Blog Entries
school so far
Article posted September 24, 2010 at 01:55 AM GMT0 • Reads 1148
A couple things I like about school is art, gym, and recess and my blog. I changed desks on Oct1, 2010.
Article posted September 24, 2010 at 01:55 AM GMT0 • Reads 1148
The Monster Mansion
Article posted October 26, 2010 at 09:02 PM GMT0 • Reads 203
The Monster mansion (by Sawyer)
Once there was a family with one son and one sister a mom and a dad. But on accident some body knocked over a lamp and the mansion came alive and everybody got eaten.
After that family got eaten another family moved in. And somebody lit a match and the house ate everybody again. People started to notice that nobody ever came out of that mansion so they sent a video Camera car into the mansion and it never ran out of batteries. After a few hours of driving around the house, It caught the car and it ate it.
After a few seconds they saw everybody in the stomach and the stomach was an arcade so everybody went in the house and started to destroy the house and it ate up everybody in the house.
Article posted October 26, 2010 at 09:02 PM GMT0 • Reads 203
Things from my journal
Article posted October 28, 2010 at 11:13 PM GMT0 • Reads 208
October 25, 2010
My weekend was great.
I made a Lego remote control car that can turn, go forwards and backwards AND go off a ramp and it does not break.
October 26, 2010
This is what I’m thinking about. I’m thinking about putting yesterdays writing on my blog.
Gym=http://!! <: )>
October 27, 2010
This afternoon I am going to art class. Then after that I have to go to the Y.M.C.A.
I am going to be a slice of pizza for book character day and HALLOWEEN. The book is the boxcar children and the pizza mystery. I will be the same on Halloween.
Article posted October 28, 2010 at 11:13 PM GMT0 • Reads 208
more things from my journal
Article posted November 9, 2010 at 06:26 PM GMT0 • Reads 179
This is what’s on my mind.
Having Fun
Article posted November 9, 2010 at 06:26 PM GMT0 • Reads 179
The Turkey Escape
Article posted November 18, 2010 at 08:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 503
The Turkey Escape
Once upon a time, there was a turkey named Soy. Soy was a little chunky and he was as slow as a snail. He also had two sisters and one BIG brother. Their names were Sally, Judy, and Tommy.
Once Tommy told Soy about what happened to their grandpa 3 years ago, their Grandpa Polo. Soy wasn’t scared. But Soy had a plan to save them all. It was one day before Thanksgiving and it was time for the plan to strike. But nobody knew about the plan.
So after Soy explained the plan to everybody it was too late, Tommy got caught in a trap. And someone got him by the leg and dragged him away. After that everyone else got caught, but escaped - except Tommy .THE END.
Article posted November 18, 2010 at 08:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 503
The Christmas candy hero
Article posted December 16, 2010 at 08:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 412
Once upon a time there was a piece of candy named Qrio. Qrio was filled with chocolate. One Christmas he went out of the candy jar but the cat almost ate him.
After that he went into the jar and he noticed that he was rotting! So he checked his package and the expiration date was 1910 and it was 2020! So he went to his friend peanut butter but he was empty! So he went to the kitchen but everybody was gone!
So he went into the jar and he waited 6 months and by then he was a little drop of chocolate. So Qrio said to him self “I'm going to stop those people from eating my friends and familyâ€. So he got to work and he built a robot suit with gummy bear missiles filled with whip cream, jump drive legs, and 50 bionic arms and body but what he didn’t know was that the people were 100X
Bigger than his robot.
So Qrio got in his suit and set off into the kitchen to find them. Hours passed and still no people. So he found a empty box to stay in. After a day he found him self in a cave but then he realized that the cave wasn’t a cave, it was a stomach so he was eaten so his story was passed on to many people.
The end.
Article posted December 16, 2010 at 08:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 412
Article posted January 7, 2011 at 07:32 PM GMT0 • Reads 585
My new year’s resolution is to write neater for spelling because my writing is a little sloppy. So for me it’s a little hard but I can do it no matter what.
My second resolution is to eat a little healthier. I don’t know why but I just feel like it.
My last resolution is to build a robot that stands on two wheels in a week. It will be hard but I think I can do it.
Article posted January 7, 2011 at 07:32 PM GMT0 • Reads 585
stuff from my journal
Article posted January 14, 2011 at 06:29 PM GMT0 • Reads 184
Journal 15
January 11, 2011
What’s on my mind today is to finish the programming for the mindstorms nxt, making a LEGO motor cycleïŠï›, and I don’t know what else
January 12, 2011
The three worst things about the snow that has happened is having to go about 50MPH up an ice hill, 
January 13, 2011
What’s on my mind today is swimming class, Spanish class, going to my dad’s condo, and snowboarding lessons.
Other things that are on my mind are racing my dad down the biggest hill at the summit of Snoqualmie
January 14, 2011
My plans for the weekend are to go to snowboarding lessons on Saturdayï›and after school I’m going to see Gulliver’s travels.
Article posted January 14, 2011 at 06:29 PM GMT0 • Reads 184
new XO laptops
Article posted January 21, 2011 at 11:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 391
The new XO laptops are really cool! I hope I get one. Meanwhile some really cool apps on the XOs are speak, chat, and record. These laptops are really cool.
Article posted January 21, 2011 at 11:38 PM GMT0 • Reads 391
stuff from my journal
Article posted January 27, 2011 at 06:28 PM GMT0 • Reads 279
My weekend was BAD. My cat got cat crystals which means he cant go to the bathroomïŒïŒïŒïŒso he might make it but if he doesn’t he might _ _ _
At least some of my weekend was good. I went to snowboarding lessons and I learned how to do allies and 360s. I also got dish network and got rid of Comcastïï›.
