Brayan -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

A) Mr. Crosby's Current Class

We are a 6th grade class that is piloting a 1:1 laptop program using MacBook computers. We blog, Skype, make Wiki pages, produce digital videos, podcasts and vidcasts.

by Brayan

teacher: Brian Crosby

Blog Entries

clown show

Article posted September 16, 2011 at 11:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 867

My family and I went to a clown show. Then when we got there the show was already starting and he shows a little toy gun and pretending to shot somebody and a big flag came out and said thank you for coming. Then his next trick was he had a squirt gun and aimed at his mouth and his head starting to get bigger and bigger.He had a tissue and started crying but when he twisted it. A lot of water started coming out. Then he got my hand and told me to pull his hankie and I pulled it and it got longer and longer.Then he dressed me as a clown then I had to stand on a ball while I was on the ball I had to juggle.Then I went back to my seat and everybody started looking at me because I was dressed up as a clown.There was this little kid on a big elephant but the little kid didn't fall because he was trained and there was a guy that was like 90 feet on the air and he was just on a rope .But he didn't even fall he almost fell but he had enough balance to not fall but if he did fall there would be a bounce bounce thing so he could not be injured and the last one was that a clown was juggling just like when they dressed me up as a clown.But the clown was on a big ball while he was on the ball he was on a elephant and, a ball and, a had to juggle and he was awesome!!!


Article posted September 16, 2011 at 11:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 867

The Pencil Named Jesus

Article posted January 31, 2012 at 10:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 177

I was in Brayan’s back-pack. He grabbed me and I saw the light I said “oooo aah!!” My least favorite thing is when Brayan uses me as an eraser, it feels like if they are cutting my hair. I also hate when he doesn't grab me right and I fall on the floor. So he grabs me and sometimes it tickles me. So then Brayan shoves me into his back-pack and when every time I go in Brayan’s back-pack I always see my friends that are never used I feel bad for them because I mostly get used and they don’t. It’s like if they are worthless.

The End :-)

Article posted January 31, 2012 at 10:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 177

African Wild Dog

Article posted April 30, 2012 at 07:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 671

The african wild dog can also be called a cape hunting dog or a painted dog. The African wild dogs live in packs but their are mostly dominated by a monogamous breeding pair. The African wild dogs are actually endangered because their habitat shrinking. The packs will also tackle larger prey such, as wildebeests, or they will eat injured animals. The African wild dog weighs about 39.5 to 79 lbs, their size is about 29.5 to 43 inches. The diet of the African wild dog is a carnivore and the African wild dog is a mammal. The life span of the African wild dog is up to 11 years. Each of the African wild dog has its own pattern, and all have big,rounded ears. The female has a litter of only 2 to 20 pups.

Article posted April 30, 2012 at 07:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 671

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