Mujeeb -- Blogmeister
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by Mujeeb

teacher: Mohammad Younis Farid


Article posted March 5, 2011 at 06:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 55

I read the Sport column of Daily Dawn today.

FCicket is worshiped like a religion in India and

people are crazy about Cricket especially in this part of World. Pakistan team is showing good performance and it has 6 points as well as it is on the top. Australia is on the second position. Cricket lovers are enjoying this event by supporting their teams. It is expected that Pakistan team will be in finals. Just as it had won the world cup 1992, the Captain of Pakistani team "Shahid Afridi" stated that his goal is to bring the world cup 2011 home.

Article posted March 5, 2011 at 06:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 55

Mobile Phones

Article posted March 5, 2011 at 07:34 PM GMT0 • Reads 64

I read article on Gsm arena about disadvantages of Mobile Phones today.

Mobile phones are the basic need of the people today in the 21st century. In 1973, it was introduced and it has helped us to communicate with people around us. There are many disadvantages of a cell phone. Mobile Phone uses electromagnetic radiation in the micro wave range, which some believe may be harmful to human health. The World Health Organization (WHO),based upon the majority view of scientific and medical communities, has stated that cancer is likely to be caused by cellular phones. The WHO expects to make recommendations about mobile phones in 2010. Some national radiation advisory authorities have recommended measures to minimize exposure to their citizens as a precautionary approach.

In conclusion, it has both advantages disadvantages. We must use mobile phones with care and consideration.

Article posted March 5, 2011 at 07:34 PM GMT0 • Reads 64

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