Anet -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

A) Mr. Crosby's Current Class

We are a 6th grade class that is piloting a 1:1 laptop program using MacBook computers. We blog, Skype, make Wiki pages, produce digital videos, podcasts and vidcasts.

by Anet

teacher: Brian Crosby

Blog Entries


Article posted September 17, 2011 at 12:00 AM GMT0 • Reads 783

My Trip To San Francisco

In the summer I went to San Francisco. And we went to marines world. And it was wonderful and beautiful. There was a bunch of delicious food I ate a lot of food. And lots of stores I thought I was in heaven. And then I saw the store Sanrio. The store Sanrio is a Hello Kitty store. I love Hello Kitty when I came out my hands were full of bags. I think i spend more then half of my money in that store. Then the next morning we woke up really early. Because we were going to Six Flags. But we didn't woke up that early. So we rush to get dress. And then we ate breakfast. And we zoomed to the car an left. And seeing the roller coaster it was crazy . I was so happy because I love roller coasters. I got on all the rides. When we left I felt so bad. So that was my perfect trip to San Francisco and Six Flags.

By Anet

Article posted September 17, 2011 at 12:00 AM GMT0 • Reads 783

The Best Ice Cream Day

Article posted November 3, 2011 at 11:07 PM GMT0 • Reads 267

One day my cousin went to get ice cream at the best place ever. I told her I wanted some ice cream really bad. So I didn't feel bad when she told me she was going to take me along to get ice cream. I was really happy and excited because it was going to be our first day hanging out. The next day I got dressed really nice. I think I got dress too early because I was waiting and waiting I was bored. Then I heard a knocked at the door I was really happy because I knew it was her. So we were ready in the car until we lost the keys. So we went and look for them it took us hours to find them. Finally we found the keys In the kitchen and we left to Buskin Robins. At the end we both ate this huge ice cream with sprinkles. I felt like I was in ice cream and sprinkle world. It was one of the best days of my life.

Article posted November 3, 2011 at 11:07 PM GMT0 • Reads 267

Me And My Owner

Article posted January 31, 2012 at 10:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 243

I was just laying down on the cool table, but I think it was to cold because I had my warm monkey hat on. Then suddenly I felt Anet's hand go around me I was so excited because I knew we were going to work really hard like always. My favorite part of the day is when she writes with me it feels like if I was being massaged. And I'm pretty sure that everyone loves that especially when it happens almost every day. But here's a thing I hate is when she does periods with me and when she erases with me for a long time or really hard I just really hate it and nobody can see it but it really hurts. Imagine that we were doing that to the humans but instead we cut of there hand it would really hurt so when you do that to us it hurts to. But at the end its really nice because she picks me up and puts me in her backpack. Its cool because every time she walks her backpack moves and I bounce up and down its so much fun but not when she runs, that one hurts.

Article posted January 31, 2012 at 10:46 PM GMT0 • Reads 243


Article posted April 30, 2012 at 07:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 653

Theres no other animal that has a coat so distinctive then the zebra. This animals are social animals and spend a lot of time in hebrs. They spent a lot of time in the grass and they like to stay together for safety. Zebras like to stay remained close with the herbs. Zebras have to be aware of lions and hyenas. If one Zebra is attacked a lot come and attack too to help there member.

Article posted April 30, 2012 at 07:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 653

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