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by Amber

teacher: Mohammad Younis Farid

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Amber's Journal-------1st March 2011

Article posted March 2, 2011 at 06:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 55

I can't believe that I am reading Pride And Prejudice (by Jane Austen) Again! well, it's the one and only unique classical book that I like as usually I just hate classical novels. I don't know why but when ever I want to sleep, I start reading a classic book and believe me, within five minutes I am asleep.

This novel starts with the most amazing sentence and it tells about the most amazing people too who don't have any regards for the beauty of outside but the real respect comes for the internal beauty.

"It is acknowledged worldwide that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in need of a wife" Umm........... do you think so too? Well, that's exactly the people in the neighbourhood thought when they heard that Mr.Bingley had bought Netherfield Parks and was coming to live there.Without even knowing his views or his opinion, this was the truth fixed in the mind of every single person and already many daughters had made him their rightful property.

Among these was Mrs.Bennet too, who had five daughters and was determined to marry at least one of them this season. The business of her life was to marry her daughters and its comfort lay in visiting and news. The one single information that Mr.Bingley was worth the fortune of four to five thousand a year was enough far her to marry her daughters. She was already down on her knees begging Mr.Bennet to go and meet Mr.Bingley when he does come.

Mr.Bennet refuses do so but he is willing to write a letter to Mr.Bingley and show his approval of marrying any one of his daughters, if he ever does so. In end of the letter, he also wants to give his preference for his daughter Lizzie. But he is forbidden to do so by Mrs.Bennet who thinks it unfair as well as she also has a low image of her daughter as someone without any charm or beauty. she doesn't realize that Lizzie unlike her other daughters has some sense and knowledge of the world.

She is discontented that Mr.Bennet would not go and though she does argue with him nothing comes out of it. The chapter ends without Mrs.Bennet gaining anything.

Well, do you think Mr.Bingley would like Lizzie? I, in a way, think that Mr.Bennet has more sense than Mrs.Bennet ,so I agree with him that Lizzie is someone sensible. Do you think the Bennet daughters have any chances of marrige with Mr.Bingley, I hope that I find the answers to my questions in the next chapter.

Don't you think the people of the story are just too aware of the coming and goings of people. I don't think that people of today have that much knowledge of even the person living in their own house.

Article posted March 2, 2011 at 06:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 55

Amber's Reading Journal----2nd March 2011

Article posted March 2, 2011 at 06:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 37

The second chapter turned out unexpectedly. I never thought the Mr.Bennet would go to meet Mr.Bingley but actually he was one of those earliest people who waited on him. Mrs.Bennet was not aware of this but when she did come to know she was in great raptures. All her sourness was gone.

She was already looking at dresses and trimming hats and predicting that who would dance with whom. She was also planning to invite him to dinner.

I wonder like her too. I wonder which new characters will be introduced in chapter3. Whom would he dance with? Lizzie, Jane or someone else?

Mr.Bennet did exactly what any father would have done for his daughters and Mrs.Bennet like any mother of today was anxious to marry off her daughters well in the society. Both of them acted out like anyone in real life would.

Article posted March 2, 2011 at 06:43 PM GMT0 • Reads 37

Amber's Reading Journal------4th March 2011

Article posted March 4, 2011 at 06:35 PM GMT0 • Reads 62

Chapter 4 mostly contains the discussion between Jane and Elizabeth about how handsome Mr.Bingley is.

Elizabeth thinks that the sisters of Mr.Bingley are proud and conceited while Jane likes them as she never sees the wrong in a person.

Mr.Darcy and Mr.Bingley are old best friends but there is a great deal of difference in there behaviour. Where ever Mr.Bingley goes, he is greatly admired, but where ever Mr.Darcy goes, he is detested.

In Mr.Bingley's opinion Jane is the most beautiful creature but Mr.Darcy criticises her as someone who smiles too much.

Do you think Mr.Darcy is as bad as they think him to be? I have a perception of my own that the people who seem to be rude and cold are actually the sweetest people at heart. I wonder if my theory is right or wrong.

There are not many people like Jane in our world who always have a positive attitude to people. If there were a few like here, there would never be so much hatred in this world.

Article posted March 4, 2011 at 06:35 PM GMT0 • Reads 62

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every word is just tooo insignificant to describe someone as awsome as me :)) lolzz