Daniel -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

A) Mr. Crosby's Current Class

We are a 6th grade class that is piloting a 1:1 laptop program using MacBook computers. We blog, Skype, make Wiki pages, produce digital videos, podcasts and vidcasts.

by Daniel

teacher: Brian Crosby

Blog Entries

The zoo

Article posted September 17, 2011 at 12:00 AM GMT0 • Reads 661


One day my parents toke me to a zoo that was far off in Red rock. Later I saw lot's of animals then I saw a lion it started getting angry it started to smash the cage and it broke free and escaped from it's cage it started to look for things to eat. Next the lion couldn't find anything to eat then the animal control came and shot a sleeping dart but it missed and that was there last one.

Then they told everyone to evacuate the place I started to run but then I stopped for a second and looked for the lion and I found it and it was in the deer pen it was sneaking on a deer to eat it. Finally I couldn't let the lion eat the deer so I had to act quick and then I started to look around then I asked if they had any meat to feed the lion they said yes.

So they gave me one to me then I ran close enough to the lion it heard me and started to look at me and it saw the meat then it started to chase me I ran as fast as I could then.

I threw the meat in the cage the lion ran after it when it was finally in the cage I shut the door and locked it and everybody started to cheer then the manager saw the brave thing that I did and said to me from now on each time I go there with my family and me I get to go there for free. The End

Article posted September 17, 2011 at 12:00 AM GMT0 • Reads 661

My Pencil Story

Article posted January 31, 2012 at 10:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 170

I was in my normal spot next to the laptop when suddenly Danny picks me up with a firm grip on me I knew that we were going to get to work today. He pushes me to the paper and starts to write also sometimes it hurts when he makes a period because he pushes me really hard on the paper. Also when he makes the w it feels like I am on a roller coaster going up and down all the time. Uh-oh Danny has made a mistake and is about to use my eraser he flips me over and puts my eraser on the paper it burns each time he uses the eraser and I can see the little crumbs left after he was done using it later Danny was using me to write when all of a sudden my led broke he toke me to the sharpener were I am going to get a hair cut were I am going to get my point again for I can write once more he puts me in and after a little while later I am once again sharp and ready to write. Finally the school day is over he sets me down leaves to put his stuff away after that he picks me up again and puts me away in his backpack and finally I can take a break for the rest of the day then tomorrow I will start to write again.

Article posted January 31, 2012 at 10:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 170

A Mesoamerican civilization

Article posted February 7, 2012 at 11:07 PM GMT0 • Reads 217

The main thing about the Mesoamerican Civilization is that they grew maze, beans, and other crops. Also they constructed monuments, pyramids, and ceremonial centers. They were also astronomers, mathematicians, priests, and farmers. The Aztec civilization was the last great civilization in Mesoamerica. They also based their economy on farming. They also built a great empire. But to me the major thing about the Mesoamerican Civilization is that they grew maze, beans, and other crops.

Article posted February 7, 2012 at 11:07 PM GMT0 • Reads 217

The laughing Kookaburra

Article posted April 30, 2012 at 07:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 628

The largest member of the Kingfisher family is the laughing Kookaburra. The female Kookaburra can weigh up to one pound and can grow to about 18 inches in length. The beak of the Kookaburra can reach to 4 inches long and they use it to snatch a variety of invertebrates and small vertebrates including the small snake. The laughing Kookaburra has dark brown eye stripes run across its face and the upper bill is black. The laughing Kookaburra are monogamous they are territorial birds that nest in tree holes the females lay one to five eggs.

Article posted April 30, 2012 at 07:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 628

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