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by Uzair

teacher: Mohammad Younis Farid

Blog Entries

Competition For Umpires

Article posted March 9, 2011 at 07:13 PM GMT+5 • Reads 98

The introduction of the UDRS in the World Cup has been very helpful for the umpires who are maintaining high levels of performance. Although controversies have been stirred on the 'not out' decision of Ian Bell against India, but it is said by GM Richardson that the decision made was done according to the guidelines issued to umpires.

I personally think that The UDRS has brought a drastic change in the game by giving accurate decisions and by making the game more fair for both the teams. Sometimes one wrong decision can really turn the game, but due to the UDRS system, the decision can now be reversed. Moreover, this is a good way of testing the umpires who can be humiliated in front of thousands of spectators if the decision they made gets reversed. I think pretty soon in the upcoming days, umpires might be removed from the game and technology might take their place. Though there has been some criticism that the UDRS system has taken the spark out of the game as winning the matches or losing the matches on wrong decisions was more preferable to some people than winning on the correct decision. Still I believe that the UDRS has been really beneficial for the game of cricket.

Article posted March 9, 2011 at 07:13 PM GMT+5 • Reads 98

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