Fatima -- Blogmeister
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   2004 - 2016


by Fatima

teacher: Mohammad Younis Farid

Blog Entries

Reading Journal, 1st March.

Article posted March 1, 2011 at 05:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 108

I read a movie review on the historical film released in 2010, 'The King's Speech'. According to the review, Colin Firth plays the role of King George VI, who has a stutter. As the new King's older brother abdicates the throne, he has to step up. Geoffrey Rush plays a speech therapist, Lionel Logue, who helps him to overcome this issue before a radio broadcast, at the beginning of WWII.

I feel that this movie has taken history and given it a very interesting twist. Winston Churchill, war-time Prime Minister of Britain, is also a part of this movie. Although the story seems to differ from actual facts, I think it is an appealing way of presenting British history. The growing friendship between the stuttering King and his therapist, and the numerous political issues of the time, are two entirely different concepts grouped together to form an odd and unique experience. It is also admirable that the Director based this film on his own experience of stutters, caused by the horrors of WWII, and his memory of the King's passionate speeches during the war period.

Article posted March 1, 2011 at 05:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 108

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