Manoj -- Blogmeister
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by Manoj

teacher: Mohammad Younis Farid

Blog Entries

4 march 2011

Article posted March 4, 2011 at 10:33 PM GMT+5 • Reads 108

Kidnapping is a common crime in Pakistan. Whenever we watch news, most of the cases are of kidnapping. We must take some strict measures in order to finish these cases such as protesting against the police who are not taking these cases seriously and creating awareness amongst the people of Pakistan. I must say that we should create awareness and have strict security, warn people not taking enough money or any precious thing while you are out late night, so that these cases could be finished.This is responsibility of all of us to stay aware in order to bring peace in the country. I think you will co-operate with me by following these measures. THANK YOU

Article posted March 4, 2011 at 10:33 PM GMT+5 • Reads 108

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