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Reading discussions, why do you like what you like?

by Carnegie teacher: Linda Weaver
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Article posted October 14, 2010 at 12:17 AM GMT0 • Reads 80

I think that the book I would read for life would be “Darkside.” It’s about two worlds, Lightside and Darkside. Lightside is basically where we are and Darkside is another world where everything is abnormal. The main character is a kid named Jonathan. Jonathan’s father is from Lightside, but his mother is from Darkside so he is half of both. Anyway, he doesn’t know his mother so he lives in the Lightside. He finds out about Darkside so he goes in and finds a whole other world. But some unfriendly Darksiders, like vampires and bounty hunters and more, know about him and his mother and try to get half dark and light side people like Jonathan. He meets up with a wolfman named Carnegie that helps him out. There is a lot more to tell but you will have to read the book to find out the rest!

I like this book because it’s a page turner. You’re always on the edge of your chair because you don’t know what’s around the corner. It has a lot of adventure. It also has a lot of fantasy creatures. Once I picked it up, I couldn’t put it down. It’s a really good book and I think you would enjoy this book too.

Article posted October 14, 2010 at 12:17 AM GMT0 • Reads 80


Article posted January 11, 2011 at 04:52 AM GMT0 • Reads 88

The first hero I have read about would probably be Carnegie from the book Darkside. He is a wereman from Darkside. A wereman is half human half werewolf. In Darkside he is a detective that solves a lot of crimes. He is very slick.

I think he’s a hero because he saves Jonathan when he is in trouble. I also think he is a hero because he solves a lot of crimes and mysteries. He is a hero because he does what he can to solve something or to help someone out. Those are all of the reasons I think he is heroic.

The next person I think is a hero would be Fu from the book Tiger. He is a boy that has the martial art of the tiger. He was from five of the young warriors or his temple brothers that survived an attack at their temple. He is a very strong warrior.

I think he is a hero because he looks after his brothers. He protects a lot of people from menaces. He trains hard and he is brave. Fu has a sense of loyalty to his temple brothers. He is honest. He works hard for what he believes in. That’s why I think he is heroic.

The third hero I picked would be Jared from the book Spiderwick. He is nine years old. He is a twin. He kind of has an anger management problem because he almost got kicked out of school for punching a guy in the nose. He is an adventurous kind of person. Jared gets blamed a lot for stuff he sometimes didn’t do.

I think he is a hero because he looks out for his brother Simon. Also he fought goblins and trolls. He is heroic because he helped his sister when she was in trouble. He solves stuff when he is on adventures. That is why I think Jared is heroic.

Article posted January 11, 2011 at 04:52 AM GMT0 • Reads 88


Article posted January 31, 2011 at 01:31 AM GMT0 • Reads 78

Well, the first place I would visit would be Darkside from the book Darkside. Darkside is a place in London, England that is full of thieves, vampires, and werewolves. It’s kind of old fashion there. Darkside was created in the days of Jack the Ripper, and it really hasn’t changed since that time. Anyway, there is a boy named Jonathan that goes into Darkside. He finds a wereman named Carnegie who helps Jonathan out. They experience a lot of adventures in the streets of Darkside, fighting bad guys, chasing thieves and searching for clues to the whereabouts of Jonathan’s missing mother.

I would go there because I would like to feel the thrill of adventure. It also sounds really cool to me. I could see how it feels to ride in a carriage pulled by a horse. It would be cool to meet the people there too. I could meet a vampire, while trying to avoid being robbed by a man with extra arms. It would be exciting, and a little scary to vacation in Darkside.

The second place I would go on a vacation would be the island from Lord of the Flies. Lord of the Flies is about a group of kids who were on a plane that crashed onto an island. There are no adults there, just the kids. They decide that since they are stuck there, they will form a community while they wait for someone to rescue them. With no adults around though, things get kind of crazy and not so much fun.

I would go there because I think it would be fun to go see how it feels to live on an island. I would also go there because it wouldn’t be cold and I could swim in the ocean. It might be nice to have no rules to follow while I’m on vacation. I only hope that if I vacationed on that island, I would have a way to get home when the vacation was over.

The final place I would go on vacation would be to the giant mansion from Spiderwick. Spiderwick is about these twin boys and their older sister who start living in a giant mansion in a place called the Spiderwick Estate. They find a secret library and get a field guide out of it. The field guide teaches them about all the creatures that a lot of people can’t see which leads them into lots of adventures.

I would go there because I think it would be cool to live in a place that is kind of far from other people. It would also be cool to explore the mansion, find the secret library and look at all the stuff inside it. I could go and look through the forests and woods by the mansion. I would like having all kinds of adventures there. It would be an exciting vacation.

Article posted January 31, 2011 at 01:31 AM GMT0 • Reads 78

Places i would live at

Article posted March 2, 2011 at 11:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 132

The first place I would want to in would be Darkside from the book Darkside. Darkside is about a boy named Jonathan that finds out about a place called Darkside. He meets up with werewolves, vampires and bounty hunters that are either friends or foes. He has a lot of adventures in darkside. Darkside is filled with creatures that may or may not want to eat you! It is a dark place to be it.

I would want to go and live there because it would be fun to see live werewolves and vampires if they don’t eat me! It would be fun to have the thrill of someone following you all the time. I would have a lot of adventures. It would just be fun to experience the atmosphere of darkside.

The second place I would live would be the place from Skullduggery Pleasant. It’s about a girl named Stephanie that meets up with a guy named Skullduggery. At first she just thought he was odd but finds out he is a skeleton! They are investigating her uncle’s murder. They meet up with a villain called Serpine that tries to get a scepter and Stephanie and Skullduggery must stop him. The place is basically the same as ours but there are secret places with magic there.

I would go there because I would look for people doing magic. I would also try to use magic because I would be jealous! I would then look for the scepter because I would be bored sometime. But I would never go where there are vampires!

The third place I would live would be the place in the book Tiger. Tiger is about five ancestors that are training at a temple. Then it was attacked and everyone had to flea from the temple. They learn to use different moves and to stay together. The place is a lot of forests and jungles and battle places.

I would go here because I would explore through the jungles and forests. I would probably go and learn some moves that they teach at that temple. It would be cool to train with the other monks. Last but not least, I would definitely take pictures of probably everything!

Article posted March 2, 2011 at 11:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 132

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