About me!
Article posted October 5, 2006 at 09:11 PM GMT0 • Reads 937
September 25, 2006
HI I’m Ethan. I really like video games. I play soccer. I like extra cheese pizza and I like pasta too. I have a nice family too. I want to be a marine biologist when I grow up.
Article posted October 5, 2006 at 09:11 PM GMT0 • Reads 937
all about me+
Article posted October 12, 2006 at 09:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 184
September 25, 2006
Hi I’m Ethan. I really like video games. I play soccer. I like extra cheese pizza and I like pasta too. I have a nice family too. I have a lot of friends. I like pokemon cards a lot. I hope I get a big box of pokemon cards. I like the school I go to. It’s a good place to play. Some day I want to be a marine biologist.
Article posted October 12, 2006 at 09:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 184
The Three Ghosts
Article posted October 31, 2006 at 08:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 233
Once there were three ghosts. Their names were Fatso, Stinky, and Stretch. They lived in a haunted house. They were real scary. Then they went to a hotel to scare the manager and they did. They scared the man out of his pajamas. Fatso, Stinky and Stretch laughed and they went home. Then one day a little boy came to their house to trick-or-treat. the boy rang the door bell and BOO!!
Article posted October 31, 2006 at 08:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 233
report cards.
Article posted November 16, 2006 at 08:54 PM GMT0 • Reads 143
November 14, 2006
I feel fine about report cards because without report cards when we grow up we cant get jobs.
Article posted November 16, 2006 at 08:54 PM GMT0 • Reads 143
Article posted November 27, 2006 at 08:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 140
My Thanksgiving was great. I got to watch HARRY POTTER and the chamber of secrets. Then I played video games with my cousin, it was a lot of fun. My cousin and I versus Mathew.
Article posted November 27, 2006 at 08:59 PM GMT0 • Reads 140
Christmas tree
Article posted December 14, 2006 at 07:17 PM GMT0 • Reads 201
Christmas tree by Ethan
Last year when we went to a tree farm we had a snow ball fight. After that my mom found a really nice Christmas tree. It was great. Then we bought the tree and went home to decorate the Christmas tree. That was really fun. Then we went to the store to buy new ornaments. That was fun but tiring. Once we picked our ornaments we went home to put them on the Christmas tree. We watched T.V. That was fun too. So merry Christmas to all.
Article posted December 14, 2006 at 07:17 PM GMT0 • Reads 201
Harrison Hot Springs
Article posted January 24, 2007 at 09:07 PM GMT0 • Reads 338
Last week my parents made a surprise. We were going to Harrison Hot Springs and my sister guessed where we were going. I was so excited I could not wait till we got to our room. After we got to our room we went to the swimming pool. Then we went to dinner at a fancy place with entertainment. It was cool. Then we went swimming again. We watched TV and then we went to bed.
Article posted January 24, 2007 at 09:07 PM GMT0 • Reads 338
Marine biologist
Article posted February 1, 2007 at 09:01 PM GMT0 • Reads 365
When I grow up I want to be a marine biologist. It will be fun and it will a mystery. I mostly want to become one because you get to get closer to sea life and that would cool but little scary.
Article posted February 1, 2007 at 09:01 PM GMT0 • Reads 365
Valentine Parties
Article posted February 13, 2007 at 08:55 PM GMT0 • Reads 654
I like Valentine’s Day because of the candy and the parties. I like the parties because they're fun. You can have them at home or at school and a lot of other places. You can have parties with your friends? It is a time to have fun with your family and watch movies.
Article posted February 13, 2007 at 08:55 PM GMT0 • Reads 654
Article posted February 28, 2007 at 08:41 PM GMT0 • Reads 226
I like multiplication because I just do but I still need practice because I’m still not good at 8 times 9 and 7 times 8 or 12 times 9 and things like that.
Article posted February 28, 2007 at 08:41 PM GMT0 • Reads 226
Valentine's Day Rules!
Article posted March 13, 2007 at 08:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 262
Article posted March 13, 2007 at 08:44 PM GMT0 • Reads 262
The Blog I Like
Article posted March 22, 2007 at 08:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 330
I like Shadow T.’s blog because he has cool stories like Team rescuers
Article posted March 22, 2007 at 08:50 PM GMT0 • Reads 330
Article posted April 27, 2007 at 09:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 190
Day 1. The wasl was what I expected.