January 25, 2011
What’s on my mind today is going to my moms work after swimming. Another thing that’s on my mind is nothing. ï“ï
January 26, 2011
What’s on my mind today is why in the world I forgot my HOMEWORK!! .
Nothing else is on my mind except that I’m going to make my own video game this weekend! 
January 27, 2011
I’m sort of nervous about going on stage today and I’m excited.
My favorite song out of the three is “Polly Wolly Doodleâ€. ïš
Article posted January 27, 2011 at 06:28 PM GMT0 • Reads 279
Weather in Snoqualmie
Article posted February 23, 2011 at 02:49 AM GMT0 • Reads 223
Some of my plans this weekend might be cancelled because the weather in Snoqualmie Pass is so bad it has been closed down. Some of the weather conditions for the road have caused a TON of car crashes. Mainly its cold, wet, and DANGEROUS!!!!
Article posted February 23, 2011 at 02:49 AM GMT0 • Reads 223
How to Make a Chair on Google sketchup 8
Article posted March 11, 2011 at 07:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 594
Some things you need to get started are Google sketchup 8, and a computer. First you need to download it to your computer at Google sketchup The first step is to open sketchup 8 and pick a template and get started.
Click use the square tool to make a square, then use push pull and pull the square up to as high as you want, but I suggest to type in 4’4’’. When you’re done with that you click on the pencil and make a line close to one edge but not all the way down. Now you draw a horizontal line, then you make the legs of the chair by using the square tool and make some rectangles and use push pull. Now you’re done.
If you want to you can use the paint bucket to make it look more like a chair. You can use this technique to make anything - buildings, cars anything you want. If you want somebody to be sitting in it, go to file 3D warehouse, get models, and type in anything and click on the one you want and click download now
Article posted March 11, 2011 at 07:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 594
The Best Bike
Article posted March 22, 2011 at 08:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 464
Once there was a bike but it was a special bike. It was special because it could scan anything and transform into it, it had a built in super computer, and it could turn into an EXO suit that could make you transform too. So one day this kid named Rad that had discovered tons of cool alien technology and built this robot and he was riding around on the bike when he passed by a bunch of kids and they saw the bike and ran after the bike. The bike accidentally scanned a jump rope and Rad fell off. And all of the kids pushed him away and Rad said, “Get off my bike†and all of the kids said, “NO!†Then Rad had no other choice but to go to EXO suit mode and the bike got up and turned into a suit and went on to Rad and he scanned a motorcycle and took off.
The next day he woke up and all of the kids were in his room and they were staring at him. So he called his bike and he got on and jumped out the window and rode away to Canada. When he got to a hotel he remembered he put up security cameras and they were hooked up to his phone.
While Rad was watching the kids the bike rode away and went to the earth’s core and stayed there for twenty thousand years and Rad never found him. Centuries passed and the bike was burnt up. This technology was passed on to many people.
Article posted March 22, 2011 at 08:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 464
watching the Kids Choice Awards
Article posted April 3, 2011 at 07:31 AM GMT0 • Reads 209
On Saturday night I watched the Kids Choice Awards. It was really cool, it was also really fun because Diego was sleeping over at my house.
Article posted April 3, 2011 at 07:31 AM GMT0 • Reads 209
the future of my blog
Article posted April 6, 2011 at 10:36 PM GMT0 • Reads 204
I think the future of my blog will be that Ill write on it forever and NEVER give it up to anyone. When I die I'll give it to someone.
Article posted April 6, 2011 at 10:36 PM GMT0 • Reads 204
Article posted May 12, 2011 at 08:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 329
The reading MSP was really easy. Some of the questions didn’t make any sense.
The math MSP was kind of hard. Some questions were really easy. I can definitely compare them and the easiest test was the reading MSP.
Article posted May 12, 2011 at 08:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 329
field day
Article posted June 13, 2011 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • Reads 319
I feel pretty good about the competition today. I wonder what I can get from winning the stations. I feel confident about it.
Article posted June 13, 2011 at 11:36 PM GMT0 • Reads 319
Favorite Field Trip of All Time
Article posted June 16, 2011 at 07:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 418
My favorite field trip of all time was going to Chinatown and my favorite thing about it was eating there and going to Uwajimaya. My favorite thing about going in Uwajimaya was the book store.
Article posted June 16, 2011 at 07:04 PM GMT0 • Reads 418
my book report
Article posted October 10, 2011 at 04:20 AM GMT0 • Reads 184
So far in the book its kind of confusing but Simon's school principal comes to him to have a talk with him and as they're walking and talking Simon notices something about her hair. Her hair is watching him. So Simon and his new friend Owen walk into this forest and find these squishy tree stumps. So they sit on them and jump on them and Simon wiggles his fingers and a weird book hits Simon on the head and he gets knocked unconscious. So Owen slaps Simon as hard as he can and Simon wakes up and they walk back to their homes. Simon walked into his room and opens the book and a weird pen comes out of the cover and in bright blue letters it says sign here so he grabs the pen and writes Simon Bloom in it and it says this book belongs to: Simon Bloom so he reads a few chapters of it and finds a chapter about gravity and he reads the page and he starts to hover and he knocked over his cup of soda and it hits the ceiling and there’s soda everywhere.
Article posted October 10, 2011 at 04:20 AM GMT0 • Reads 184
My Dream
Article posted November 5, 2011 at 05:03 PM GMT0 • Reads 661
Last night I had a cool dream, my dream was about nanotechnology. I was the first to invent it in my dream. My alarm woke me up after that.
Article posted November 5, 2011 at 05:03 PM GMT0 • Reads 661