Dalen Rathbun -- Blogmeister
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   2004 - 2016

Junior High science

7th and 8th science

Life Science and Physical Science

by Dalen Rathbun

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Why must we recycle?

Article posted November 2, 2006 at 04:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 541

Why do we need to recycle? Recycling is a new habit. New habits are hard to form. We are a nation of waste. It is much easier to throw our discards away rather than recycle or take the time to sort and separate and take them to the recycling center. Recycling will reduce our waste which fills landfills and reduce the consumption of energy which uses hydrocarbons that contributes to the greenhouse effect. We must make a more concerted effort in getting more public awareness and support for recycling and reduction of waste. What do you young people need to do to get this thing going?

Article posted November 2, 2006 at 04:06 PM GMT0 • Reads 541

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My Classes & Students

7th grade science 1st hour
7th grade science 3rd hour
8th Grade Science 4th hour

About the Blogger

I have taught for 29 years in the areas of physical and life science at the junior high level