Iman -- Blogmeister
Class Blogmeister
   2004 - 2016

Iman's Universe

Room Twelve

by Iman

teacher: Mark Ahlness

Class Assignments
Blog Entries

School So Far

Article posted September 22, 2011 at 07:45 PM GMT0 • Reads 1445

So far, school is great! I have lots of fun. My favorite subject is math. I like art, too. Mr.Ahlness is a great teacher.

Article posted September 22, 2011 at 07:45 PM GMT0 • Reads 1445

My Journal

Article posted September 23, 2011 at 07:13 PM GMT0 • Reads 205

Iman Omer


September 19, 2011

Last weekend was great! I had lots of fun. I went for a bike ride around my neighborhood. I was outside with my brothers. We were outside for maybe an hour. Then we went inside to see if my dad was here.

September 20, 2011

I am thinking about music. I wonder what we are going to do. Are we going to sing? Are we going to play a game? I wish I knew what we were going to do in music.

September 21, 2011

I am thinking about math. We are having a test. I wonder if test is going to be easy. I wonder if the test is going to be hard. I wish I knew what the test is going to be like.

I am thinking about P.E. I wonder what we are going to do. Are we going to play pin down? Are we going to do fitness? Are we going to run for three minutes? I wish I knew what we are going to do in P.E.

September 22, 2011

My favorite playground game is the jump rope because I like to jump. The jump rope is really fun to me. One time, I even jumped 200 times! After I did 200, I was really tired. I couldn’t jump anymore. I was too tired. I really like the jump rope.

September 23, 2011

My favorite season is winter because it snows in the winter. I like to play in the snow. In the snow, I like to throw snowballs at my brothers and sisters, make snow angles, make a fort, and build a snowman. I just love winter.

This weekend, I am planning to play outside with my brothers. I like to play outside because I like to run and ride my bike. I really like to play outside with my brothers. Sometimes, my older brother rides the bike and I try to catch him, but I never do. It is really fun.

Article posted September 23, 2011 at 07:13 PM GMT0 • Reads 205

The Map Test

Article posted September 30, 2011 at 08:51 PM GMT0 • Reads 557

The map test was awesome! I really liked it. It was fun, but I liked the math part the best because I like math so much. I liked the reading part, too. Some questions were some I didn’t even know, but I tried my hardest. That is the reason I like the map test so much.

Article posted September 30, 2011 at 08:51 PM GMT0 • Reads 557

My Favorite Thing

Article posted October 11, 2011 at 08:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 519

My favorite things are pizza, cats, flowers, pasta, ice cream, math, reading, and school. My two favorite colors are green and light blue because they remind me of the earth. I like to color. My favorite season is winter because you get to play in the snow and get hot chocolate. I like to draw alot, too. My favorite book now is Double Fudge. It is a really good book. I like alot of books. My favorite weather is a sunny day. I like to ride my bike when it is sunny. I like to do art. It is really fun

Article posted October 11, 2011 at 08:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 519

About My XO

Article posted October 18, 2011 at 11:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 584

Today, my xo's name is Melanie. It is cool. The colors are redish-purplish and green. I like this xo. I am writing this article on an xo.

Article posted October 18, 2011 at 11:39 PM GMT0 • Reads 584

The Horrifying Dragon

Article posted October 31, 2011 at 11:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 529

One day, a man named Mr. Acker was going on a walk, but in the middle of his walk, a big dragon said,” Get out of my house!” The dragon was so loud, he scared Mr. Acker and he ran saying,”AHH! HELP!” He went to town and told almost everyone about the dragon, but everyone he told laughed and said,” You are silly. You know dragons aren’t real.” Mr. Acker felt so sad, he went home.

When he got home, he started to cry. Mr. Acker went to bed, still crying and when he woke up, the town was on fire! And guess who did it? The dragon! He burned the toy shop, the clothes shop, the food shop, and burned down seven houses. He was looking for Mr. Acker so he can say sorry for scaring him away.

The dragon has been searching for Mr. Acker for one day now, but the dragon still couldn’t find him. Mr. Acker was packing his suitcases because he was going to move away. He doesn’t want the dragon to find him. He doesn’t want the dragon to breathe fire on him. When Mr. Acker was done packing his things, he went downstairs and out the door. Mr. Acker packed his car. But before he could get in his car, the dragon saw him. The dragon ran to Mr. Acker. Mr. Acker was so scared, he got in his car and drove off. The dragon ran after him.

