Blog Entries
School So Far
Article posted September 23, 2010 at 09:09 PM GMT0 • Reads 1073
I'm doing well. We're doing a thing called math contest. It's challenging. I'm at one minute. We make a calendar every month and we get to color them. I'm on the thirty eighth book of Magic Tree House.
Article posted September 23, 2010 at 09:09 PM GMT0 • Reads 1073
The Map Test
Article posted October 9, 2010 at 07:28 PM GMT0 • Reads 180
I don't appreciate the map test. It's time consuming. I still have to finish the math one on Monday.
Article posted October 9, 2010 at 07:28 PM GMT0 • Reads 180
Halloween Is Almost Here
Article posted October 10, 2010 at 01:12 AM GMT0 • Reads 178
What are you going to be for Halloween. I'm going to be a cook. Let's hope nobody gets a cavity.
Article posted October 10, 2010 at 01:12 AM GMT0 • Reads 178
A Flicker of Light Flashed By
Article posted October 13, 2010 at 02:58 AM GMT0 • Reads 225
It was dark out that last night when we slept on the deck. Then all of the sudden, I saw a flicker of light flash and then poof it was gone. What was it? Was it lightning? I woke my mom. She asked me what was wrong. I said that I saw a flicker of light flash by. Well those are lightning bugs.
Article posted October 13, 2010 at 02:58 AM GMT0 • Reads 225
It Was a Wild Night
Article posted October 26, 2010 at 09:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 258
There was a wind storm out that night in winter on the eve of Christmas. Nobody had a present from Santa in years. Some say that he was blown away to a new planet in the wind storm.
But there was a house at the end of the road nobody ever visited. One kid who said he saw Santa go into that house never came back out.
But one day in October someone new moved in and wanted to get to know the neighbors…
He went to go see the house at end of the road. All the neighbors tried to stop him but… It was too late. He had already gone in and there he found Santa loading his sleigh. But then all of a sudden out of the wind that jolly looking Santa turned into two octopuses!
Then they put their arms out and he screamed and ran out the door. They ran after him and then they caught him.
Then they turned into three rattle snakes and gave him a big hug.
Then they started to shed their skin. He found out that they were just actors and from that day on every year they visited that house and each year their act would get better and better.
Article posted October 26, 2010 at 09:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 258
My Adventures In Picking Pumpkins
Article posted October 27, 2010 at 10:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 194
Today after church we went on a drive out to Kent. My dad had looked up a place to pick pumpkins. When we got there it was just a house with a big yard with tractors in it. So we called the place where it was supposed to be and it was the wrong address. When we got to the right place the pumpkins had been trucked in from Eastern Washington. So we didn't get any from there. Then we drove by a place called Carpinitos farm and there was a line that was a mile long. So then we called my cousin Laura and we told her we were in Buckley because that's where she lives. She said that there was a farm called Maris farms up ahead and she said you cant miss it and she was right. There was a line a mile long. There were hay rides too. So we didn't go there. So we finally went to my dad's cousins farm, he wasn't there so we went across the street to my great uncle's house. There were kittens there. My great uncle and aunt came out of there house we asked them about the kittens. He said they were half wild. I asked my mom what that meant and she said that a lot of people dump kittens on farms. So that meant that they didn't go to the vet or live inside. One had a scratch on its neck. My great uncle said that it looked a lot better than a month ago. Then me my dad and my brother and Becky went out the pasture and saw a bull. There was no fence in between us. It was a young bull not a calf but in its teenage years. It was just grazing in the fields. Then my brother had an idea that me and Becky should take a picture in the corn fields. So my brother lifted me over the barb wire fence and since Becky is so tall that she lifted her leg over it but it got caught and started to get caught but she made it over. Then my brother took the picture and hopped the fence and picked some corn. Then we walked back out of the pasture and back to the house. I asked my great uncle if I could have his two pumpkins. My mom told me to ask him how much money for the pumpkins and he said they were free for a girl like you. Then we headed home.
Article posted October 27, 2010 at 10:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 194
A poem for my three cats
Article posted October 31, 2010 at 07:24 AM GMT0 • Reads 200
Schubert is a wild tiger right now as he eats the grass in our yard, in the tall grass ready to pounce. Princess in the hall running away from people looking out the window meowing, "its too cold to be outside". Pixie lays around all day and jumps on papers in the night.
