Daanika -- Blogmeister
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   2004 - 2016


by Daanika

teacher: Mohammad Younis Farid

Blog Entries


Article posted March 5, 2011 at 05:37 AM GMT0 • Reads 84

This article revolves around a Children’s Cancer Center in Houston. As we all know that cancer is a very deadly disease and the ones who have cancer have to spend a lot of time in hospitals.

“So why not make their stay pleasant!” thought Anita Kruse. Now what Anita did was that everyday she used to visit the hospital with a cart equipped with an electric keyboard, a microphone, and speakers. She used to ask the young cancer patients to write poems or songs if they could and then she used to add piano chords, a few interesting sounds, and finally the patient's own voice. Thirty minutes later, she presented the patients a CD of their first recorded song. One of the first patients who recorded her own song was an eight year old girl named Simran Jattar. Now she is cancer free and she and her mother still listen to her song and remember the “really sweet and loving lady who brought a smile on her daughter's face.”

I agree with Anita Kruse that we should try to bring smiles on the faces of cancer patients whose eyes are filled with pain and weariness. And it's always better to spread positivity rather than negativity. I read this article from Reader's Digest and I recommend this magazine to all my fellow students as all of its articles have a nice motivational message for its readers. 4/3/11.

Article posted March 5, 2011 at 05:37 AM GMT0 • Reads 84

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