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by Daania teacher: Mohammad Younis Farid
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The unlucky 13

Article posted March 5, 2011 at 03:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 126

Hey folks! This Saturday morning I came across a magazine issue in which I read about this really popular superstition or a fear commonly known as Triskaidekaphobia. Well, everyone knows what number comes between 12 and 14, but that's not all. The number has more stories about it than any other number, and not all stories are very good. Many people around the world fear Friday the 13th, whichever month it falls in and literally avoid going out on this day. Such people do absolutely nothing significant that day because they believe whatever they will do will end up in a disaster. It is estimated that $800 to $900 million are lost in business on this day because people do not do the business they would normally do. 13 suffers because of its position after 12 which is considered a'complete number'. The fear may be irrational but it is very strong. It is the most widely spread superstition. In our modern world, many airports skip the 13th gate and hospitals do bot have a room number 13. In Italy, the house between 12 and 14 is numbered as '12 and a half'. Around 21 million people in this world believe in this superstion. Turks disliked this number so much that they crossed it out from their vocabulary! Hindus believe that 13 people should never gather at one place, no matter what the place is. If you have 13 letters in your name, you are given the devil's luck. If a person cuts his nails on Friday, it can bring sorrow. We can see that Friday is a day of much sorrow for Christians because on Friday the Great Flood began, the temple of Solomon was destroyed on Friday and on Friday Jesus was crucified. A fascinating tale tells us how a ship built on Friday, keeled on Friday, selected a crew on Friday , started a voyage on Friday, and to make it even more horrible they made her captain a man named Jim Friday- after they set her to sea, she was never seen or heard of again...

No matter what horrible things happened in the history of number 13, we should not give in. We are the ones who make our luck. The harder we work, the luckier we are. There are no real proofs of all these beliefs and events and we should not completely rely on luck, for luck only takes us half the way. I would sum up as a famous Latin proverb goes
"Fortes fortuna adiuvat" - Fortune favours the brave!

P.S- "Wouldn't this article have been more worth reading if I wrote it on Friday or maybe on the 13th?"

Article posted March 5, 2011 at 03:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 126

I read...

Article posted March 6, 2011 at 05:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 71

I took 20 minutes out from my busy schedule and decided to read a study guide from a magazine issue. In those late hours of noon, I went through an article on management of time and how we can organise ourselves to excel at anything. The article contained some really simple tips that can help you out in becoming a good student and some reasonable practices that will surely help you through your life.

The young writer advised to maintain a good health first. Health is wealth so we should give it the foremost priority. We should watch what we eat- avoid junk food and do not skip meals at all. We should eat more vegetables and fruits and drink plenty of water. We should make some light exercises an essential part of our daily routine and cut down the time we spend on whatching t.v and using Facebook. We should not forget to have a sound sleep- as it gives us a refreshing feeling the whole day. Now, when you have a healthy body your mind also works well!

"Think about your study routine and make a proper timetable and allocate reasonable time to each subject. Give more time to difficult subjects but do not completely ignore the easier ones!" says an educationist. We shall make it a habit to revise each day all that we were taught in school that day.

The writer also tells us "Don't forget to enjoy!" We should always take some time out to relax. "Trying indulging in some outdoor sport or you can watch a movie, help your parents with the chores, hangout with friends and chat
- But please don't overdo it!" The writer at the same time stresses on "paying attention in class!" We should always note down important points in our notebook and never hesitate to ask questions after a lecture. "If there is a student in your grade who is good at some particular subject, don't be shy in going to him/her for some help!" Making these practices a routine of our life will not only help us get good grades but also make it easier for us to manage our life after school! 

"Know the true value of time- snatch, seize and enjoy every moment of it"                                                                                                                         Lord Chesterfield.

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Article posted March 6, 2011 at 05:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 71

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