Giovanna -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

A) Mr. Crosby's Current Class

We are a 6th grade class that is piloting a 1:1 laptop program using MacBook computers. We blog, Skype, make Wiki pages, produce digital videos, podcasts and vidcasts.

by Giovanna

teacher: Brian Crosby

Blog Entries


Article posted September 30, 2011 at 11:28 PM GMT0 • Reads 653


One day, while at a family picnic in Sacramento I saw what I thought was a patch of sand in the long, green, grass. I reached over to feel the weird looking sand but then it moved. Right then and there I knew that it was not was a lizard!

I screamed so loud that the people all the way across the park heard me. Everyone came running they asked me what was wrong I pointed at the lizard. Everybody could tell that it was about to run but before it had the chance a bird reached down and got the sandy colored lizard. I panicked and shot my hand up and grabbed the bird's leg the bird let the lizard go so I let the bird go. Then I scooped the lizard up,then I realized that I was scared of reptiles so I dropped the the lizard in my big brother hands.

He wanted to keep it so he put it in a white foam cup. He covered the top with a piece of lined paper. Then he poked some holes at the top. Around 9:30 we all went back to my aunt's house we were all tired so we went to sleep.

It was a silent night until 12:30 am when I started hearing what sounded like little feet running. So I turned on the light. I saw lizards everywhere there was green lizards, gray lizards, brown lizards. I screamed everyone woke up,everyone screamed .We all ran into the bathroom we were all to scared to turn on the light. Eventually my my brother turned on the light. When he did we saw a huge lizard in the tub it was like 30 feet long and 25 feet wide. We all bunched up together. After a while we figured out that it was a nice lizard. We all got on it and we let it take us outside. No lizard dared attack. Thats how I spent some of my summer vacation.

Article posted September 30, 2011 at 11:28 PM GMT0 • Reads 653

Hilary's Adventure

Article posted January 31, 2012 at 10:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 412

Hi my name is Hilary and this is the story about the time Giovanna wrote a story about her pencil that’s me Hilary. The story begins with me being in my usual place besides the laptop with my best friend Tiffany. Giovanna put Tiffany on my earser a month ago Tiffany is a purple eraser. We were just sitting besides the laptop wondering when Giovanna was going to use us again, when she surprised us and placed her finger around my neck. Her hand felt so soft and warm and so safe. She set my head on the paper and started to write an H and like O.M.G I hate writing capital H’s something about them just makes me so mad however I love writing lower case i ‘s it’s like skating in a straight line then for the finish you make a long jump to dot the i. I totally hate messing up luckily Giovanna does not use my eraser anymore when I make a mistake she uses Tiffany now but one time she used my eraser and it so totally hurt like (OUCH!!!) I am so so so glad she does not use my eraser anymore. Anyways when we were finished writing our story she set me down on the smooth table and started typing our story.

Article posted January 31, 2012 at 10:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 412

Red Fox

Article posted April 30, 2012 at 07:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 505

Red foxes could live in forests, grasslands, mountains, and deserts they could live all around the world. Red foxes are sometimes killed as destructive pests or frequent carrier of rabies, and are hunted for sport, though not extensively. Red foxes are solitary hunters they feed on birds, rabbits, rodents, other small game and even fruit, vegetables, fish, frogs, and worms, all depending on their home habitat. At birth, red foxes aren’t actually red their brow or gray.Although red foxes are actually brown or gray at birth they usually grow a red coat by the end of the first month, but sometime red foxes are golden, reddish-brown, silver, or even black.

Article posted April 30, 2012 at 07:23 PM GMT0 • Reads 505

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