Article posted October 31, 2010 at 07:24 AM GMT0 • Reads 200
The Turkeys Have Escaped
Article posted November 19, 2010 at 07:33 PM GMT0 • Reads 300
Once there was a farmer and he owned a turkey farm. It was around Thanksgiving and some people had stopped by to buy a turkey. But the farmer was greedy and fat and when the people knocked on the door he answered. But when he answered a turkey ran straight out the door.
There were only 12 more days until Thanksgiving. He was so mad that he made those people pay for the turkey. The people said good bye and sorry. Then the farmer ran out to get the turkey…
But it had been run over. He was very upset and then he went to his back yard and told all his turkeys what had happened.
He thought they were listening and told them they would have a funeral. Then he went to bed. He woke up the next morning and found a turkey was missing and now there was only 11 more days until Thanksgiving.
He only had 10 more turkeys. He found a turkey lying in a box. It was dead. He thought one of the turkeys was evil and had killed the other turkey. Then he saw a coyote in the bushes.
In a blink of an eye a turkey had a scratch on its neck. He had the funeral and while he was talking the turkey with the scratch on its neck got one on the other side.
He didn’t know what was going on. To be continued!!!!
Article posted November 19, 2010 at 07:33 PM GMT0 • Reads 300
The Turkeys Have Escaped 2
Article posted December 2, 2010 at 04:38 AM GMT0 • Reads 433
Then the farmer went to bed. He was still very confused the next morning. After the farmer ate breakfast he went out to feed the turkeys. He noticed that a turkey was missing. He ran to the front door grabbed his coat and ran after the turkey who had flown the coop and was running down the highway. Then he decided that he would never catch the turkey running.
So he got in his car and started the engine... But it wouldn't start. Then he hopped on his bike as the turkey ran out of site. When he got to the stop sign he was in such a hurry he didn't stop and collided with a truck who had also run a red light.
When he went to apologize he noticed it was his cousin Henry driving the truck. He asked if his cousin Henry would let him chase after his turkey in his truck and his cousin Henry said, "Only if you promise to pay for the damage". Then the farmer said,"Yes".
Off the farmer went in his cousin Henry's truck. When the farmer finally caught up with the turkey the turkey was being patted on the head by a little girl. It looked happy. After seeing how happy the turkey was he started to have a second thought, maybe I should give the turkey to that little girl. Then he decided no.
He got out of his cousin Henry's truck. The farmer said to the little girl,"that turkey belongs to me". Then the little girl said,"prove it". Then the farmer said,"I'm a turkey farmer". Then the little girl said,"that doesn't mean the turkey belongs to you". Just then the little girl's mom showed up in a truck with a rope. "Come on Sara", said the little girl's mom handing her a rope. Then the the little girl put the turkey in the back of the truck and tied him up. Once the little girl had made sure the rope was secure she hopped in the passengers seat and her mom started up the engine and drove off.
The farmer was furious. He hopped in his cousin Henry's truck got out his cell phone and called his lawyer. He said to his lawyer "a little girl stole my turkey". The farmer's lawyer didn't care because he was on vacation so he hung up. Then the farmer started up the truck's engine and started to follow the little girl who stole his turkey.
When he caught up to the turkey, the little girl and her mother were already parked and opening the gate to their house. As the farmer was getting out of his Cousin Henry's truck the girl, the girl's mother and the turkey were already locked in the house.
The farmer decided to wait there until they came out of there house. He waited and waited and waited but finally he started to drift off to sleep. When he woke up he looked at the clock and realized he had fallen asleep. Then he looked at the house and there was a for sale sign in the drive way.
Article posted December 2, 2010 at 04:38 AM GMT0 • Reads 433
The Years of Baking Sweets
Article posted December 16, 2010 at 08:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 259
Once upon a time there was a baker. He was known world wide for his sweets. Every year he would bake the most delicious strudels and stuff. This year he said he would be closed for Christmas. Everyone said boo and threw ginger bread men at him. One hit him right on the lips. All the sudden the ginger bread man came to life.
The ginger bread man jumped off the baker’s lips and said, “My name’s Fredâ€. Fred ran right into the bakers shop. Fred started to pour pudding all over the floor. Then Fred put icing all over the baker’s dishes! The baker said ,â€Stop Fredâ€. All the people outside the bakers shop ran into help stop Fred. But they couldn’t catch him because he was hiding in the baker’s display case.
Then one boy spotted Fred. Then Fred ran out of the bakers shop and into the snow that was falling! It was falling so fast that the snow was up to Fred’s knees.
While everyone was yelling Fred had gone bad. The baker was cleaning up the mess that Fred had made. Then outside while everyone was looking for Fred they heard a big crunch… The boy who had spotted Fred had stepped on him. Then the baker heard Fred was dead. Then the baker said “The problem was curedâ€! The end.