He drove as fast as he could, but then his car ran out of gas. He said,” This can’t be good”. So he got out of his car and started to run. The dragon ran. Since the dragon ran longer, he was more tired, so he started to fly. Mr. Acker was so scared, he hid behind a tree. The dragon started to fly really high so he can see the whole forest. The dragon could see so well, he could see an ant. When the dragon could see Mr. Acker, he swooped down and picked him up. Mr. Acker started to scream. The dragon said,” I’m sorry I scared you earlier. I just wanted to say I’m sorry for scaring you away. I really am. I will never scare you ever again.” And Mr. Acker said, "OK. Hey, we could be friends?”. And they were best friends forever.


Article posted October 31, 2011 at 11:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 529

The Turkey Escape

Article posted November 18, 2011 at 11:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 506

Once upon a time, there was a turkey named Zack. He was a boy. It was the day before Thanksgiving on the farm and the farmer needed a turkey. Zack thought this day would never come, but it did. Zack was a big turkey. The farmer would love to eat him. He heard the farmer singing, “I’ll eat this turkey in one bite, and yes this turkey is one big sight,” over and over again. “Wow. He must like to eat turkeys,” thought Zack. The farmer has been cooking corn, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes with or without gravy, and a lot of other foods.

Zack was trying to escape all day, but it was tricky. It was a tall gate. And then Zack had an idea! “I can just fly over the gate!” It was a good idea. So he flew over and landed with a big THUMP! The farmer saw Zack leaving. He said “Hey! Come back here!” Zack heard the farmer and he ran as fast as he could. The farmer was so mad, his head could blow up. The turkey said “I wish I was invisible” and guess what? He turned invisible! The farmer stopped and said “WHERE DID YOU GO?!” The farmer looked and looked and looked, but he couldn’t find Zack. So the farmer gave up and went home.

And Zack was so happy he wouldn’t get eaten for Thanksgiving dinner. And then the next day at dinner at the farm, the farmer didn’t have any turkey to eat. And Zack was safe for another year.


Article posted November 18, 2011 at 11:37 PM GMT0 • Reads 506

The Snowy Day

Article posted December 9, 2011 at 11:35 PM GMT0 • Reads 512

It was Winter Break in December 2009 at our house. I was six years old. My brothers, my sister, and I were getting into our boots, coat, hat, gloves, and scarf. When we put on our clothes, we went outside.

The snow was about three feet deep. The first thing I did was I went to our parking lot and made two snow angels. It was fun. Then I went to my backyard, but all of a sudden my brothers and sister were throwing lots of snowballs at me! I tried to make snow balls so I could throw the snow balls at them, but I couldn’t. They made a lot of snow balls. Once they ran out of snow balls, I said, “What was that all about!” They said they thought it would be funny and it would give you a good chill. I didn’t like it, but I didn’t want to waste any of my time, so I said, “Let’s make a snowman!” and they agreed.

So my brothers made the bottom, I made the body, and my sister made the head. We put the snowman together, but something looked wrong. Then I knew what was missing. We were missing a nose, eyes, arms and a mouth. So I got a carrot for the nose, my brothers found rocks for the eyes and the mouth, and my sister found two sticks for the arms. Then I went inside and got mittens, a scarf, and a hat and took it outside. Then I put it on the snowman. Then my sister went to call my mom. When she saw our snowman, she was surprised. She said” Did you build this”? And we said yes.

We were really cold, so we went inside for a while. My mom said “Who wants hot chocolate?” And we all said me! Me! Me! So she made lots of hot chocolate and gave us each one cup. When we were all warmed up, we went back outside. We started to throw snow up in the air and get under all the snow so it looks like it is snowing.Then we made a snow fort. It wasn't really big because e used a lot of snow for the snowman. Then we went inside. "I had a good day today," I said to myself.

Article posted December 9, 2011 at 11:35 PM GMT0 • Reads 512

My Wishes

Article posted January 5, 2012 at 09:02 PM GMT0 • Reads 738

In 2012, I wish it would snow. I love the snow. The reason why I want it to snow is because it barley even snows in Seattle. The last time I played in the snow was 2010. I really, really want it to snow. I really wish it would snow. If it snows, I will be sooooo happy!

In 2012, I wish it will not rain a lot. I don’t like rain. The reason why I don’t like rain is because it rains sooooo much, I barely get to play outside in our backyard and I barely get to go to the park. I really want it to be sunny. I really want it to not rain. If it is not going to be raining for a whole week, I will be happy!