Day 2.Today is the last day of reading in the wasl. It was easy.
Day 3. Today is the first day of the math session 1. I think it will be easier than reading.
Day 4. Today the wasl was easy as always. It was no harder then yesterday but it did have a little harder questions than yesterday
Article posted April 27, 2007 at 09:56 PM GMT0 • Reads 190
journal 31
Article posted May 18, 2007 at 06:17 PM GMT0 • Reads 188
May 14, 2007
My weekend was great. I got to have dinner with my grandma and grandpa. It was a lot of fun.
May 15 2007
What’s on my mind is tomorrow I wonder if one of my friends will come over and play with me tomorrow.
May 16, 2007
My book is not coming along very nicely .
May 17, 2007
What’s on my mind today is tomorrow I play lots of video games.
May 18, 2007
My plans for the weekend are eating cheese and playing video games all day long and annoying my sisters all day long too.
Article posted May 18, 2007 at 06:17 PM GMT0 • Reads 188
The Bahamas
Article posted May 25, 2007 at 08:55 PM GMT0 • Reads 179
First my dad and I got tickets. Then we waited for the plane to get there. When the plane got back we got on. It wasn’t a very long wait until we got there.
When we landed we took a taxi to get to the hotel once we got there we ate lunch. Then we went swimming. When we were done swimming went to get a room. First we went to a counter to rent a room.
When we got our room we room we un packed and went to the pool to go swimming again. When we went back to the room we ate dinner and went to bed. But me and my sister stayed up a little longer watching TV. When we were done watching TV we talked and then we finally went to sleep.
The next day we went out and ate, then we went swimming but in a different pool. This one was more fun than the one at the hotel. After that we went to the aquarium we saw a manta ray. It was cool.
When we were done looking at the manta ray which was not for a while we went and saw the sharks. We saw all sorts of sharks. We even saw a great white shark.
When we were done looking at the sharks we went to the beach to swim. It was fun. We got hit by waves. We got tossed around by the waves .I passed out once, only once and only for a few seconds. It was totally awesome. When we were done doing that we went back to the hotel to eat lunch and then we went out again.
When we were out we went to see the sawfish. It was totally awesome. After that we took pictures of the manta ray, the saw fish, and the egle ray and all sorts of creatures.
Then we went back to the hotel to eat and watch TV for the rest of the day. The next day we went swimming before we ate so we wouldn’t get a cramp. Then we ate breakfast. Then we didn’t want to go out again. We stayed at the hotel and went to see all the places at the hotel. after we did that then we went out, we went swimming again.
When we were done with that we went to the restaurant to eat. When we were done eating we went to the store and bought some food and we went back to the hotel to put it in the fridge. Then we ate dinner and watched TV. It was fun and then we went to sleep.
The next day we slept in because we were going out every day and we were so tired, so we slept in and when we were all rested up we went down to eat breakfast. When we were done with breakfast we went to the pool. I got a cramp. When we got out of the pool we dried off and got our clothes on and went back inside. Then we went out and saw every thing and we made a friend at the Bahamas. I forgot his name though so don’t bother asking. Then once we were done exploring we went to the airport. It was time to leave.
When the plane was there we got on and started to head home. It was along plane ride but it was worth the trip. It was good to be home. PS. We went straight to bed.
Hi I’m Ethan. I really like video games. I play soccer. I like extra cheese pizza and I like pasta too. I have a nice family too. I have a lot of friends. I like pokemon cards a lot. I hope I get a big box of pokemon cards. I like the school I go to. It’s a good place to play. Someday I want to be a marine biologist.
Article posted May 25, 2007 at 08:55 PM GMT0 • Reads 179
What I will miss
Article posted June 20, 2007 at 10:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 956
What I will miss is my friends and the teachers at this school and I will come back to this School next year so there is nothing really to miss but I will miss being in third grade and being in Mr.A’s class. But I wonder what fourth grade will be like. I know something, it will be harder.
Article posted June 20, 2007 at 10:08 PM GMT0 • Reads 956