Annie -- Blogmeister
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by Annie

teacher: Mohammad Younis Farid

Blog Entries

Walking In Circles

Article posted March 1, 2009 at 12:00 PM GMT+5 • Reads 83

Today I read an article in Reader's Digest about a new research by German psychologists. According to them if we are lost without reliable direction cues to guide us- such as a mountain,a tower or the sun- we are unable to walk in a straight line.

This was originally commissioned by a popular science TV show, Kopfball. Lead researcher Professor Jan Souman and his team examined the course of people walking for several hours in a forest- followed up with tests of their ability to maintain a straight course while blindfolded and found that when people don't have an absolute reference for direction, they walk in circles.

Thus it is my advice to all to not trust your senses if you get lost, no matter how certain you feel. Always be prepared if you are going into an unfamiliar terrain and when all else fails, use cues in the environment.

Article posted March 1, 2009 at 12:00 PM GMT+5 • Reads 83

Take a bite out of your cancer risk

Article posted March 2, 2009 at 12:00 PM GMT+5 • Reads 58

Today again I read another article from Reader's Digest. In this article a few foods were listed (example:eggs, mushrooms, green tea and whole grains) which, if eaten, could reduce the risk of cancer up to 24% in eggs, 64% in mushrooms and 34% in whole grains.

In my opinion this is a good way to create awareness among the people and I strongly recommend all to add these foods to their cancer-fighting menu and benefit from it because PRECAUTION IS BETTER THAN TREATMENT.

Article posted March 2, 2009 at 12:00 PM GMT+5 • Reads 58

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