Article posted January 5, 2012 at 09:02 PM GMT0 • Reads 738

Why the Lights Should Come Down

Article posted January 10, 2012 at 09:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 574

In our class, we put up lights for the holiday. Our class voted if the lights should come down or stay up. I voted they should stay up, but then I changed my mind. I think they should go down because if they stay up, it will use up more electricity and it is not good to use a lot of electricity. That is why I want the lights to come down.

Article posted January 10, 2012 at 09:00 PM GMT0 • Reads 574

The Concert

Article posted January 26, 2012 at 06:22 PM GMT0 • Reads 178

I feel good about the concert on January 26, 2012. I can't wait. It is going to be so much fun. I hope I am in the middle or on the top bleacher. I just don't want to be up in the front.

Article posted January 26, 2012 at 06:22 PM GMT0 • Reads 178

The Unknown Island

Article posted February 14, 2012 at 11:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 563

One day, a boy wanted to sail his boat. He was fifteen. His name was Chris. He packed his lunch. He brought bug spray. He brought binoculars so he could see stuff from far away. He sailed for a long time and he got hungry so he ate his lunch. He had a tuna sandwich, a carton of milk, an apple, an orange, and a granola bar. He also had some napkins. After he ate his lunch, he felt sleepy so he took a nap, but when he woke up, he was in the strangest place. He was on an island.

No one was on the island. Actually, it was just sand. Nothing but sand. He wanted to check out the island, but he thought about the consequences. “What happened if I got lost, or if someone is on the island and throws me off the island and I drown? What if I get lost?” He thought and thought and thought. After five minutes, he decided to go and check out the island. Even though he knew the consequences, he still wanted to check it out. He thought it was unknown. An unknown island. So he started to walk. He walked and he walked and he walked and he walked. He walked for an hour until he bumped into something. Something invisible. He poked it. And it did nothing until he figured out that there was a message on the ground. It said “To open the invisible door, you must say the magic word; I can’t tell you the magic word, though.” Chris already knew the magic word. It was please.

So he said please and the door opened. He went inside. It was full with lots of stuff. It was full with lamps, chairs, sofas, and lots of other stuff. And guess what? There was gold! Lots and lots of gold! But if it belonged to someone. He thought. Then he knew what to do. He took some of the gold. And he left. He didn’t want to take a lot of gold because it will be too heavy for him. He walked out of the cave and walked until he found his boat and sailed away to the land. He found it so he went home, but then the weirdest thing happened.

He woke up! He thought it was real, but it was a dream and he couldn’t believe it.


Article posted February 14, 2012 at 11:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 563

Mid-Winter Break Plans

Article posted February 17, 2012 at 11:45 PM GMT0 • Reads 548

I am planning to sleep in and have pancakes on the days I am at home. On the break, my sister and I are going to my cousin’s house for a sleepover and then they are going to have a sleepover at our house. It is going to be so much fun. My mom and their mom are planning to take us somewhere over the break.

I am planning to read a lot. I like to read. I am planning to do math. I like to do math. I am planning to play outside on a sunny day. I am planning to ride my bike. I like to ride my bike. I am planning to go to the park with my family. I like to go to the park with my family. I am planning to go to the mall with my mom and my sister for new shoes and new clothes. I can’t wait. I am planning to play on the computer. I am planning to watch some TV. I am planning to stay up late because it is mid-winter break. I love Mid-Winter Break. It is really fun. There is one more thing I am planning to do. Have Fun!!!!

Article posted February 17, 2012 at 11:45 PM GMT0 • Reads 548

The Worst Day Of Your Life (Part One)

Article posted March 1, 2012 at 06:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 187

One day, there was a boy named Sam. He was a really good boy. He would always clean his room. He never forgets to say please, thank you excuse me, and sorry. One day, his mom said he could pick what his family eats for dinner. He thought about what both of his parents like and what he likes. Then he knew exactly what. Sam said they would have pepperoni pizza for dinner. He said he would pay for it. So they had pizza for dinner. Sam washed the dishes which were - three plates and three cups. But one day, everything changed. Sam was a bad boy. His room wasn't clean, he didn't wash the dishes, he could never say please, thank you, or excuse me. It was the worst day of his life.

Part One

Part Two Coming Soon

Article posted March 1, 2012 at 06:24 PM GMT0 • Reads 187

The Pacific Science Center

Article posted March 1, 2012 at 11:34 PM GMT0 • Reads 525

Yesterday, we went to the Pacific Science Center. We had lot of fun.  At the Pacific Science Center, we went into the Planetanium. We learned about space. We learned that the stars don't stay in the same stop everyday. After that, we went to the Laser show. It was awesome. I think they played five or six songs. After the Laser show, we had lunch. Everyone was hungry. After we ate lunch, we split up into three groups. I was in Mr. Ahlness'es group. We went to the dinosaur exhibit. We took a group picture next to two plastic dinosaurs.


