Lal -- Blogmeister
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by Lal

teacher: Mohammad Younis Farid

Blog Entries

1 March 2011

Article posted March 3, 2011 at 07:55 PM GMT+5 • Reads 84

Today I read an article in the news paper about Chelsea Manager Guus Hiddink who told media that their side is going to lock horns against their rivals Manchester United ahead on their tonight match at stamford match. He told that his team are fully prepared to clash in their first match against their rivals.

My experience is that both teams are well prepared and anything can happen in this game . Manchester United have been playing well since the start of the season and they have been securing their best position in every game. They can put Chelsea in trouble as they have the best striker Wayne Rooney and he can strike against them and put them in trouble. Chelsea who are looking hopeful to win this match against their rival after going through a bad time since the start of the season.

They have not been putting any attention in every game after buying an expensive Liverpool striker Fernando Torres in a record of 60 million pound and he is going to spell his magic in his first match against Manchester united after transferring from Liverpool. Guus Hiddink wants his team to take advantage from their home ground and he has full confidence in his team and will lock horns against manchester united. I think this is going to be a interesting match and teams of both side are very strong and there will be a huge crowd at Stamford bridge to support their respective team.

People are very excited to see this first match between both rivals in the league. I want you to support your team. Dont forget to see this match.

Article posted March 3, 2011 at 07:55 PM GMT+5 • Reads 84

4 March 2011

Article posted March 4, 2011 at 10:46 PM GMT+5 • Reads 56

Class 9-D

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Article posted March 4, 2011 at 10:46 PM GMT+5 • Reads 56

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