Elias -- Blogmeister
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Elias's World

Room Twelve Alumni



by Elias

teacher: Mark Ahlness

Blog Entries

School so far

Article posted September 23, 2010 at 09:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 1070

School is fun so far, Mr. Ahlness is a great teacher!!! It is so much fun in his class. We're doing lots of math and I like math. Mr.Ahlness lets us do show and tell. We got to use clay.

Article posted September 23, 2010 at 09:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 1070

things from my journal

Article posted October 14, 2010 at 06:33 PM GMT0 • Reads 190

October.11, 2010

Journal 5

My 3- day weekend was fun.

On Friday I went to my mom’s high school.

I had pizza on Friday.

I helped my dad with our deck.

October.12, 2010

I feel good about having my picture taken.

I’m excited.

I have had a good picture taken before.

I’m (happy).

October.13, 2010

I’m excited about Halloween.

I have a soccer game tomorrow.

I’m building a Lego fort.

October.14, 2010

My favorite meal of the day is breakfast.

Breakfast gives me energy.

Article posted October 14, 2010 at 06:33 PM GMT0 • Reads 190

The impossible pumpkin

Article posted October 28, 2010 at 07:29 PM GMT0 • Reads 238

It was a dark and scary night in a forest... An evil pumpkin with giant hands and feet emerged from a cave...

Far away there was a very kind boy named Henry who lived with his dad, his dad liked him and liked camping, they were going camping on the day before Halloween, but they did not know they were in danger.

So on the day before Halloween they got in their camper and went to the forest. They pitched camp in the forest and after they had taken all their things out, the pumpkin attacked!

Henry ran back to his dad. When he was running he accidentally spilled some water.

The pumpkin slipped and fell and his candle burned out, he was really a jack o lantern. When his candle burned out he couldn’t see.

The end.

Article posted October 28, 2010 at 07:29 PM GMT0 • Reads 238

Escape Thanksgiving

Article posted November 18, 2010 at 07:31 PM GMT0 • Reads 325

Once there was a little baby turkey that was always very hungry. His name was Feathery, and like all turkeys he dreaded Thanksgiving. He was so scared about Thanksgiving, that he asked all his turkey family and all his turkey friends to all come to his parents’ house.

They made a plan to attack one house at a time. So they attacked their first house. Armed with sticks they jumped into their turkey tank 2000’s and launched their mini marshmallows at everyone they saw (except their own fellow turkeys). They destroyed everything and everyone in their path. The general turkey was Feathery.

So they went conquering the whole neighborhood. Soon they would rule the whole neighborhood. Feathery wasn’t worried about a thing, he was so happy he ESCAPED THANKSGIVING.

The end

By Elias

Article posted November 18, 2010 at 07:31 PM GMT0 • Reads 325

the candy theif

Article posted December 16, 2010 at 07:29 PM GMT0 • Reads 285

There was once an elf named Percy. He got bored a whole lot. His teachers would always yell “Percy pay attention!” Sometimes he had fun! He was a searcher elf, so his training was fun.

He did his training at a camp. it was in the middle of the North Pole. One month into his camp he heard terrible news! Evil ghosts were invading Olympian candy land. He had to go and fight.

Excitedly he packed up and went to candy land in a sleigh. He helped the gingerbread men win the war. They had won the war, but they forgot about the ghost king.

All the elves had to attack. The ghost king had stolen the master candy cane.

The elves destroyed the king and got back the master candy cane! This time they had actually won the war!

Article posted December 16, 2010 at 07:29 PM GMT0 • Reads 285


Article posted January 6, 2011 at 09:01 PM GMT0 • Reads 266

1. I wish more people had more things because:

Some people don’t have enough money for things they need and so they can’t buy things.

2. I wish there were less violent games because: some people play violent games and are not as kind as they could be if they didn’t play violent games.

Article posted January 6, 2011 at 09:01 PM GMT0 • Reads 266

Mid-Winter break!

Article posted February 19, 2011 at 03:05 AM GMT0 • Reads 224

It's mid-winter break=http:// Mr.Alhness (my teacher and the editer of what I'm writing) said if I write a blog article I would get extra credit in writing!

Winter break is fun! This is a joke me and my Dad created: A man goes into his doctor's office and he says: " Doctor, I've been having these weird dreams, in one of them I'm a teepee out in this cold, blustery place. In another I'm this circus tent". The doctor says:" I get it, you are too tense!

Article posted February 19, 2011 at 03:05 AM GMT0 • Reads 224

How to make a Lego tank for starters

Article posted March 11, 2011 at 07:22 PM GMT0 • Reads 359

This is how to make a easy Lego Tank!

Things you need: 30 Lego bricks, 4 wheels, 2 axles, and 2 Lego bases, (optional Lego blaster). First, attach the wheels to the axles and put them onto the base. Then put the bricks on. Then attach the other base to the top. Finally, (optional) put on the Lego blaster on the top base in the middle of it. You are done!

Good luck, there are many other Lego things you can make!!!

I am an intermediate Lego builder because I have been using them for awhile there are many other thing you can make. Lego guys, Lego robots, planes, trucks, hover-crafts, forts, and more!

Article posted March 11, 2011 at 07:22 PM GMT0 • Reads 359

The Genie of the bike

Article posted March 21, 2011 at 08:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 220

The Genie of the bike

Once in the 1800’s there were no bike safety rules in Seattle, Washington. There was a boy who lived near Arbor Heights. He thought there should be bike safety rules. His name was Billy.

His dad had bought him a bike. The first time he rode he fell on it and crashed. When he got back on he heard the bike say “I am the genie of bike safety rules”. Scared, Billy ran to his dad.

When he got his house, he said, “My bike can talk.” His dad said “ha, ha”. He went over to the bike and sure enough the bike said, “I will grant you three wishes”. So Billy told the bike safety rules.

That is how bike safety was made.

The End

Article posted March 21, 2011 at 08:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 220

What I Did over the weekend

Article posted March 21, 2011 at 08:55 PM GMT0 • Reads 241

On the weekend I went to a robot show with my dad. There were three robots on each side. There were poles to put the hoops on. They could score points by getting red, white, and blue hoops together and putting on individual hoops.

Article posted March 21, 2011 at 08:55 PM GMT0 • Reads 241

the future of my blog

Article posted April 6, 2011 at 10:32 PM GMT0 • Reads 333

I think I am going to be writing in this blog when I'm out of third grade. I hope I will!!!

Article posted April 6, 2011 at 10:32 PM GMT0 • Reads 333


Article posted May 13, 2011 at 11:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 343

The reading MSP was easy. I thought it would be longer and harder. The questions were not hard. I didn’t have to write much. It was fun.

The math MSP was easy. It took longer than the reading MSP, but, it was easier than the reading MSP. I preferred the reading MSP.

Article posted May 13, 2011 at 11:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 343


Article posted June 13, 2011 at 11:54 PM GMT0 • Reads 246

I am very competitive! I like team games better, because if I am not good at the game someome else on my team will be=http://

Article posted June 13, 2011 at 11:54 PM GMT0 • Reads 246

Favorite Field Trip

Article posted June 16, 2011 at 07:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 687

My favorite so far was Chinatown! It was fun! I liked the fortune cookies.

Article posted June 16, 2011 at 07:21 PM GMT0 • Reads 687

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