Article posted March 1, 2012 at 11:34 PM GMT0 • Reads 525

The Worst Day of Your Life (Part Two)

Article posted March 14, 2012 at 08:07 PM GMT0 • Reads 216

So after he thought it was the worst day of his life he told his mom and dad what happened to him. After they knew what happened to him, they called the doctor and made an appointment for him in thirty minutes. They got there in twenty-five minutes. The doctor came and they told them what happened. The doctor gave them pills and he said to take it every day until they are all gone. So they took the pills and left. When they got home, he took a pill. It just made him look worse. So they didn’t take it and when they were supposed to take them and he was better. So once in a while he would be bad so it won’t happen ever again.

Article posted March 14, 2012 at 08:07 PM GMT0 • Reads 216

My Young Author's Book

Article posted March 21, 2012 at 10:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 303

My Young Author's book is really great. It is stories from my blog. I think it has fourteen stories. It is called The Best of My Blog. I have five illustrations. The most pictures you could've done was six. I only wanted to do five. My book is really long. It is double sided. If it is double sided, it would be twelve and a half pages long. I like my Young Author's book. I think my favorite story (or stories) is The Unkown Island. I really like that story. My other favorite ones are The Worst Day of Your Life (Part one) and The Worst Day of Your Life (Part two). You can read my whole book here


Article posted March 21, 2012 at 10:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 303

Earth Day Grocery Bags

Article posted April 4, 2012 at 07:49 PM GMT0 • Reads 567

When Mari and I went to room sixteen, a first grade class, everyone was looking at us. I was nervous when they did. When we started to tell them about Earth Day, they were very polite, except for one boy who talked when we were talking. We didn’t get to use a microphone. We used a small desk. They didn’t have any questions. None of them knew when Earth Day was.

When we went to room three, Mrs. Weaver’s class, they were very polite, too. They were a kindergarten class. We used a rocking chair to put our stuff on. They didn’t have any questions, either. None of them knew when Earth Day was. Mari and I messed up a little.

Article posted April 4, 2012 at 07:49 PM GMT0 • Reads 567

What I Enjoyed About Earth Day

Article posted April 12, 2012 at 07:55 PM GMT0 • Reads 593

The thing I enjoyed the most was decorating the brown Safeway bags. It was really fun. I made three bags. I am on my fourth bag. Another thing I enjoyed was editing the bags. It was really fun. I got two upside down bags and one sideways bag. The bags that we saw were beautiful.

My experience was not being nervous or scared of gong in front of other people. I was nervous at first, but when I practiced in front of our classroom, I wasn’t nervous anymore.

My family is going to Safeway on Earth Day so we can get an Earth Day bag. I hope we get mine. You can go to the website You can see bags that other students did in the past years. Some are really good. You can even see other bags from other countries. It is very cool.   

Article posted April 12, 2012 at 07:55 PM GMT0 • Reads 593

My Spring Break Plans

Article posted April 13, 2012 at 05:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 613

I am planning to sleep in and have pancakes. I like my mom’s pancakes. They are really good. I am planning to read a lot. I like to read. Reading is a lot of fun. I am going to go to my cousin’s house.

I might go to my cousin’s class because it is spring break. I am going to play on my xo a lot. I like to play on my xo. It is really fun. I hope I get Beamer. It is a new xo. I am going to take an xo home for the whole spring break. I am going to use my xo a lot. I like to take xos home with me.

Article posted April 13, 2012 at 05:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 613

Spring Break

Article posted April 24, 2012 at 08:01 PM GMT0 • Reads 590

My weekend was awesome!I had a blast. On Saturday, I slept in and had pancakes. I had four. They were really good. After I ate, I read for an hour. Then I played on my dad's laptop. It was fun. I played on it for like five hours. I went to bed at 10:00.

On Sunday, I slept in and had pancakes. I had four pancakes. They were awesome. Then I read for thirty minutes. After that, I asked my mom if we could play outside, and she said yes so I changed and played. We were outside for fifty three minutes. I was riding my bike. When we got home it was lunch time. We had pasta. It was good. Then I played on my dad's laptop for the rest of the day. It was really fun.

