrupted by my family members.

My room is normally where I have to cool off or calm down after getting frustrated with something so it’s a good time to read. It’s very easy to get relaxed while reading on my bed because I don’t have to worry about anything. I feel like I’m in my own little world because I am away from any situations.

I love my bed and I will never forget that because this will always be my favorite place to read.

Article posted September 13, 2010 at 09:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 62

Like None Other

Article posted October 7, 2010 at 09:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 48

Out of all the books I have read in my life, my favorite would be “Girls in Pants”. It is a drama filled, exciting book that keeps you on the edge of your seat the whole time you read it. I have always loved books that I can relate to or can remember a time that I have felt the way some of the characters do. This book describes everything that I like in a book perfectly.

This book is about four teenage best friends getting ready to say there goodbye’s during there last summer together. The four girl’s names are Lena, Carmen, Tibby, and Bee. During there summer together, they go through a lot of problems. For instance, Tibby’s little sister fell out of an open window that she left open. Tibby felt extremely bad and felt like she was to blame. There are many other nerve racking situations like this.

I have always loved the kinds of books that make me laugh. That is just one of the many reason why I love this book. There is not one sentence in this entire book that makes me upset in anyway. I could not live my entire life without laughing. I would have a very boring, upsetting life. This is the one reason why I would read this book my whole life.

Article posted October 7, 2010 at 09:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 48


Article posted January 10, 2011 at 01:10 AM GMT0 • Reads 52

When I was younger, I used to dream about being able to take a vacation in a book so I could experience a different life for a while. Now that I have the chance to pick what book I would take a vacation in, it would have to be "The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants.' In this book, the characters get to go to new and exciting places such as Greece and Mexico. Lena is in Greece visiting her family and Bridget gets to go to Mexico for soccer camp. They both find young men who they soon fall in love with and get to share time together.

I would love to have to chance to go to Greece. You could meet new people that have totally different religions of believes that you. You could maybe even learn a new language. The ways that the book describes this place makes it sound exciting and beautiful. Ever since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to travel out of the United States so going to Greece sounds like the perfect trip.

One place that I would love to go to is near the ocean. That is exactly where Emily in the book "The Tail of Emily Windsnap" has lived her whole life. Emily is a normal girl, or so she thought. What she didn't know is that she has lived as a mermaid her whole life. When ever she gets into a pool or the tub, she turns into a mermaid. Her mom has a fear of water so she never let her take baths or go swimming. But she still takes showers. She has always loved to water the water late and night and finally gets the guts to go jump in the ocean. When she finds out she is a mermaid, she goes on new adventures with her new mermaid friends.

I would love to live next to the ocean because I love to swim. I'm not the best swimmer but I still love to be surrounded by water. I go to the pool almost everyday in the summer but I have never actually been in or even near the ocean. My family is scared of swimming in the ocean because they don't know what kind of fish would be lurking in the water. So I don't think I will be able to go to any kind of ocean or sea anytime soon.

For my last vacation, I would like to travel into the book "Gone." because they don't have any parents to watch over them. One day in the middle of class, everyones teachers and parents vanish. No one knows what is happening so they all go searching to find there parents. When they figure out that no one's parents are coming back, they start to wonder what happened to them. After they figure out that everyone older then 15 is gone, they start new adventures.

If I was a kid in this book, I would think it would be cool that I don't have to be told to clean my room or do the dishes anymore, but after a while I would soon miss my parents and learn that they are the best things that could ever happen to me. Without my parents I wouldn't know what to do or where to go. I would enjoy coming to this book for a vacation, but never for the rest of my life. It would be nice to get away from my parents sometimes, but I love them and don't want them to leave me.

Article posted January 10, 2011 at 01:10 AM GMT0 • Reads 52

Heroic Characters

Article posted January 10, 2011 at 03:52 AM GMT0 • Reads 88

If I had to pick the most heroic person I have read about in a book, It would have to be Rachel in the book "Boy Toy." She is one of Josh's best friends as a kid, but after Rachel's birthday party they didn't talk for five years. The reason for there seperation is because when they were twelve, Josh got molested by his history teacher. While Josh was at Rachel's birthday party, they played spin the bottle. When Rachel spun the bottle it pointed straight at Josh. While in the closet, Josh touched Rachel and she started to feel uncomfortable. Her parents forced him out of the house and they stopped talking for years.

Rachel is very heroic to me because she gave Josh hope. Through out his whole life he always thought people were talking about him behind his back. She told him that he needed to live his life and to not worry about the past. She gave him another chance even though what he did to her was uncalled for and he never should have done that to her. She wanted to continue being friends with him for the five years they didn't speak, but he never gave her the chance. When they finally did become friends, she wouldn't let him get rid of her. They became a couple and he finally got to live his life without the regret of his past.

The second person that is hero to me is Tibby from "Girls in Pants, The Third Summer of the Traveling Pants." Tibby and her friends have been through everything together from Tibby's sister falling out a window, to Carmen's mom having a baby. Even though they will soon be seperated for college, they will never loose there friendship. They have a pair of pants that magically fit them all even though they all have different body types. Every summer, they send the pants to each other at different times while they are apart.

The reason why Tibby is a hero is because she help Carmen's mom, Christina, through her pregnancy. She goes into labor way before she is due so none of her family is prepared to what is coming. Carmen's step father is on a business trip out of town and couldn't make it there in time. Carmen goes searching for him while Tibby stays in the hospital to keep Christina company. While Christina is having her baby, none of her family is there to give her support so Tibby steps in and help her through it. She holds her hand and tells her it will be okay. Christina made it through her pregnancy because of Tibby.

The last person that I find to be brave and heroic is DJ from the book "The Off Season"

This book is about a girl that plays football for her team. While deciding what her future is going to be, she gets injured in a football game and figures out that she might not be able to have a future playing basketball. She wants a future in football but doesn't think she will get into a college for that sport because she is a girl so her only other option is basketball. Through out this story she is dating a guy who's name is Brian Nelson. They get into a few fights through out the story but in the end they decide it's better off to be just friends.

She is a very heroic person because she saves her brother. He gets in a terrible football accident and is in the hospital. DJ puts her whole life on hold to go and see her brother. He won't talk to anyone, not even his own family. Through out the whole time she visits him, he doesn't say one word and continues to be as unhelpful as possible. DJ finally gets sick of it and yells at him. He finally thinks about it and decides he should start to listen to DJ and the doctors. He starts to tell the doctors how he is feeling so they can trying to help him. With out DJ he would have never recovered. There family is now back to normal and better then ever.

Article posted January 10, 2011 at 03:52 AM GMT0 • Reads 88

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