Article posted December 16, 2010 at 08:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 259
My Wish
Article posted January 7, 2011 at 07:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 297
I wish that my Uncle Robin's and my Uncle Joe's cancer will get better. Last Christmas you couldn’t be in the same room as my uncle Robin. Because his cancer was so bad. He felt VERY sick the week after Christmas. He had to go to the doctor a lot. But now he is feeling little better. But he still has pneumonia.
My second wish is that my brother can get a permanent job. So that he can afford college and stuff, like getting married.
Article posted January 7, 2011 at 07:20 PM GMT0 • Reads 297
The XO Laptop
Article posted February 3, 2011 at 08:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 311
Today we went on are blogs from the XO laptops. We also get to bring an XO laptop to our house on the weekends. I get to bring an XO laptop next weekend!
Article posted February 3, 2011 at 08:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 311
The Pike Place Market
Article posted March 2, 2011 at 11:41 PM GMT0 • Reads 241
Today we went to the Pike Place Market. We went to lots of things at the Pike Place Market. My favorite thing that we visited at the Pike Place Market was a tea shop called Vital Tea Leaf.
We got to test taste two types of tea, one was called rose petal tea and the other was called blueberry tea. The rose petal tea smelled like perfume and the blueberry tea tasted bitter. The lady who was working there brought out four statues. One was a horse the others were a mouse, monkey and Buddha. She poured water on them. The horse turned red the mouse turned yellow and the Buddha and monkey peed on us.
My second favorite thing was the gum wall becuase I had never seen it before. I think it was disgusting.
Article posted March 2, 2011 at 11:41 PM GMT0 • Reads 241
How to Make a Kite
Article posted March 11, 2011 at 07:02 PM GMT0 • Reads 254
How you make a kite. It’s easy once you get started. And it’s fun to fly on a windy day.
We’ll let’s get started. First you need a big piece of paper. About the size of a news paper. Next you get some scissors. Then cut a big diamond shape as your kite. Finally get two pieces of wood and glue them on your kite so they make a T shape.
Last but not least get a long piece of string. Then get a round piece of wood and wrap the string around it. But don’t forget to tie the other end of the string to the kite.
Well now you have made your kite and you’re ready to fly. But make sure it’s going in the right direction.
Article posted March 11, 2011 at 07:02 PM GMT0 • Reads 254
The Birthday Bike
Article posted March 23, 2011 at 11:53 PM GMT0 • Reads 397
Once upon a time there was a little girl named Lilyeen. It was her birthday today. She was very excited. It was time for her to open presents. The first present she opened was a bike. It was her favorite color, aqua!
She asked her mother Margret if she could ride it and she said yes. Then Lilyeen hopped on and started to pedal. As she was pedaling she heard someone calling her name. She turned around to see who was calling her name, and it was her mother saying be careful… But as she was saying ok and pedaling at the same time she crashed into a telephone pole.
Her new bike landed on top of her in a heap. She started to cry. Her mother came running to her and said we need to take you to the hospital. Her dad carried her to the car and her mom drove. When they got to the hospital Lilyeen was unconscious. When Lilyeen was revived she was sad that her bike was ruined. But just as she was saying how sad she was to her mom, her dad came in with a new bike.
Article posted March 23, 2011 at 11:53 PM GMT0 • Reads 397
The M.S.P test
Article posted May 12, 2011 at 08:34 PM GMT0 • Reads 233
I tink the M.S.P reading test was pretty easy. I thought there would be more questions. But they didn't fill the whole page with questions.
I think the M.S.P math test was a little harder than the reading test.
Article posted May 12, 2011 at 08:34 PM GMT0 • Reads 233
Article posted June 13, 2011 at 11:53 PM GMT0 • Reads 212
Competing I've done a lot of. I've competed in soccer and softball and other things. Competing when you lose you're probably mad or sad. When you win you're very happy or proud of yourself. If you're playing on a sports team and competing against other teams in a championship if you win you might get a taller trophy.
Competition is fun. I hope someday you will compete. Or I hope you enjoy competing if you've done it before.
Article posted June 13, 2011 at 11:53 PM GMT0 • Reads 212
My Favorite Field Trip
Article posted June 16, 2011 at 07:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 1019
My favorite field trip so far is the one to Chinatown. The reason why is because you got to see how things are made. Like the giant machines that make the fortune cookies. Or seeing the noodles chopped up. Or even seeing the fortunes being made.
Article posted June 16, 2011 at 07:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 1019