Article posted April 24, 2012 at 08:01 PM GMT0 • Reads 590

The New Computer Lab

Article posted May 9, 2012 at 07:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 629

The new computer lab is so awesome. I am writing this article in the computer lab. The mouse only has one button. The screens are bigger than the old computer. The computers are iMac computers. I wrote this article on May 9, 2012.I really like the new computers

Article posted May 9, 2012 at 07:48 PM GMT0 • Reads 629


Article posted May 10, 2012 at 10:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 661

I thought the MSP was going to be hard before I even did it, but after we started to do it, it was easier than I thought it would be. I thought the pencils that the principal gave us were cool. It said my principal loves me. I was like the eleventh one who finished. The test wasn’t easy, but it wasn’t hard. It was sort of in the middle. I think the math is going to be easier than the reading because I am really good at math. I feel relieved that the reading part is done. I am more excited about the math test than the reading part.

I thought the Math MSP was sooooooooooo easy! I was the first one to finish because it was really easy. The Reading MSP was harder than the Math MSP. I am really good at math. It is my favorite subject in school. That is why I thought it was easy and that I was the first one to finish. I checked my work two times before I raised my hand and Mr. Ahlness took my test. After he took my test, he gave me drawing paper. I love to draw. At 9:55, we took a break and had a snack. I had two apples, two crackers, and a cup of juice. It was really good and then we started to test again.

Article posted May 10, 2012 at 10:15 PM GMT0 • Reads 661

Our Field Trip to Chinatown

Article posted May 18, 2012 at 05:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 736

On out field trip to China town, we took private cars. I was in Mara’s group. We were the last ones to get there. I don’t know why. The group I was in only had girls in it. There were five people in the group. We had to pay to park at the China Town Parking Lot. I had fun on the car ride. When we finally got there, I was so happy.

First, our class went to Uwajimaya. We couldn’t buy anything. We had thirty-five minutes to browse the store. We saw bags of fortune cookies. When we saw a book store, we went in and looked at the books. We couldn’t read all of them because most of them were in Chinese. The only ones that we could read were the comic books. There was a second floor, so we went up there. There were even more books up there than one the first floor. The roof was really low. There was a stool so I stood on it. When I stood on it, I could touch the roof. When we were done looking at the books we went to the first floor and went outside and waited for the other groups. We were the first group to be outside.

Next, we went to the Fortune Cookie Factory. It was my favorite place. They showed us how they make noodles and fortune cookies. We learned a trick about the noodles and how they make them. They make lots of noodles in one day. They showed us how they make fortune cookies. Fortune cookies were first made in Japan. They make lots of fortune cookies in one day. They make over one thousand fortune cookies in one day! That is a lot of fortune cookies. They make flat fortune cookies and fortune cookies that have a fortune inside of them. I got two flat fortune cookies and two fortune cookies that have a fortune inside. I got some really good fortunes inside my fortune cookies. The flat fortune cookies don’t have any fortunes inside of them, but the other ones did. I liked the tour of the Fortune Cookie Factory. It was really fun.

Then we ate the Sun Ya restaurant. There were five tables and ten people per table. We had chopsticks and a fork. I was going to eat with my fork until Mr. Ahlness said there was a contest. The table that uses their forks the least wins. No one at our table knew how to use chopsticks. It was amazing that we did not use our forks once. Our table tied with another table. The prize was your own pair of chopsticks and a fortune cookie.

After we finished eating, we went to a park and played there for ten minutes. I don’t know the name of the park. There was a merry go round. I went on it a lot. There was another part of the parks so I went on that.

On the car ride, I read two books. They were good books. We were the second ones to get there. I liked the car ride.

Article posted May 18, 2012 at 05:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 736

My Blog

Article posted June 14, 2012 at 07:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 595

I think blogging was really fun. I liked to write articles on it. I wrote long articles and short ones. My blog will still be on the internet, but we can't go on it. Mr. Ahlness will change our passwords so we can't go on our blogs and write more articles because he is retiring. We can write comments.

The hard part about writing the articles was we had to come up with ideas and write an article about it. It wasn't hard, but it was tougher than the other things that we had to do on our blogs. I think other kids should have blogs so they can have fun. We can't put our last names or our phone number on our blog. Having a blog is really fun so other kids should have the opportunities to have a blog.

Article posted June 14, 2012 at 07:58 PM GMT0 • Reads 595

Why we Should Still Write on Our Blogs

Article posted June 18, 2012 at 07:57 PM GMT0 • Reads 830

I think we should still be able to write on our blogs so we can remember our third garade teacher. To me, Mr. Ahlness was the best teacher I ever had.

We like to write on our blogs and it is really fun.

I really want to still write on our blogs. So can you PLEASE let us keep our blogs? PLEASE don't change our passwords!

Article posted June 18, 2012 at 07:57 PM GMT0 • Reads 830

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