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by Saif teacher: Mohammad Younis Farid
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Televison - 5th March

Article posted March 5, 2011 at 04:52 PM GMT+5 • Reads 82

Today I read an article about television in which the writer favored television and also criticized it. The author believed that TV is responsible for breakdown of family life in many countries and it has adverse effects on young people. He said that young people indulge in watching TV so much that they don't study which affects their academic performance. He also wrote many benefits of TV.

In my view, Tv is very beneficial if we use it in a positive way as TV is a source of information which provides us world news in just seconds and enhances our knowledge regarding all things and countries in this world. It also improves our English. However I agree that because of watching it for long hours, students don't take part in sports activities and become obsessed, but it is their fault. Breakdown of family life is also due to television but if elders eat in front of tv, so their youngers will also follow whatever they see, so we shouldn't criticize tv only, as it is the misuse which actually is to blame.

Article posted March 5, 2011 at 04:52 PM GMT+5 • Reads 82


Article posted March 6, 2011 at 07:26 PM GMT+5 • Reads 39

I read an article about 'excuses' today. The writer wrote about his personal experience about excuses and also wrote some daily life examples about excuses in which he told that most of the excuses we make are false. Whenever we make excuses, we always get caught and embarrassed. Our reputation also suffers and shows that we have no credibility.

He wrote that we make excuses to get rid off the trouble and excuses shows our failure. In his view, making excuses is not a good thing, it is simply a bid to cover our weaknesses.

In my view, we mustn't make excuses, instead we must strengthen our skills and work on our weaknesses to avoid excuses.

Article posted March 6, 2011 at 07:26 PM GMT+5 • Reads 39


Article posted March 1, 2009 at 12:00 PM GMT+5 • Reads 39

I read Robert Swindswell' book 'Smash'. I read the first chapter in which there is a boy Ashraf whose sister has a boy friend who is Ashraf's best friend Steve, so Asharaf irritates her with his name . Asharaf has a conversation with his father who tells him that a new mall is being constructed. In the end of the chapter, he gets scolded by his father as he was constantly saying that no shopping mall is being built as he was not aware of it. Finally he goes to school with a sad face.

We must not irritate any one and should'nt argue with our parents as they know every thing better than us. Instead of arguing, we should learn whatever they knowledge they give us.

Article posted March 1, 2009 at 12:00 PM GMT+5 • Reads 39


Article posted March 3, 2009 at 12:00 PM GMT+5 • Reads 33

I read the third chapter of it the novel today, in which the 4 members of have a meeting in the fixby's office and the 4 out 12 members opposed the proposal of millennium mall. They have a discussion in fixby's office and while in the meeting, the 4 members enjoy themselves by having a cup of coffee and cigarette.

Article posted March 3, 2009 at 12:00 PM GMT+5 • Reads 33

Over the Surface

Article posted April 11, 2011 at 12:52 AM GMT+5 • Reads 51

Our skin is natural and whatever type of skin we have, we can't change it, but we can make it better.

I think we mustn't change our skin if it is dry or diseased and leave it as it is since it is our real beauty. Actually we use creams to change our skin tone; if it is dry or oily to make it perfect however as you know that every cream or medicine has side effects and if our skins become better, we get prone to other infections from it since it is natural and whenever we disturb natural cycle, it always has bad effects. So leave using all beauty and skin creams, since your original skin is the real beauty of yours.

Article posted April 11, 2011 at 12:52 AM GMT+5 • Reads 51

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